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  1. pontios

    Βιντεάκια για γέλια και για κλάματα

    Μα, είναι δυνατόν; .. και όμως ......... an elephant painting an elephant! Καλά Χριστούγεννα και καλές γιορτές!
  2. pontios

    Sentence 2

    Σ' ευχαριστώ πολύ, nickel, για τις εξαιρετικά χρήσιμες προτάσεις, σκέψεις και διορθώσεις (οι πολυάριθμες κόκκινες γραμμές μου θυμίζουν τα σχολικά μου χρόνια - ακόμα και την ανεμοβλογιά). :) Είμαι ευγνώμων για άλλη μια φορά - έκανες πολύ περισσότερο από ό,τι περίμενα. Συνειδητοποιώ ένα...
  3. pontios

    Sentence 2

    Also, I probably need to change .."once you were married, to ..."once you are married"? (and also the past tense of that whole sentence somehow seems wrong, now, so that whole sentence will probably need to be reworked and restated?). i.e., from - .. "who you said was going to make your life...
  4. pontios

    Sentence 2

    Thanks, nickel. The removal of "and" is a further improvement. I've just added the entire passage (the one I just emailed across to my uncle). See post #3, again. I'd appreciate it, if you could spot any other "obvious" mistakes. I'm not happy with .. "guilt of the murder", for instance - but...
  5. pontios

    Sentence 2

    Thanks, Daemon. "She could" is an obvious improvement - I'm going over some sentences that needed reworking. Here's what I just emailed across to my uncle, that is still in its raw form, for anyone interested. (It needs to be reworked). Barba-Dimitri was speechless, and his eyes filled with...
  6. pontios

    Sentence 2

    Χρόνια Πολλά! Πώς σας φαίνεται αυτή η πρόταση; He was in a positive mood, and looking forward to bringing Magda-Maria home with him that evening, so she can finally meet his family. Π.χ., θα ήταν προτιμότερο να αναδιατυπωθεί ως; ... He was in a positive mood, and looked forward to bringing...
  7. pontios

    squatting = κατάληψη εγκαταλελειμμένου χώρου

    Thanks, nickel. Also,if you click the above link, you'll see that the immediately following clause (i.e. clause 2; which I've quoted and highlighted, below) answers my earlier query on whether a tenant (delinquent or otherwise) who continues to remain on the premises, without permission,and...
  8. pontios

    squatting = κατάληψη εγκαταλελειμμένου χώρου

    Yes, the squatters move into unoccupied buildings (only some of which may actually be abandoned), so you make a good point. (I forgot α "κτλ"... at the end. :inno:). ;)
  9. pontios

    squatting = κατάληψη εγκαταλελειμμένου χώρου

    Συμφωνώ, Helle, αλλά απλώς (επηρεασμένος από τον Γεωργό Α) έθεσα το ερώτημα αν αυτό το squatting, ίσως, Θα πρέπει. επίσης, να περιλαμβάνει τις περιπτώσεις στις οποίες οι μισθωτές παραμένουν στο χώρο ενοικίασης, χωρίς να πληρώνουν το ενοίκιο τους . και παρ 'όλον που η συμφωνημένη περίοδος...
  10. pontios

    squatting = κατάληψη εγκαταλελειμμένου χώρου

    GeorgeA has made a good point. I think a former tenant living past his/her rental contract and not paying to live on the property, can(perhaps) also be considered a squatter? ..(after initially being considered a "delinquent" tenant, perhaps?). If so (and it needs to be verified first, of...
  11. pontios


    You could be right, Earion, as sharecropping was coming to an end around the 1930's. Personally,I'm confused by the brackets, "(σε χρήμα)", in that, on the one hand, if we ignore them, it sounds like a sharecropper (who, by definition, pays with a percentage of his/her produce), rather than a...
  12. pontios


    Επίσης, για τo "sharecropper" - κολίγας ο [kolíγas] Ο2 & κολίγος ο [kolíγos] Ο18 : αγρότης που δούλευε σε τσιφλίκι με συνθήκες εξαρτημένης εργασίας και που έπαιρνε ως αμοιβή μέρος της παραγωγής.
  13. pontios


    Δεν ξέρω αν ο όρος χρησιμοποιόταν κατά τη συγκεκριμένη χρονική περίοδο, στην οποία αναφέρεσαι(ας το τσεκάρεις αυτό), αλλά μπορεί να ταιριάζει το "sharecropper", εδώ;
  14. pontios

    cryptic species

    Yes, nickel, you're quite right. I got caught up in what I was posting and forgot that important distinction we reached earlier. I think I was thinking of "hidden", as in "conceal", and somehow got muddled up re: "cryptic animal".
  15. pontios

    cryptic species

    Hi Themi. ;) What I meant is the term "cryptic species", first coined in 1940, as cougr pointed out, is probably more relevant today (due to advanced molecular science and DNA techniques). I also agree with cougr (and everyone else) that "cryptic" means "hidden" of course, whether we are...
  16. pontios

    cryptic species

    Good point, cougr, but the fact that the term stands up today (may even be a more established term, nowadays?) and has stood the test of time (post the advent of molecular genetic analysis and the DNA decryption) may be telling us something too?
  17. pontios

    cryptic species

    cryp·tic adjective 1. mysterious in meaning; puzzling; ambiguous: a cryptic message. 2. involving or using cipher, code (i,e encoding, encrypting !!!) Sorry for insisting.:cool: re: encoding, Encryption - All the hereditary information of an individual species, as we know, is encoded...
  18. pontios

    cryptic species

    Sorry for the consecutive posts - I should have allowed someone else's response first, but I wanted to complete my line of thought. Ίσως, για να αποδεχτούμε τον όρο, θα πρέπει να δούμε τα πράγματα από την εξής άποψη - Όπως η αποκωδικοποίηση ενός κρυπτικού μηνύματος, μας αποκαλύπτει το μήνυμα...
  19. pontios

    cryptic species

    Correction post #25, sorry! - "animals whose code has been decrypted" - needs to be amended to "species of animals whose codes have been decrypted". ..also wiki mentions at least 6 cryptic species of giraffes being identified, thus far(which suggests more may be in the offing?)- so I'm sure...
  20. pontios

    cryptic species

    ... or, on second thoughts, maybe they are regarded, as cryptic, after being identified as such.:confused: Apparently, there are 11 genetically different giraffe species (or subspecies?)- so what was initially regarded as one species (as all 11 subspecies are morphologically identical or very...