Search results

  1. pontios

    Γιατί έχουμε εκλογές;

    .. and the politicians lived happily ever after with their booty ; amen in the name of democracy that the wise and caring politicians created for themselves, that their informed voters support, all is well. Why tamper with perfection ? What I suggest is radical, but an acceptance of the parlous...
  2. pontios

    Γιατί έχουμε εκλογές;

    Well, each to their own then and we don't need to agree. :inno:
  3. pontios

    Γιατί έχουμε εκλογές;

    I agree I went a little overboard with my crazy, blue sky idea Palavra, especially in the second paragraph of my fist post (the one you cited) but I thought I already explained that in my subsequent post, above, and I never referred to dictatorships (or meant to anyway). I likened what I said to...
  4. pontios

    Οικουμενική, αλλιώς καλό κλάμα

    Χμ .. από αντιμαχόμενες ενδοκομματικές φατρίες, στη συνεργασία των κόμματων ; εξελισσόμαστε προς την εξευγένιση, με ταχύτητα φωτός, dr. Σημειωτέο αυτό που επισήμανες πάντως, το εύχομαι κι εγώ.
  5. pontios

    Οικουμενική, αλλιώς καλό κλάμα

    Το πρόβλημα με το ΣΥΡΙΖΑ ήταν ότι δεν μπορούσε να προσφέρει ένα ρεαλιστικό πρόγραμμα, αφού αυτό θα ήταν πάντα βασιζόμενο στις μεταγενέστερες διαπραγματεύσεις της με την Ευρωζώνη, δηλαδή σε ένα εντελώς άγνωστο αποτέλεσμα. Δεν ξέραμε το τι θα μας έφερνε το αύριο, και ενώ οι περισσότεροι μπορεί σε...
  6. pontios

    Γιατί έχουμε εκλογές;

    SBE, I think you understood where I was going with my crazy idea, so thanks for not totally dismissing it. I agree with the good dr. that democracy is the best system and in ideal situations we can rely on educated voters and transparency to get things right, and what I was proposing was a...
  7. pontios

    Γιατί έχουμε εκλογές;

    Hi and good luck today.. Let's hope that whoever ends up in power, it ends up proving to be the best outcome for Greece. Here's a crazy idea that's been floating aimlessly in the recesses of my mind. Προσωπικά πιστεύω ότι η Ελλάδα (και άλλες δημοκρατίες) χρειάζεται μια αλλαγή συντάγματος που...
  8. pontios


    Sounds like an interesting series. Theory No. 2. :mad: Carve-ins I notice are group participation events (and get-togethers) for wood carvers. But regardless of this, to carve is to shape. The "in" part signifies a group participation, or an inclusion. If you can have a sit-in (as in a group...
  9. pontios


    Just adding . As there is no qualifier, "is gonna want a carve in" could also mean Coop wants to assume total control of this important account (and/or over this hand picked team for that matter). In other words we don't know exactly how much control he seeks. "is gonna want a total carve in...
  10. pontios


    Good morning. I'm not familiar with the series or the term. I know that the term "carve out" was not mentioned, but given that "carve out" could mean "spinning off" (the Nixon account by presumably entrusting it to this hand picked and dedicated team, I suppose), I'm wondering if the term...
  11. pontios


    Good morning from cold, wintry Melbourne. Thank you all. In regards to a psychological term, I'm not sure if illusory conjunction describes this random, confused jumbling of constituent parts, that can occur with compound words (via memory or recognition errors) that can lead to these illusory...
  12. pontios


    Thanks dr. I think you've solved the mystery and saved me from embarking on a fruitless wild goose chase. I'm indebted. Curiously τεκμαιρόμενα (from τεκμαίρομαι) only produces 6 google results, compared to τεκμενόμενα which (seemingly) exists just to confuse us with its 108 google results (as...
  13. pontios


    I may have misheard a newsreader yesterday (on the radio) pronounce the word "τεκταινομενα" as "τεκμενόμενα", but I nevertheless jotted it down the way I heard it and proceeded to do a google search, which produced a small number of results (108). The results originated from (what appeared to...
  14. pontios


    Let's take the "soft eye", Hellegennic ;) approach, for a panoramic view of the landscape, by throwing this in the mix too, re: grease payment/facilitating payment. :omg:
  15. pontios


    Interesting discussion. I think that oiling/greasing (someone's palm) are equivalent sounding terms (to λάδωμα) and are the first ones that readily come to mind. I'm wondering if terms like payoff, kickback and graft have any relevance here and I'm mentioning them here on the off chance that...
  16. pontios

    building footprint

    Duly noted Elsa and thank you. :)
  17. pontios

    building footprint

    Just adding to my previous post, sorry ! Ίσως (περιφραστικά) και : κάλυψη του κτιρίου η κτιριακή κάλυψη/του οικοπέδου ;
  18. pontios

    building footprint

    Ζητώ συγνώμη που δεν μπόρεσα να απαντήσω νωρίτερα, και σας ευχαριστώ όλους για τη βοήθειά σας. Ίσως αυτοί οι νέοι κανονισμοί κατασκευής (μετά τον ΓΟΚ) αποσκοπούν στην ελαχιστοποίηση των επιπτώσεων τόσο σε περιβαλλοντικό άλλα και σε αισθητικό επίπεδο, δηλαδή το κτιριακό αποτύπωμα, στο οποίο...
  19. pontios

    building footprint

    Just to clarify something above, I should have referred to the area within the outline (εντός του περιγράμματος) here as the footprint, so I'm not really talking about the outline here in fact, i.e. το περίγραμμα του κτιρίου is not in fact the footprint. So an equivalent term to " building...
  20. pontios

    building footprint

    Έχουμε νομίζω το περίγραμμα του κτιρίου για αυτό , αλλά η απορία μου είναι μπορούμε να χρησιμοποιήσουμε το αντίστοιχο (στο άκουσμα τουλάχιστον) "αποτύπωμα του κτιρίου" ; δηλαδή το αποτύπωμα (= footprint) ισχύει εδώ (for the outline of the building) η είναι άρρηκτα συνδεδεμένο με το περιβάλλον...