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  1. pontios


    Also, I'm not sure how and if this works (maybe if we allow a bit of poetic/artistic licence and forget about rhyming the lines - but heart and blood do rhyme somewhat?). Just as an alternative, anyway .. Hold on to the tear(s), also hold on to the blood Don't let the flow of denial skew the...
  2. pontios

    ολόμαυρη least five characters ... :up:
  3. pontios


    My first and final attempt, Theseus. Please feel free to discuss or dismiss/ignore at your discretion (we're having a friendly and interesting discussion, and trying to make heads and tails of this cryptic verse). I think this is what the poet is saying. I think this is how you've interpreted...
  4. pontios


    Thanks, Palavra. I’ll have a read when I get a chance. Theseus is probably eating his popcorn and shaking his head, as he reads the latest in this thread. Free live theatre. Clickety-click.... 1400th post!
  5. pontios


    I only insisted as I thought that other ορθό/upright possibility that doctor7x had broached (and then asked what sense it made) was still not completely ruled out. But I now realise that he was asking what sense it made given the entire population was wiped out. Of course I didn’t realise how...
  6. pontios


    ,... it should be past tense,” coursed through you” if they’ve all been wiped out. I should have read the poem before I posted, and I respect you all enough to zip it up ... but I had to respond. Enough said, and apologies.
  7. pontios


    Without meaning to offend ... You’re quick to judge me, doctor. I just responded to the question you asked, which is what could it mean (the ορθό/virtuous/upright connotation). I realise you quickly dismissed it, but you did consider this possibility. So this theory of mine wasn’t at all far...
  8. pontios


    Perche, you naysayers? Anything is possible - there's no ολόμαυρη, when it comes to poetry; it can be either black or white. ;)
  9. pontios


    Could "upright/virtuous" here mean .... if you're going to shed a tear or spill your blood, make sure it's for the right (or fair/good) reason or cause? Be virtuous -- Shed a virtuous tear, spill a virtuous drop (of blood).
  10. pontios

    dog-whistle politics

    ομιλία διπλής απεύθυνσης; :cry: πολιτική (της) διπλής απευθυνσης; :huh: .... that's all I could come up with, anyway.
  11. pontios

    cult hero [in hero worship]

    Thanks, Palavra. Interesting links. I was thinking of "cult hero" in the wider sense, as the term applies today (not as it applied in Ancient Greece/to the ancient Greeks). Maybe we should change the thread title, then - or maybe add "Ancient Greece" - or "hero cult" - in brackets, in case we...
  12. pontios

    cult hero [in hero worship]

    Ναι. Πάντως, υπάρχει ένα αίσθημα πνευματικής συγγένειας, αδελφότητας - δηλαδή, ένα αίσθημα ομοψυχίας μεταξύ των λατρευτών (με τον ήρωα ως επικεφαλής, ίσως - και όχι μόνο ως το αντικείμενο λατρείας), και μια αποκλειστικότητα θα έλεγα, που δεν καταφέραμε ως εδώ να μεταφέρουμε. Πρόκειται για κάτι...
  13. pontios

    cult hero [in hero worship]

    Δεν ξέρω αν θα ταίριαζε κάτι σαν το ... ήρωας της αποκλειστικής αδελφότητας (=hero of an exclusive brotherhood) ... ή κάτι που θα συνδύαζε το ήρωας με το ομονοούντων οπαδών; I'm thinking of something that would equate to "hero to/of a group of like-minded fans/followers" or "hero to/of an...
  14. pontios

    Χρυσή, λιανότρεμη χορδή.......

    I just realised you were looking to rhyme it with the previous line, Theseus .... hence "destiny", silly me. can always stress the "e" of die, in roll of the di-"e" (make "die" 2 syllables). ;) (I know you were looking to choose from one of your 3 versions ...but, "gambling infidel"...
  15. pontios

    Χρυσή, λιανότρεμη χορδή.......

    this may or may not help? .. while the godless seal (or decide) your fate with the roll of a die. (or roll of the dice, if you want to keep the plural)?
  16. pontios


    That’s interesting ....I just noticed that verga (slang, vulgar) refers to a shaft, but a different type of shaft, in another language. I’ll leave it at that. :o
  17. pontios

    interlocking homologies

    Okay, kaydee.Thank you! Δεν ξέρω αν θα ταίριαζε κατι σαν το αλληλοσυνδεομενες δομές, τοτε; (it probably still falls short?) What I was getting at....the way I sense it, anyway (and sorry for defaulting to English). Interlocking structures/homologies are structures/homologies that are capable...
  18. pontios

    interlocking homologies

    Ναι, σωστά το σκέφτηκες, kaydee. Αν μπορώ να ρωτήσω κάτι με την ευκαιρία: στα Αγγλικά, το interlocking σημαίνει ότι οι δυο δομές έχουν σχηματισθεί ή λειτουργούν με ένα τρόπο έτσι ώστε να καθίσταται δυνατή η σύνδεση μεταξύ τους (των δυο δομών - δηλαδή, υπάρχουν οι διασυνδέσεις, αλλά αυτό δεν...
  19. pontios

    interlocking homologies

    Καταλαβαίνω την ευρύτερη έννοια (δομές, ομολογίες, κτλ), αλλά επειδή πρόκειται για "κόσμους", δεν θα ταίριαζε κάτι σαν αλληλένδετους κόσμους/αλληλένδετοι κόσμοι - δηλαδή, δεν μπορούμε να πάμε κατευθείαν εκεί (πρέπει να αναφερόμαστε σε δομές); Interlocking homologies = interlocking realms (two...
  20. pontios

    Έλα που...

    Maybe we can look for an equivalent idiom ... (i.e., an idiom that works/functions similarly)? "All well and good" but I also thought of "mind you", mind you. ;) (where "all well and good but" = "mind you"). έλα που δεν ξέρω πώς να ησυχάσω = "Mind you" I don't know how to calm...