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  1. pontios

    Τα χάπια μου και το Lear Jet να φύγω!!!

    By visual technique I meant "visual narrative" (maybe I should have stated it that way?) .. i.e., storytelling through imagery and based on our sensory perception (rather than through dialogue). Maybe something along the lines ? .. it needs to be reworded. Using/through visual narrative/imagery...
  2. pontios

    Τα χάπια μου και το Lear Jet να φύγω!!!

    As an exercise, if we wanted to cut through all the mumbo jumbo and restate and simplify things (as dharvatis suggested earlier, and keeping in mind it's for subtitling purposes), I'm wondering if it could have been boiled down to something like? Using visual techniques, the director has more...
  3. pontios

    μετά λόγου γνώσεως = in/with full knowledge of the facts, from personal knowledge, advisedly

    Well, as long as it's your considered and reasoned opinion (based on rigorous research, with carefully reasoned analysis). Anyway, you've given it a lot of thought and due consideration, so it's cool and I still feel validated .. and yes, it's a great short. :)
  4. pontios

    μετά λόγου γνώσεως = in/with full knowledge of the facts, from personal knowledge, advisedly

    Just adding .. .. if we want to include "reason" in there ...after/through carefully reasoned analysis, etc... cougr will come up with some better suggestions soon.;) I need some validation to kick-start my day.
  5. pontios

    μετά λόγου γνώσεως = in/with full knowledge of the facts, from personal knowledge, advisedly

    Just to conclude (btw,I've enjoyed this thread and discussion). Hi, cougr. I disregard everything you say... not! (imagine if I left that hanging; hell hath no fury like a wounded/scorned cougr). ;) I can't disagree with your post. However, I still think that one of the interpretations should...
  6. pontios

    μετά λόγου γνώσεως = in/with full knowledge of the facts, from personal knowledge, advisedly

    Thanks, cougr for taking the time to reply; I appreciate and respect that (and I'm not going to accuse you of anything, where did you get that idea?). Just so that we're on the same page and there's no misunderstanding. Most of the thread was dedicated to searching for the meaning(and making...
  7. pontios

    μετά λόγου γνώσεως = in/with full knowledge of the facts, from personal knowledge, advisedly

    It's just a theory, cougr. FWIW, I see real knowledge or real undestanding of a given situation, as only being attainable through reasoning. For example in an air crash investigation, we need reasoning to reach an understanding (=the knowledge) of what went wrong. We know the plane went down and...
  8. pontios

    μετά λόγου γνώσεως = in/with full knowledge of the facts, from personal knowledge, advisedly

    Γεια σου, cougr. Εκτός από τη χρήση που προανέφερα στην προηγούμενη ανάρτηση μου: Γνώριζα ότι χρησιμοποιείται(το advisedly), στο πλαίσιο της δικαστικής, αλλά πέρα από αυτό αισθάνομαι (όπως και εσύ ίσως), ότι η χρήση είναι πολύ τυπική η και απαρχαιωμένη (η αναχρονιστική), κάπως: π.χ. οι...
  9. pontios

    μετά λόγου γνώσεως = in/with full knowledge of the facts, from personal knowledge, advisedly

    Νομίζω τo advisedly χρησιμοποιείται σε ειδικές περιπτώσεις όπου ο ομιλητής ή ο γράφων επιθυμεί να τονίσει ότι έχει χρησιμοποιήσει εσκεμμένα μια συγκεκριμένη λέξη (ή φράση), έτσι ώστε ο παραλήπτης να μη διερωτάται για τη σωστή της χρήση η όχι. To the best of my knowledge λέει τίποτα εδώ;
  10. pontios

    προφάσεις εν αμαρτίαις = excuses

    Μια διάκριση που ίσως πρέπει να γίνει; Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη τα ανωτέρω, προφάσεις εν αμαρτίαις = an excuse/excuses (or even a licence in a way?) to commit unpardonable/unjustifiable/inexcusable sins, ενώ το σκέτο προφάσεις = excuses, plain and simple. Δηλαδή, οι προφάσεις εν αμαρτίαις =...
  11. pontios

    larger-than-life = που ξεπερνά τα ανθρώπινα μέτρα, που κάνει την υπέρβαση | πληθωρικός | επιβλητικός, εντυπωσιακός

    Αυτό ακούγεται σαν το "θρυλικός"; -ή -ό [θrilikós] Ε1 : που κινείται στην περιοχή του θρύλου: H θρυλική προσωπικότητα του Mεγάλου Aλεξάνδρου. || που λόγω των εκπληκτικών επιδόσεών του έχει περιβληθεί από μεγάλη αίγλη: Θρυλικό πρόσωπο. ~ ήρωας. Θρυλικό κατόρθωμα.
  12. pontios

    τζάμπα μάγκας

    Hi, cougr. Sorry for my tardy response. Of course it is just conjecture. It was just a suggestion, on my part, of a term that may have somewhat suited the occasion, if it had its Greek equivalent. So it's just a hypothetical. From what nickel pointed out - it suggests to me that Stournaras was...
  13. pontios


    I think you're right - I think the subaltern humour does relate to the marginalised ethnic minority or marginalised subculture - and is obviously going to be the source of the humour in the film; but what I meant was that the director was in effect not afraid to serve up this style of humour...
  14. pontios


    Please ignore my post. Μόλις συνειδητοποίησα ότι πρόκειται για τον σκηνοθέτη, νόμιζα ότι ο αναφερόμενος ήταν ο κεντρικός χαρακτήρας ...(ξαναδιάβασα - πιο προσεκτικά - το αρχικό ποστ).:o P.S. I think cougr has posed a good question - I think (from the way the director has been described) that...
  15. pontios


    Χρειαζόμαστε περισσότερη πληροφόρηση .. Ίσως το βλέπω από λάθος οπτική γωνία, αλλά για κάποιο λόγο μου ακούγεται (αυτό το χιούμορ) σαν ένστικτο επιβίωσης, μεσώ του οποίου ο αναφερόμενος έχει μια σπάνια (γιαυτό ίσως θεωρείτε και "fresh") ικανότητα να τονίζει τα θετικά και να υποβαθμίζει τα...
  16. pontios

    τζάμπα μάγκας

    The pedant in me says (he could be wrong too, and I told him to take it "easy"), I should have written: " ...if the opposition were to come to power (one day) and had to come up with plans and had to make .." - last paragraph, sorry. Also, I should have written cushy instead of cush .. 2nd line.
  17. pontios

    τζάμπα μάγκας

    Hi, cougr. Stournaras is definitely calling the opposition lazy, as well as accusing them of lacking initiative; and an armchair critic also has it "easy" (it's a cush and lazy life, as "armchair" suggests), but the term also incorporates "critic" , which Ι think is important, as it's quite...
  18. pontios

    τζάμπα μάγκας

    Ίσως τους αποκάλεσε κάτι ισοδύναμο με το "armchair critic/s"; Με την έννοια ότι είναι εύκολο να επικρίνεις ή να δίνεις συμβουλές από τη σχετική ασφάλεια (και την άνεση) της πολυθρόνας ( δηλαδή όταν βρίσκεσαι μακριά από την γραμμή πυρός - όταν δεν έχεις την ευθύνη), παρά να προτείνεις κάτι...
  19. pontios


    Thanks, nickel. Όσον αφορά το εκκλησιαστικό παράδειγμα - εφόσον είναι επισήμως τεκμηριωμένο ως intrusion - intrusion είναι. Full Stop. Για τον πολιτικό που αναμείχθηκε με τα ποδοσφαιρικά ζητήματα - τι είδους εισπήδηση είναι εδώ; Did he intrude? Did he storm in? Did he "thrust" himself into...