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  1. pontios

    Your slip is showing: Γλωσσικές και μεταφραστικές γκάφες (και μικρολαθάκια)

    Ναι. Εξηγεί και τη φράση. “σχηματιζόμενη σε βάρος του δικογραφία” = assembled case file against him
  2. pontios

    Your slip is showing: Γλωσσικές και μεταφραστικές γκάφες (και μικρολαθάκια)

    Thank you, again, Palavra. I think I've got it (well, sort of). :) σχηματίζω = put together "as soon as the case file put together by the police against the 45/44 year old is forwarded to the public prosecutor"?
  3. pontios

    Your slip is showing: Γλωσσικές και μεταφραστικές γκάφες (και μικρολαθάκια)

    OK, thank you, Palavra. So it's referring to the case file here; it's more than an incident report or police report. Obviously, the phrase (σχηματίζω δικογραφία σε βάρος κάποιου) has an established meaning (which means that "σχηματίζω/create" won't take on the meaning of...
  4. pontios

    Your slip is showing: Γλωσσικές και μεταφραστικές γκάφες (και μικρολαθάκια)

    Ανακάλεσε; .. what was I thinking? It’s the right thread, anyway. :)
  5. pontios

    Your slip is showing: Γλωσσικές και μεταφραστικές γκάφες (και μικρολαθάκια)

    On a side note ... το "σχηματιζόμενη σε βάρος του δικογραφία" στα Αγγλικά; I'm guessing the police report drawn up (as in written up carefully - properly and formally prepared) against him (this 45, come 44 year old)? το "σχηματιζόμενη" μου φέρνει στο νου/ανακάλεσε στο νου μου και κάτι σαν...
  6. pontios

    Έκφραση "στη συνέχεια"

    Καλημέρα, ευχαριστώ .... ίσως και “enjoy the rest of the day”?
  7. pontios

    Έκφραση "στη συνέχεια"

    .. και η πλησιέστερη φράση που αποδίδει το ίδιο νόημα (περίπου) στα Αγγλικά (while we're at it); .. keep on rolling? keep it rolling? keep up the good work? have a good one? let the good times roll? hope things continue smoothly for you? keep up the good work The phrase keep up the good...
  8. pontios

    Πώς μαθαίνουμε νέες λέξεις;

    Όπως λένε οι Εγγλέζοι/ όπως λέει ο σοφός λαός :whistle: be slow to judge and quick to praise. Give people the benefit of the doubt (by all means keep your wits about you, of course).
  9. pontios

    Πώς μαθαίνουμε νέες λέξεις;

    (I'll blame my ποντιακό ipad)... "ορθότητα των λεγομένων του" "Ζαλίστηκα" (κυριολεκτικά)
  10. pontios

    Πώς μαθαίνουμε νέες λέξεις;

    Ο καθένας από τους διαφωνούντες προσπαθεί να πείσει κάποιον (αόρατον) τρίτο για την ορθότητα των λεγομένων του. Ζαλιστικά, αλλά διασκεδαστικά ταυτοχρόνως.
  11. pontios

    απένταξη = exclusion

    Note to self... (I hate leaving things/ideas half finished, sorry) :) Still guessing .... I think the noun I was looking for was “removal” (or “dropping”) - of something or someone from being (as in, from continuing to be) included in a list/team/group. — e.g., The Senator called for the...
  12. pontios

    απένταξη = exclusion

    Περίεργο να μην υπάρχει στα λεξικά - συνάντησα τη λέξη σήμερα (για πρώτη φορά). Just guessing? Maybe, as you say, it's the opposite of being integrated or included into a (select?) team/list/group (το αντίθετο της "ένταξης") So, perhaps, when someone was integrated or included it's because...
  13. pontios

    on a wing and a prayer

    Ναι, εύστοχη η παρατήρησή σου (I went overboard with FFS). Tο "two bob's worth" είναι αυστραλέζικη έκφραση = Συνεισφορά μικρής αξίας (ακριβώς). Good post, SBE (=συνεισφορά μεγάλης αξίας).
  14. pontios

    on a wing and a prayer

    My two bob's worth, Theseus, for what it's worth (two shillings?) "πια" here expresses a remonstration/an annoyance - it's like adding: "already/"for goodness sake"/or an exasperated groan/ ahhh! :scared:". So, "φτάνει πια" , for instance, would be "enough already/ enough for goodness sake (sort...
  15. pontios

    certificates of deposit

    Καλό Σαββατοκύριακο! Thanks, Palavra (and Themi). Πρώτη φορά συναντώ τον όρο, αν και όντως υπάρχει (στην Αυστραλία το γνωρίζουμε ως term deposit). That's why I love this forum; there's always something new to be found/seen/discussed/learned.
  16. pontios

    certificates of deposit

    Good explanation, Θέμη (thank you). :) Did you mean term deposits or fixed term deposits? -- I thought we'd better keep on the right side of the gods of the investment underworld.
  17. pontios

    αρπάζουν το ψητό

    (Μονολογώ τώρα)... σύμφωνα με ένα λεξικό: το "ψητό", μεταξύ άλλων, έχει και την σημασία του «όφελος, κέρδος» αρπάζουν το ψητό ... could mean "grab the spoils"/"grab the advantage" (i.e., these women take advantage of you/use you to their end)? Είναι και άλλες όπου τίποτα δεν λένε Μα κατ'...
  18. pontios

    αρπάζουν το ψητό

    Perhaps not so much about "getting to the point", as much as "getting" - as in, "grasping/"understanding the point/sensing what's important"? ...referring to those (the reticent amongst us) who say little, but nevertheless grasp what's essential/the pith/the gist of the matter/grasp the...
  19. pontios

    μου θες και

    I read "χαϊδεύω" instead of "παιδεύω". Με χαϊδεύεις τόσα χρόνια had a nicer ring to it (I had my screen-size/zoom at 75%, if that's any excuse). Freudian slip or ho-etic licence? :blush: :confused:
  20. pontios

    μου θες και

    I stand to be corrected.. It's like "you (can't) have your cake and eat it" ....( as the Duke said) to criticise someone for unreasonable behaviour ..I think μου here adds a "your" into it (it's used judgementally). "You have cellulite and (now) you wan't "your" rackets" "You've been pawing me...