εντυπωσιοθηρία και εντυπωσιοθηρικός

What do these words mean? 'Sensation/sensational' respectively? Examples:-
-Νοσοκομεία και εντυπωσιοθηρία, η περίπτωση των «προθύμων» (Για την περίπτωση του γιατρού Τάσου Σιδηρά).
-Ο εντυπωσιοθηρικός ανθρωπισμός ομού μετά της διεθνιστικής αφελείας, εκρηκτικός συνδιασμός.
What does the latter sentence mean?:eek: My attempts
at translation don't really fit these contexts.


Staff member
The noun and adjective: literally sensation-hunting (θήρα > suffix -θηρία), it can be rendered as sensation-mongering.

-θηρία [θiría] : β' συνθετικό σε σύνθετα θηλυκά ουσιαστικά· δηλώνει: α. το κυνήγι ή την επίμονη και συστηματική επιδίωξη αυτού που αναφέρεται ως α' συνθετικό: φαλαινοθηρία, χρυσοθηρία, προικοθηρία, ψηφοθηρία. β. τον τρόπο με τον οποίο γίνεται το κυνήγι: λαθροθηρία.

[λόγ. < αρχ. -θηρία < -θήρ(ας) -ία ως β' συνθ.: αρχ. ἀνθρωπο-θηρία `κυνήγι ανθρώπων΄]

The sentence: "Sensation-mongering humanitarianism coupled with internationalist naiveté; an explosive combination*."

*συνδιασμός [sic in the original]

The song and film sequence: Sensation (Tommy) - The Who

You'll feel me coming
A new vibration
From afar you'll see me
I'm a sensation


Well-known member
I wonder if "grandstanding" would also work here?
.. As in "humanitarian grandstanding" ... for εντυπωσιοθηρικος ανθρωπισμός?


Well-known member
I just realised that we're not looking for a translation; that this was a Greek language query. Sorry!
In any case, mine happened to be a query too.
Feel free to delete this and my post just above.


Staff member
Media sensationalism. Δημοσιογραφική εντυπωσιοθηρία. Ποιος θα είχε αντίρρηση;


Well-known member
Interesting discussion.
Sensationalism I think is about creating perceptions, bending the truth if need be by playing to emotions, fear etc.. e.g., Trump's message - "we need to build a wall to keep the illegal immigrants = the criminals, the rapists, from invading."
Grandstanding is like showboating, showing off ... I.e., Trump's other message- "I'm a billionaire businessman, I've built an empire - I'm the best qualified to fix this country's economic problems.