Καθόλου αναξιόπιστα δεν θα έλεγα τα μεταγενέστερα πορτέτα του Ριχάρδου, αν κρίνουμε από αυτό

Κι όπως λέει η είδηση στο BBC, που είναι η πηγή του Βήματος:

Κι όπως λέει η είδηση στο BBC, που είναι η πηγή του Βήματος:
Dr Ashdown-Hill said: "All the surviving portraits of him - even the very later ones with humped backs and things which were obviously later additions - facially are quite similar [to each other] so it has always been assumed that they were based on a contemporary portrait painted in his lifetime or possibly several portraits painted in his lifetime."