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  1. pontios

    παρεμβαίνω προς

    The only way for me to make sense of this "προς" is to think of corresponding constructions in English which are synonymous with "mediate with", but which use "to". This way, we end up with a "προς/to" correspondence. "Make representations to" may be a suitable candidate? The municipality...
  2. pontios

    παρεμβαίνω προς

    I agree with the way you've interpreted it, cougr. re: Παρέμβαση του Δήμου προς τη ΔΕΗ - I can see Coastal Fog's confusion with this construction. Sounds like the intercession/intervention is happening against ΔΕΗ (against the PPC) .. so "παρέμβαση προς τη ΔΕΗ" makes no sense. Logically...
  3. pontios

    τζάμπα μάγκας

    Βρήκα αυτό το χαζό κλιπ, με τίτλο "The armchair tough guy", και αμέσως σκέφτηκα αυτό το νήμα. Episode 2 of the Angerman Chronicles series by: Ian Strang and Adam Southwick
  4. pontios


    Yes. Also, maybe, having your fill (of food, of something: including fun/a jolly good time, as you say). get one's fill Also, have one's fill. Be satisfied; have enough (or more than enough) of something. For example, I love opera—I can never get my fill of it, or He's had his fill of dirty...
  5. pontios


    Et tu, cougr. Just kidding. :) See post #14, re: revelling. I'm also wondering at this point whether there's another possibility here with ξεσαλώνω? - could it be referring to the aftermath/consequences of all the revelling, overindulging, too much partying/feasting, etc.(where the revelers are...
  6. pontios


    Plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery. See post #14! ;) .. and welcome aboard, Mike. :)
  7. pontios

    arguably = κατά μία άποψη, κατά την άποψη ορισμένων

    Συμφωνώ. Η πιο απλή ερμηνεία του arguably (χωρίς να χαθεί η εννοιολογική ουσία της λέξης) νομίζω είναι ... μάλλον, ενδεχομένως ή ίσως.
  8. pontios


    or, maybe ...? No need to "go overboard" on/with your tax-cutting scenarios/promises. go overboard to do something too much, or to be too excited and eager about something (often + on ) The car's makers seem to have gone overboard on design and sacrificed speed. He went completely overboard...
  9. pontios


    pressing on (for academic reasons, as whatever was said has been lost in translation) - what about "get carried away"? "Έχετε ξεσαλώσει με τα σενάρια για τις φοροελαφρύνσεις" You're getting carried away with (your) scenarios of tax-cutting. (i.e. don't get carried away with crazy scenarios of...
  10. pontios


    OK, thanks, captain daeman, for resetting our bearings. ;) «Έχετε ξεσαλώσει με τα σενάρια για τις φοροελαφρύνσεις». What about ...? Hyped yourselves up on your tax-cutting scenarios. (with overstimulation in mind) You're all hyped up over your tax-cut scenarios. You're all hyped out on your...
  11. pontios


    G’day, nickel. If the below link is anything to go by: a spree. So, possibly, cutting loose, running wild, etc., as you’ve mentioned. Or maybe it’s suggesting overindulgence, binging or intemperance...
  12. pontios


    Αυτό μου ακούγεται σαν "reduction" ή "reducing down" - I'm not sure if we're looking for a culinary term here?
  13. pontios

    casts himself as

    Και τα τρία είναι καλά, κτγμ ... ή προβάλλει/παρουσιάζει/πλασάρει τον εαυτό του ως. "Casts himself as", here, is synonymous with "portrays himself as" or "passes himself off as", IMHO.
  14. pontios

    In a brilliantly judged speech

    Δεν είμαι σίγουρος αν είμαι στο ίδιο μήκος κύματος ... Κατά τη γνώμη μου, είναι μια επιτυχημένη ομιλία που έπεισε το κοινοβούλιο να δεσμεύσει την Αγγλία σε πόλεμο. "Εμείς/we" σημαίνει "η Αγγλία" (i.e., "we" I think can be taken to mean "we in England"), δηλαδή, η Αγγλία δεν είχε άλλη επιλογή...
  15. pontios

    siege tower at Tyre

    Τους αποσυναρμολογούσαν και συναρμολογούσαν γρήγορα και εύκολα - και τους μετέφερναν κομμάτι κομμάτι (τους πύργους) μετέφερναν gets underlined in red by my spellcheck.
  16. pontios

    siege tower at Tyre

    Yes. It didn't sound right to me, but you picked up on it (and a big yes to "had been employed"). "Were employed at Tyre" also gives the impression (or allows the possibility) that they are still being employed against Tyre, it's not as definite as "had been employed" which tells us that they...
  17. pontios

    siege tower at Tyre

    By the way, nickel, after reading your response, I have started to doubt the reliabilty of my cited source.
  18. pontios

    siege tower at Tyre

    Good morning, nickel. You're right, I could have (and probably should have) stated it clearer, but, anyway, here (below) is what I based my earlier post (and wild guess) on. Note, the siege of Tyre had not concluded while the siege of Gaza was taking place, and that the same siege engines were...
  19. pontios

    siege tower at Tyre

    OK, thanks, Earion. :)
  20. pontios

    siege tower at Tyre

    πολιορκητικός πύργος ή πύργος πολιορκίας;