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  1. pontios

    το όπλο παρά πόδα

    The phrase is more commonly expressed as to "keep my/our/their/its powder dry". So instead of - ... Nikos Zachariadis was announcing that his side would not give up and was keeping its arms at the ready (to oplo para podas.) I'd choose - ..Nikos Zachariadis was announcing that his side...
  2. pontios

    το όπλο παρά πόδα

    Καλό Σαββατοκύριακο ! As an alternate term (to arms/weapons at the ready) there's the commonly used term "keep the powder dry" , as in "I'm/we're keeping the powder dry" etc.. which again indicates a preparedness and being alert and ready (for possible action, not necessarily war of course)...
  3. pontios

    codify, (en)code, encrypt, (en)cipher

    In principle yes, I think it's correct. as the encoder essentially senses the position of the shaft or rotor. But it then converts and provides this signal in coded form. Οπότε ίσως κωδικοποιητής θέσης ; (might be a better term ?) The angular position of the shaft or motor is coded (from...
  4. pontios


    Hi, looks like we replied together oliver twisted ! Depending on the context it might specifically relate to the ( University of Florida's) athletic team/teams or to the wider theme of "Gator Nation" which embraces athletes, students, lecturers, former students even university sponsors, who...
  5. pontios

    μελογενή όντα (εσφ.) > μιξογενή όντα

    Πάντως νομίζω την διαμελίσαμε οριστικά, nickel.
  6. pontios

    μελογενή όντα (εσφ.) > μιξογενή όντα

    Wow ! Even though I read through the entire thread and your referred to post, I either missed or consciously skimmed past the area with the light grey print, thinking it wasn't something crucial. It'll teach me to read threads more carefully. So we had the same thought, independently. I just...
  7. pontios

    μελογενή όντα (εσφ.) > μιξογενή όντα

    By the same token nickel, using your line of logic (above) these μελογενή όντα/creatures could then be the products of a fertility deity, symbolised by the appended phallus (μέλος), i.e. from the seed of this deity or (more precisely) its reproductive "limb/appendage"? Perish the thought I...
  8. pontios

    μελογενή όντα (εσφ.) > μιξογενή όντα

    Continuing your line of thought cougr, I'm wondering (it's a wild guess) if the term could refer to mythological creatures depicting "phallic fertility ", i.e. being used as fertility symbols ? The -genous (γενη) suffix could refer to generation, birth, yield, fertility ? and μελο = phallus ...
  9. pontios

    Τα της κρίσης (ό,τι περνάει από την κρησάρα μας)

    Hi Palavra. I just looked it up on Wiki. I think it is known as the Primary Deficit, in English. Primary Deficit = Total Deficit (or Fiscal Deficit) minus the interest payment on debt. Don't try to make sense of the half baked idea I've discussed. It's just something that came to me at the...
  10. pontios

    Τα της κρίσης (ό,τι περνάει από την κρησάρα μας)

    It is a matter of opinion what Greece can do outside of the Eurozone. We know what Greece has done within it. I'm not proposing that Greece prints indiscriminately. The ability to set a favourable exchange rate would also help things. Anyway Ι just saw your question Palavra and if you don't...
  11. pontios

    Τα της κρίσης (ό,τι περνάει από την κρησάρα μας)

    With regard to what I've proposed, at the top of my head, what I'm saying is that the exchange rate is only set for the purpose of fixing the debt from the Greek point of view. So whilst the drachma can go up in down as far as the exchange rate goes - there's an agreement in place that the debt...
  12. pontios

    Τα της κρίσης (ό,τι περνάει από την κρησάρα μας)

    Μιλάμε για πάγιο συνάλλαγμα όσον άφορα το αρχικό συνολικό χρέος. Τα χρέη θα μείνουν τα ίδια (από την άποψη της νέας δραχμής) και ας πέσει η δραχμή (για να γίνουμε πιο ανταγωνιστική) .. ας πούμε 1 τρις νέες δραχμές = 100 δις Ευρο, με ένα πάγιο συνάλλαγμα ας πούμε 1 Ευρώ = 10 νέες δραχμές...
  13. pontios

    Τα της κρίσης (ό,τι περνάει από την κρησάρα μας)

    Δεν έπρεπε να μπλέξουμε, αφού μπλέξαμε (η Ελλάδα δηλαδή).;);) Ας πούμε (υποθετικά) ότι συμφωνούν και προτείνουν να εκφραστούν τα χρέη μας τώρα σε δραχμές (οι εταίροι και φίλοι μας), με μια πάγια συναλλαγματική άξια της δραχμής έναντι του Ευρώ, (και με μια βοηθητική έκπτωση του συνολικού χρέους...
  14. pontios

    Τα της κρίσης (ό,τι περνάει από την κρησάρα μας)

    Συμφωνώ, και είναι αυτονόητο, ότι χωρίς δημοσιονομική πειθαρχία δεν γίνετε τίποτα, δεν υπάρχει καμία βιώσιμη λύση. Το βασικό πρόβλημα είναι ότι μπλέξαμε τώρα. Με την ανάλογη πειθαρχία, βούληση και νοοτροπία το εθνικό νόμισμα ( αν μέναμε εκτός της Ευρωζώνης δηλαδή) θα μπορούσε να προσφέρει...
  15. pontios

    Τα της κρίσης (ό,τι περνάει από την κρησάρα μας)

    Μάλλον θα φαίνομαι κυνικός (ως προς την Ευρωζώνη) σχεδόν κάθε φορά που εκφράζω τις επιφυλάξεις μου σχετικά με την κρίση. Συμφωνώ με την Palavra ότι η Ελλάδα ευθύνεται σε μεγάλο βαθμό για την κατάσταση που βρίσκεται σήμερα. Ωστόσο (επιστρέφοντας στο θέμα που έθιξα στην δική μου προηγούμενη...
  16. pontios

    Τα της κρίσης (ό,τι περνάει από την κρησάρα μας)

    One thing I agree with SBE, is Greece would have been better off if it had its own currency and therefore its own facility to print and deal with its own debt in a timely fashion, which would have also allowed Greece to invest in and promote productive parts of its economy. A free floating...
  17. pontios

    Τα της κρίσης (ό,τι περνάει από την κρησάρα μας)

    Here's one for the conspiracy theorists (and the liberal thinkers). The views are hard to argue against, given the flow of events and Greece's insurmountable external debt. If true,Greece may be paying with its real money (its blood sweat and tears) for "artificial debts" created out of thin air...
  18. pontios

    One might as well be hanged for a sheep as (for) a lamb

    Ίσως και : αφού μπήκα στο χορό θα χορέψω ;
  19. pontios

    Καλό βόλι! = Vote wisely!

    :up: I think this simple two word term is open to a wide interpretation and I could see how it could mean something as simple and lightweight as have fun voting, as some suggested. This article (I just found entitled "Άντε και καλό βόλι", see the below link) refers to the more serious sense...
  20. pontios

    Καλό βόλι! = Vote wisely!

    Some further guesswork, sorry ! I'm surprised to read that although voting is compulsory in Greece, that only 70 to 80% of those eligible actually end up voting. You'd expect this absentee vote (had it been exercised in past elections), would have largely gone against the governing party of the...