Από το σημερινό κρουασανολουκουμαδομαφινομπισκοτοηλεδελτίο του Κουίνιον:
Out of the blender
Talking of combining things, you may have heard of the cronut, this summer’s artery-hardening comestible, a cross between a croissant and a doughnut, which was invented by the French-born New York chef Dominique Ansel. A second such blend was created a couple of years ago in her London tearooms by an American, Bea Vo. This is a doughnut-muffin hybrid called the duffin, which was in the news this week because the name has allegedly been trademarked by Starbucks without consulting Ms Vo. The Guardian covered this story and went on to celebrate other cross-bred delicacies that it rather neatly called “portmanteau patisseries”. The story mentioned the fauxnut, a false doughnut which is low-fat and baked rather than fried, and the crookie, a commingling of croissant and cookie. I suspect most of these will survive about as long as the Menurkey.
Baconut for baconuts,
bacomuffin* for those who stop at nuthin',
bacroissant for those who go back for more bacon,
baconookie for bacon-cookie monsters.
* There's already some lard in muffin, specifically in
muffin top.