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  1. pontios

    απιστία περί την υπηρεσία

    Just adding to my post above... Actually, if you want to pare it right back? ... (and if you can do that, of course). Why not "fraud" (in place of "embezzlement of public funds")? civil servant fraud? or civil servant's fraud? or public fraud? (and you can refer to the civil servant as a...
  2. pontios

    απιστία περί την υπηρεσία

    In layman's terms.... misuse of public funds/money? theft of public funds? for the title ...I agree with Severus's suggestions... Betrayal of public trust (for personal gain) Abuse of public office/trust (for personal gain)
  3. pontios


    Κάπως έτσι το βλέπω -- έμφυτο χάρισμα(έμφυτο και όχι επίκτητο, από εκπαίδευση), έμφυτη ικανότητά ; A skill or ability that is "second nature", requiring little or no conscious effort (well, that's how I sense it, FWIW).
  4. pontios


    By context, I'm referring to Theseus's link, which I'm assuming is the context of the OP. (I meant be emotionally out of breath ... not emotionally holding your breath). I rambled on before -- I should have just summed it up: The dilemma is ... what's worse...
  5. pontios


    In the context.. I think knot here refers to "emotional knots". The dilemma is - is it easier and preferable to keep presenting this happy facade to the world, with your lips smiling while your heart and soul is bleeding; to keep running away from the world, bottling up your emotions and...
  6. pontios

    δυσανάγνωστη γνωμάτευση

    "Πάντως, στην αρχή η (σύνθετη) λέξη αμέσως μετά από την πρώτη λέξη, "Αρ", (αριστερό; ) νομίζω αρχίζει με "οφθαλμό" ή "οφθαλμικό" .... και δυο λέξεις παρακάτω έχουμε την λέξη "οίδημα"(quite clearly). Πρόκειται για οίδημα γύρω από το επηρεασμένο αριστερό μάτι - αυτό το συμπέρασμα έβγαλα. These are...
  7. pontios

    δυσανάγνωστη γνωμάτευση

    Νομίζω... Στην αρχή βλέπω μια σύνθετη λέξη με "οφθαλμό" ή "οφθαλμικο" που τελειώνει με "γένεση" ή "γένης" ή "ογκογενης" (ξέρω, δεν υπάρχει αυτή η λέξη) ; Βλέπω και "έντονο οίδημα" αμέσως παρακάτω. Perhaps it's a diagnosis of an orbital pseudotumour (whatever that is)?
  8. pontios

    Περίμενα λοιπόν με αγωνία την Πέμπτη

    Theseus... Περιμένω λοιπόν με κομμένη την ανάσα σήμερα, Παρασκευή - ανησυχώ για το πότε θα απαντηθεί η απορία σου περί "υπαλληλικής ιδιότητας" - στην ακόμη αναπάντητη ανάρτηση σου. :) I didn't want to bump the thread.
  9. pontios

    Περίμενα λοιπόν με αγωνία την Πέμπτη

    I edited my post -- just prior to seeing nickel's post. Nickel has expounded with aplomb what I was getting at. ;)
  10. pontios

    Περίμενα λοιπόν με αγωνία την Πέμπτη

    The former as you suspect - it's the same person (the friend). If this is all we have to go by. The latter is possible, of course, if there's more to it (e.g., this third person if "he" exists - the referred to "εκείνος" - could have been mentioned in a prior sentence?).
  11. pontios

    Famous last words

    Thanks, daeman. Yes, only in some cases as you say.
  12. pontios

    Famous last words

    Δεν υπάρχει καμία ιδιωματική φράση με "μεγάλα λόγια" που θα πλησίαζε την έννοια εδώ; π.χ., μεγάλα λόγια δε λέγονται;
  13. pontios


    Καλημέρα και χρόνια πολλά, nickel. :) I know it doesn't correspond exactly, but it's commonly used, nevertheless : (each or the) responsible tenant or the tenant concerned? There would be instances, I think where it would work. re: the government of the day (nickel's suggestion), I think the...
  14. pontios

    Την άλλη μέρα πολύ πρωί ξεκινήσαμε

    I think what πυκνή η ζωή της αφής is alluding to here is - by attenuating all his other senses, eliminating extraneous thoughts and concentrating solely on touch - it means his sense of touch can come through dense and undiluted, livelier- so it packs much more of a punch, is more...
  15. pontios

    Την άλλη μέρα πολύ πρωί ξεκινήσαμε

    That's how I understood it too, more or less, Theseus. That his (whole) being was given over to the sense of touch - it's as if he repurposed his existence, turned off all his other senses, to crank it (touch) up to its full potential. Dedicated/abandoned himself fully to touch.
  16. pontios

    Ενδιαφέρει αυτό καθ' εαυτό το θέμα της τραγωδίας των λαών

    All good suggestions. I can't think of a suitable idiom, as is. But with a bit of licence - Everything, whether it be a mistake or an indiscretion counts as a debit on their moral ledger. Everything, whether it's a mistake or an indiscretion is a blot on their copybook. Mistake I think...
  17. pontios


    Δεν ξέρω αν υπάρχει το ισοδύναμο στα Ελληνικά - how would we translate "levelling out"or "levelling off" in Greek? Just curious, and I thought it might somehow help with "flattening". ​ If an aircraft levels off/out, it starts to travel horizontally rather than going up or down: The jet...
  18. pontios

    Επειδή ορισμένοι πηγαίνουν με χίλια...

    Thank you, cougr! In fact you deserve 1,000 retrospective and prospective "thank yous" for that (just in case I fail - or have failed - to notice or acknowledge any future or any other past acts of kindness on your part) . I didn't realise it at the time. :o