Sentence 2


Well-known member
Χρόνια Πολλά!

Πώς σας φαίνεται αυτή η πρόταση;

He was in a positive mood, and looking forward to bringing Magda-Maria home with
him that evening, so she can finally meet his family.

Π.χ., θα ήταν προτιμότερο να αναδιατυπωθεί ως; ...
He was in a positive mood, and looked forward to bringing ...

Any other suggestions or changes?
Much appreciated ... Chris


Well-known member
Thanks, Daemon.
"She could" is an obvious improvement - I'm going over some sentences that needed reworking.

Here's what I just emailed across to my uncle, that is still in its raw form, for anyone interested.
(It needs to be reworked).

Barba-Dimitri was speechless, and his eyes filled with tears, as he
sat, crouched on the bed, and listened, incredulously, until he
finally whispered, "what a curse, a real curse!"
"If I marry Magda-Maria, and start a family with her, the guilt of
the murder will keep gnawing away at me, for the rest of my life.
If I was to confess the crime to her, that would mean the
end of our relationship. Grandpa, I need you to help me, please."
Domna knocked and entered the room, as the conversation
between her grandson and her husband continued. Three hours
had passed, but they still had plenty to consider, deeming the
matter way too important to leave unresolved .
She left a tray with two glasses of water and two servings of
dessert on the bedside table, and returned to wait for them
in the lounge-room.
"Pull yourself together, lad, don't despair, as, god-willing, we
will find a solution. We know that we cannot change the
past, and that anger, whether it's of the short-fuse variety
or of the festering kind that can slowly develop, over time, inside
a young impressionable mind; it was anger that brought
about the death of your father, and also of Magda-Maria's.father.
Life must go on, you are both young and you both need, and deserve
to enjoy life.
Barba-Dimitri paused to sip some water and then continued,
"Hear me lad. I'm not trying to justify the evil act that you
committed, the taking of a life. However, I don't want you
to destroy your life, by losing this special girl, who you said
was going to make your life complete and happy once you
were married. Tomorrow, I want you to bring her here, so we can
meet her. There will be a solution, if we never abandon hope, but
trust in it as our guide to happiness. You've got to leave the past
behind. lad, and look towards the future, with hope."
"Thank you grandpa, I was feeling desperate and miserable,
and you managed to make me see things somewhat differently, now.
Tomorrow evening, I'll bring Magda-Maria over, so you can meet her.
Good night, grandpa!"
Achilleas kissed his grandpa on the cheek, and went into the lounge-room.
He tiptoed quietly to his bedroom, past his grandma, who was asleep on
the couch, whilst his mum remained sound asleep, oblivious to the all-night
discussion that had just taken place.
The next day seemed to drag on, as Achilleas was feeling tired from
the physical nature of his work and the overnight discussion with his grandpa.
He was eager for the afternoon to arrive, so he can call it a day.
When he returned home, he made himself a quick snack, then changed
into some casual clothes, and wore his shiny, new sandals. He was in a
positive mood, and looking forward to bringing Magda-Maria home with
him that evening, so she could finally meet his family.
Magda-Maria, meanwhile, gave her adoptive mum a departing peck on the
cheek, and together with Achilleas exited the hotel, which was located on
Monastiriou Road. They chatted, as they walked all the way to Vardariou
Square, where they were enticed by the sweet smell emanating from
a patisserie and agreed to sit and enjoy a cake, there.
The time flew and the conversation flowed, as they happily chatted about
a host of topics, enjoying each other's company. Achilleas got up first, and
hailed a taxi.
"To Agia Fotini, please," he informed the driver. They continued to chat in
the taxi, but Achilleas was careful not to reveal his secret thoughts to her,
of course. His mind wondered to his father's murder, which her father was
responsible for, a fact that she of course was not aware of.
A few wandering neighbourhood dogs started barking like crazy, as they stepped
out of the taxi that night, in front of Achillea's house. Maria-Magda was startled
and fell into Achillea's comforting embrace.
"Careful, you're going to devour my son, the way you're clinging on."
"Don't misjudge me ma'am; didn't you see all the angry dogs attacking us?"
"For heaven's sake mum, don't ruin it from the start," Achilleas protested,
"come here and let me introduce you to Magda-Maria."
"Pleased to meet you, my girl."
"Pleased to meet you, ma'am."
They greeted each other, formally, with a handshake.
Eleni continued to hang the clothes, in the yard, under the light of an electric
lamp and once she finished, she entered the house. Upon entering, she
saw Domna hugging and kissing Magda-Maria. She gazed at them, with a
slight frown on her face, and went to the bathroom, where she remained for
quite a while.


Staff member
Εγώ προτιμώ δύο άλλες λύσεις, αλλά οπωσδήποτε could.

He was in a positive mood, looking forward to bringing Magda-Maria home with him that evening, so she could finally meet his family.
He was in a positive mood, and looked forward to bringing Magda-Maria home with him that evening, so she could finally meet his family


Well-known member
Thanks, nickel.
The removal of "and" is a further improvement.

I've just added the entire passage (the one I just emailed across to my uncle).
See post #3, again.
I'd appreciate it, if you could spot any other "obvious" mistakes.

I'm not happy with .. "guilt of the murder", for instance - but I 've already spent 2 hours on the translation and just decided to send it through, in the end.

I just noticed I called Magda-Maria, "Maria-Magda", at one stage. :)

I will also change "so he can call it a day" -- to "so he could call it a day".


Well-known member
Also, I probably need to change .."once you were married, to ..."once you are married"? (and also the past tense of that whole sentence somehow seems wrong, now, so that whole sentence will probably need to be reworked and restated?).

i.e., from - .. "who you said was going to make your life complete and happy once you were married" -
possibly to -
who you said would make (or .. was going to make) your life complete and happy once you are married ..

I can't think at the moment; anyway, it's siesta time (it's going to nudge 40 degrees today!). :sleep: zzzzzz... !


Staff member
Σου έστειλα τις διορθώσεις μου σε ΠΜ. Μια από τις διορθώσεις αφορά αυτό:

A few wandering neighbourhood dogs started barking like crazy, as they stepped out of the taxi that night, in front of Achillea's house.

Εκτός από τα σκυλιά που έγιναν stray, η κυριότερη αλλαγή είναι στο they, που μας κάνει να σκεφτούμε σκύλους να βγαίνουν από το ταξί.


Well-known member
Σ' ευχαριστώ πολύ, nickel, για τις εξαιρετικά χρήσιμες προτάσεις, σκέψεις και διορθώσεις (οι πολυάριθμες κόκκινες γραμμές μου θυμίζουν τα σχολικά μου χρόνια - ακόμα και την ανεμοβλογιά). :)
Είμαι ευγνώμων για άλλη μια φορά - έκανες πολύ περισσότερο από ό,τι περίμενα.

Συνειδητοποιώ ένα μεγάλο, ίσως αγεφύρωτο, χάσμα ικανότητας - ανάμεσα μεταφραστή και έναν απλό ερασιτέχνη.

Να είσαι πάντα καλά.

Χρόνια πολλά.. Χρήστος

I'll leave this highlighted, below, as a sad reminder of what happens when I switch off, and go into automatic mode.
(My only excuse for not using "stray" is that my uncle used ¨γειτονικά σκυλιά", here, but lhere's no excuse for failing to see the obvious ambiguity).
A few wandering neighbourhood dogs started barking like crazy, as they stepped out of the taxi that night, in front of Achillea's house.
Εκτός από τα σκυλιά που έγιναν stray, η κυριότερη αλλαγή είναι στο they, που μας κάνει να σκεφτούμε σκύλους να βγαίνουν από το ταξί.


Staff member
Είσαι υπερβολικός. Φαίνονται πολλά τα κόκκινα γιατί στο Word προσθέτεις ένα κόμμα και το Track changes σε κάνει να νομίζεις ότι ήρθε η συντέλεια του κόσμου.