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  1. pontios

    Επειδή ορισμένοι πηγαίνουν με χίλια...

    Thanks, dr 7. Not being congratulated at the time was almost a relief. You see, if I'm continually going to be stopped and congratulated for all the awesome things I do, and for every thing I achieve, I wouldn't have any time left for anything else. :)
  2. pontios

    Επειδή ορισμένοι πηγαίνουν με χίλια...

    Ναι, συγχαρητήρια... ahem, ahem! Αλλά ας σημειώσω εδώ με υπερηφάνεια ότι κατάφερα να περάσω απαρατήρητος από μπροστά σας με το χιλιοστό μου post, σαν τον κλέφτη τα μεσάνυχτα. Εδω χρειάζεται η τέχνη. :inno:
  3. pontios


    Ωραία τα είπες, m_a_a_. Το volatility του αυτιού μου (my native English ear) χαρακτηριζεται απο τρελές και αλλοπρόσαλλες διακυμάνσεις.
  4. pontios


    Το iPad συνεχίζει να συμπεριφέρεται "αλλοπρόσαλλα" και να με "εκνευρίζει" .... "μαρκέτας", πρώτη γραμμή ...,ο τόνος πηγαίνει/πέφτει στο "ε"!
  5. pontios


    Πέρασε από το νου και η "νευρικότητα" της μάρκετας. Jittery markets may lead to volatility ..may cause wild fluctuations (but not always - sometimes nervous traders may simply stop participating, become skittish and decide to sit on the sidelines - and the price goes sideways). Jittery does not...
  6. pontios


    Αν μπορούσα να επιβάλλω το Αγγλικό ιδίωμα στο Ελληνικό ... τότε θα πρότεινα κάτι σαν το "αλλοπρόσαλλες διακυμάνσεις" ή το "αλλοπρόσαλλη συμπεριφορά" (της αγοράς, κτλ); .. i.e., something that equates to "erratic fluctuations" or "erratic behaviour". Δεν ξέρω πόσο φυσικά ακούγονται (στα Ελληνικά...
  7. pontios

    εντυπωσιοθηρία και εντυπωσιοθηρικός

    Interesting discussion. Sensationalism I think is about creating perceptions, bending the truth if need be by playing to emotions, fear etc.. e.g., Trump's message - "we need to build a wall to keep the illegal immigrants = the criminals, the rapists, from invading." Grandstanding is like...
  8. pontios

    εντυπωσιοθηρία και εντυπωσιοθηρικός

    I just realised that we're not looking for a translation; that this was a Greek language query. Sorry! In any case, mine happened to be a query too. Feel free to delete this and my post just above.
  9. pontios

    εντυπωσιοθηρία και εντυπωσιοθηρικός

    I wonder if "grandstanding" would also work here? .. As in "humanitarian grandstanding" ... for εντυπωσιοθηρικος ανθρωπισμός?
  10. pontios

    Ως μια εποχή όλα πήγαιναν καλά

    Thanks, again, Palavra. Epoch would similarly only refer to longer periods in English (or simiarly to important periods marking significant events). In English you can of course say festive period or festive season. For some reason, maybe because there was no "season" (other than σαιζόν) in...
  11. pontios

    Ως μια εποχή όλα πήγαιναν καλά

    OK, thanks, Palavra. For some reason I thought it also covered "season" as in the festive season, the Christmas season.
  12. pontios

    Ως μια εποχή όλα πήγαιναν καλά

    I meant .... Anglophonocentrism.. :cheek:
  13. pontios

    Ως μια εποχή όλα πήγαιναν καλά

    So can we definitely rule out all the following...( a bit rough and ready, sorry) As seasons go (or as far as seasons go) it was a success or the season as a whole (or overall) is going well or is a success? I'm not getting "up until a certain time" ... ? My anglophonocentricism could be to...
  14. pontios

    το Ένα, ο Ένας

    Why not? Maybe, even, "the Oneness, His Oneness" ? ..(a small departure, I realise - but we can introduce the masculine gender this way).
  15. pontios

    (από) μακριά κι αγαπημένοι

    Speaking of which ... you've been keeping an amicable distance - giving us the wide berth - lately. You know what they say about busy people - if you want something done, you give it to a busy person. So no excuses! :)
  16. pontios

    Η ώρα πλησιάζει δυο, κι ακόμα να φτάσουμε στο σπίτι του θείου μου

    Nicely explained, Lefki. To make sense of the tricky Greek syntax, I wonder if it could be restated as -- "we've yet to reach" = ακόμα (έχουμε) να φτάσουμε? Still jumbled, I suppose .. the words are in a different order - but it might help to make sense of it? At least the negating -- we...
  17. pontios

    (από) μακριά κι αγαπημένοι

    This would be the general tenor of the Greek phrase, and it would be worthwhile to look for a corresponding equivalent, I agree. But, re: nickel's cited example, as you've noted, the "μακριά/distance" here has more to do with "making room" - allowing breathing space - to accommodate a contrary...
  18. pontios

    (από) μακριά κι αγαπημένοι

    Just adding to my above post .. .. Ο Γαβρόγλου είναι φυσικός και (ομότιμος) καθηγητής της Ιστορίας των Επιστημών, οπότε οι δικές του σχέσεις με την Εκκλησία είναι μάλλον αυτού του επιπέδου, του «μακριά κι αγαπημένοι». It almost sounds like "live and let live", here (in this context)? live and...
  19. pontios

    (από) μακριά κι αγαπημένοι

    Not quite" love", but "αγαπημένοι" is more about "getting along" here (I think and as noted already). With this in mind: From a friendly distance? Keep a friendly distance? To live amicably apart?.. It's better to live amicably apart?? Also, to keep a respectful distance.? .. or at a...
  20. pontios

    εις σανότερα = on to taller tales (?)

    Just adding to my above post.... Also, snake oil or snake oil politics may crudely correspond with "hay/ σανός" here?