εις σανότερα = on to taller tales (?)


Staff member
Βρήκα αυτό σε άλλο φόρουμ και πιστεύω ότι πρέπει να απαθανατίσουμε κι εμείς την έκφραση της επικαιρότητας.

Σανός (masculine, ο σανός) or σανό (neuter, το σανό) is literally “hay”, and is also used in the expression “δεν τρώω σανό” or “δεν τρώω άχυρο” as a synonym of “κουτόχορτο”, i.e. tall tales. In modern Greek political parlance, “σανό” is what the current ruling political party is supposed to have been feeding voters. It has also been used by a prominent politician of the opposition as an acronym to describe the government’s economic programme: ΣΑΝΟ = Σχέδιο Ανάπτυξης Νέας Οικονομίας, Plan for the Development of the New Economy.

In “εις σανότερα» we have a pun on the popular expression “εις ανώτερα», “To greater things”. In this version it means “On to taller tales”!


Αναζητούνται και άλλες αποδόσεις. Να προσθέσουμε επίσης τους σανοπώλες (spinners of tall tales) και σανοφάγους (gullible persons).

Θα ήθελα να βρούμε καλύτερες αντιστοιχίες.

Χρήσιμος σύνδεσμος: http://www.slang.gr/lemma/24280-sano


Well-known member
Δεν ξέρω αν ταιριάζει ... (Here's to) the big fish that got away/ to the whoppers that get away (alluding to fishermen and their tall tales).

Here's to bigger lies.
Here's to (the) bigger and bigger fish that get away.


Well-known member
Just adding to my above post....

Also, snake oil or snake oil politics may crudely correspond with "hay/ σανός" here?