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  1. pontios

    sister / see-star

    Ναι, καλό, Αλεξάνδρα! Along the lines of my version 2 to a small degree (if I'm going to give myself any credit), but I missed the racist dig at himself/the mexicans - and I think you have that part right.
  2. pontios

    sister / see-star

    Νομίζω αυτό το "would actually make her my see-star" σημαίνει ένα από τα ακόλουθα δύο πράγματα: 1. με τη πώληση της στη δουλεία, θα γινόταν πραγματικά η αδελφή του (με την έννοια ότι θα ταυτιζόταν μαζί του), αφού ο ίδιος ένιωθε ότι πωλήθηκε (ή εξαναγκάστηκε να μπει) στη «δουλεία» (με βάση το...
  3. pontios

    sister / see-star

    There may be another possibility, Alexandra? You can just reject it - no need to reply here, of course. Maybe he felt that he had effectively "sold" himself into "slavery", by relinquishing the will to decide for himself (to others, who had led him down the wrong path). ... and by selling his...
  4. pontios

    sister / see-star

    ..."(εξάλλου) αυτό δείχνει ότι είναι "η α-δερ-φή μου!".
  5. pontios

    sister / see-star

    ή ... ή ίσως την πούλησα στους εμπόρους λευκής σάρκας, πράγμα που δείχνει ότι είναι (πραγματικά) η α-δερ-φή μου; (αδερφή μου = "ιδιοκτησία" μου - ο,τι θέλω την κάνω - "είναι του χεριού μου", όπως ανέφερε ο nickel).
  6. pontios

    όλα τα σφάζω, όλα τα μαχαιρώνω

    Thanks, dr7 and Alexandra. Κάτι σαν το "I'll butcher all, and take a stab at everything" έχει ένα παραλληλισμό, νομίζω; to butcher = tο bungle, botch take a stab at something = make an attempt (even when one is not equal to the challenge/task).
  7. pontios

    όλα τα σφάζω, όλα τα μαχαιρώνω

    just adding ...(it just came to me, sorry). Με την ευκαιρία της αναβίωσης του νήματος ... δεν ξέρω αν περιέχει και την έννοια: I take no prisoners. take no prisoners Definitions (informal) to be ruthlessly uncompromising and resolute in one's actions
  8. pontios

    όλα τα σφάζω, όλα τα μαχαιρώνω and here's someone who's up for anything/ready for all comers/ready (or up) for any challenge. up for it/something/anything/any challenge Definitions (informal) keen or willing to try something/anything (out) or make a good effort" ⇒ ■ it's a...
  9. pontios

    ping off a cellular tower

    αποστολή/παροχή πληροφορίας θέσης από (GPS-enabled) κινητό τηλέφωνο σε/στον (αιτούντα) πύργο; my subtitle-unfriendly wild guess for the week
  10. pontios

    glidepath obligations

    Sorry this is in English. I sent this as a pm to oliver_twisted a couple of days ago. If someone could please delete my above 2 posts. [Nickel says: Posts deleted as per your request.] "I saw something on the internet, I'm not sure if it's relevant - it was referring to a pricing schedule that...
  11. pontios

    ξεμπαζωμένο υπόγειο

    Thank you, Palavra. Very well expressed and explained - I now have it down pat. Δηλαδή, μόνο οι Έλληνες του εξωτερικού βαδίζουν με το σταυρό στο χέρι. :) Ή εντιμότητα μας δεν μετριέται - it's "off the scale" - cougr can vouch for that. :inno:
  12. pontios

    ξεμπαζωμένο υπόγειο

    Σας ευχαριστώ, nickel και Palavra. Τουλάχιστον τώρα κατάλαβα περί τίνος πρόκειται. :) It's an unpermitted/illegal something or other.
  13. pontios

    ξεμπαζωμένο υπόγειο

    re: walkout basement (and dug-out basement entrance) - home design photos.
  14. pontios

    ξεμπαζωμένο υπόγειο

    Δεν ξέρω αν ταιριάζει και το dug-out basement; I'm not sure how far this project goes, is it just to create a basement from a crawl space? - but if it extends to creating a room or apartment: Για αυτό έχουμε το converted basement (which is an apartment or room that's been created from a...
  15. pontios

    οκτώ εκατοστιαίες μονάδες και πενήντα πέντε εκατοστά της εκατοστιαίας μονάδας

    or just to round this thread off eight percentage points and fifty-five one-hundredths of a percentage point
  16. pontios

    How does one smork a salmon?

    I just posted the same, above, nickel! :huh: So it must be right.
  17. pontios

    How does one smork a salmon?

    Ομελέτα χωριάτικη, ίσως, για το boorish omelette; φαγώσιμο χόρτο του βουνού .. for grass hill?
  18. pontios

    turn right (left) on OR in [X] street?

    Συμφωνώ με τον nickel - καλό μου ακούγεται με το "on". Και η εκδοχή του nickel είναι πολύ καλή (με το "into"). Good to hear from Philip - he's spot on, too - and it sounds natural and less stilted. :) Here's another way, Palavra, using "at" (and taking the less formal route): Take a right at...
  19. pontios

    turn right (left) on OR in [X] street?

    Hi, cougr. I was just endorsing your suggestion of turning "into" over turning "in" (in regard to entering a street) - and included "onto" in the discussion. I don't disagree with the other choices (at/on). However, we also need to consider - if you make a left turn "on" or "in" a street, it...
  20. pontios

    turn right (left) on OR in [X] street?

    ... oops, interection = intersection (not a Freudian slip) A U-Turn "at" the intersection (or even "on" the bridge?) would be grammatically correct, but a traffic violation, of course. ;)