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  1. pontios


    I think “suggestive” answers here is almost like “cheat sheet” answers ... which is a sheet/document with concise answers for quick reference and to aid one’s memory .... suggest here = give the idea, nudge one’s memory, etc.. suggestive = reminding of, helping bring to mind, etc.. στα ελληνικά...
  2. pontios


    Λαμβάνοντας όλα υπόψη, νομίζω το suggestive εδω σημαίνει κατι σαν το .. a teasing/tantalising look/taste, a tasty morsel, a quick glimpse - i.e, offer just enough to arouse interest but not enough to satisfy. The suggestive answers offer just a teasing amount of information that will leave you...
  3. pontios


    You could be onto something? If the context is medical ... (and it could be here?) What does suggestive mean in medical terms? 2. Indicative. Said of certain signs, symptoms or laboratory findings that point toward, but do not completely affirm, a diagnosis. Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex...
  4. pontios


    Yes ... Suggestive could mean that the answers are inconclusive and need to be fully tested and proven before they can be relied on ... they may only be tentative at this stage. So suggestive here could mean “tentative” (as antongoun has posted above) and even “unreliable/not to be relied on”...
  5. pontios


    Το ισοδύναμο του “guiding answers” θα ταίριαζε εδω; καθοδηγητικές απαντήσεις; Οι απαντήσεις μου είναι καθοδηγητικές... ...sketchy answers that help guide the way, suggest/indicate ideas (only) and promote/develop thinking.
  6. pontios

    I don't want to engage in tax evasion

    They are both in the active voice, which is good. Δεν θέλω να φοροδιαφύγω = I don't want to tax evade. This is how I "hear" it (which sounds okay, to me anyway - it grates less than "property manage").
  7. pontios

    I don't want to engage in tax evasion

    Δεν θέλω να προβώ σε/στη ... (I just realised it's in first person).
  8. pontios

    I don't want to engage in tax evasion

    Νομίζω το ρήμα εδώ (το engage, δηλαδή) είναι σε ενεργητική φωνή; Δεν ξέρω αν θα ταίριαζε εδώ το "προβαίνει σε";
  9. pontios


    Jim Jefferies on gun control ... part 1 Jim Jefferies on gun control ... part 2
  10. pontios

    κατάνυξη = devout concentration

    ίσως και ...religious fervour or religious exaltation;
  11. pontios

    η νύχτα βγάζει επίσκοπο κι η αυγή μητροπολίτη

    It may also be important to note - the most important appointment or development gets decided on first, and perhaps is prioritised? .... ο επίσκοπος βγαίνει πρώτος - πριν τα ξημερώματα. Δηλαδή, πρώτα διορίζουμε τον επίσκοπο (the bishop) και ύστερα βλέπουμε για τον μητροπολίτη (the local or...
  12. pontios

    η νύχτα βγάζει επίσκοπο κι η αυγή μητροπολίτη

    Ευχαριστώ, Earion. Έχεις δίκιο ... και ο Θέμης εκεί το πήγαινε. Αλλάζω γνώμη. In both cases - επισκόπου/μητροπολίτη - they are highly ranked (“priest”was a poor choice by me). So a bishop is appointed after night-long deliberations/an extensive process (“night/ νύχτα” may also suggest...
  13. pontios

    η νύχτα βγάζει επίσκοπο κι η αυγή μητροπολίτη

    ...και, λαμβάνοντας όλα υπόψη ... ...(the) night-time produces/spawns bishops, (the) sunrise priests. or ... the (long) night spawns bishops, the sunrise priests. referring to the night-long (=protracted) deliberations (or haggling) that precede the appointment of those into higher...
  14. pontios

    η νύχτα βγάζει επίσκοπο κι η αυγή μητροπολίτη

    Πολύ σωστά, Θέμη! (γιαυτό και είχα το "full" σε παρένθεση). Χρησιμοποίησα ποιητική άδεια... to ram home the point of "dark/night" = obscurity/secrecy/covertness, while "light" = transparency/overtness. ... λαμβάνοντας υπόψη αυτό που επισήμανες.... "priests are ordained at daybreak/dawn/sunrise"?
  15. pontios

    η νύχτα βγάζει επίσκοπο κι η αυγή μητροπολίτη

    or maybe something like (my second feeble attempt)? : Bishops are appointed "under the the cover of night/darkness", while priests are anointed "in/under/during the (full) light of day" or.. Bishops are appointed under the cover of night, while priests are anointed at daytime/during the day...
  16. pontios

    πόλεμος μαρκίζας

    G'day, cougr. Maybe even "marquee war"? .. το ισοδύναμο του "πόλεμος μαρκίζας" or "headliner war/feud/battle? ... αν μιλάμε για καλλιτέχνες σε συναυλίες, κτλ.
  17. pontios

    πόλεμος μαρκίζας

    On second thoughts ... are we talking about top billing or billing order/credit roll order? It sounds like the latter. battle over the billing order/credit roll order/credit order? feud/dispute over the billing order/credit roll order/credit order?
  18. pontios

    πόλεμος μαρκίζας

    Also... battle for/over top billing. feud over top billing.
  19. pontios

    έγινε/θα γίνει της Κορέας

    Αλά, συμφωνώ με το "Korea/Korean War all over again" ... αφού μιλάμε για πιστή μετάφραση.:cheek:
  20. pontios

    έγινε/θα γίνει της Κορέας

    or... "it was a veritable civil war." - if you want to avoid the "Korean war" references and analogies, but retain "the war" aspect and "all hell has broken loose" metaphor.