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  1. altan

    Γυαλί έκαμαν;

    Πετούσαν οι Κρητικοί τα κεφαλομάντιλά τους στον αέρα, έτρεχαν τα κλάματα και μούσκευαν τ’ άσπρα καπετανίστικα γένια, σήκωναν οι μανάδες τα μωρά τους να δουν τον ξανθό γίγαντα, το παραμυθένιο βασιλόπουλο, που ’χε ακούσει το θρήνο της Κρήτης κι είχε κινήσει, πριν από αιώνες, καβάλα σε άσπρο άλογο...
  2. altan

    Marmaris = Μαρμαρίδα (και όχι Μαρμαράς)

    Doukas mentioned about a Karian town at the seaside "Mamalos", perhaps it is origin of Marmaris.
  3. altan

    Ελληνικά τοπωνύμια σημερινών τουρκικών πόλεων της Μικράς Ασίας και της Ανατολικής Θράκης

    According to a very significant Turkish researcher, most of their roots are from Luwian or Hittite For example: Anamur = Ανεμούριο: Luwian Annimura (Anni = Mother, Mura= Holy water) Bafra = Πάφρα / Μπάφρα: Luwian Paura (Pa= Great, Ura= Water) Foça = Φώκαια: Luwian Pauwaka (Pa – uwa – ka =...
  4. altan

    Kayseri = Καισάρεια

    Kordelio or Karatasi :lol:
  5. altan

    Kayseri = Καισάρεια

    Its pronunciation is just as Aivali's (Ayvalık), but I dont know how it is written with Greek letters. Αϊβαλι or Αΐβαλι? And the two other "Kaisareia"s in Mikra Asia: 1- Kaisareia Germanica; the ancient name of today's Moudania. 2- Kaisareia Maioniai; at Lydia, now Güre, a village around Afyon.
  6. altan


    Good morning friends! Does "αργούσε" mean here "sails slowly"? Or any metaphor related with " Άργος"?
  7. altan


    Thanks Palavra.
  8. altan


    Should it be "two Turkish men", not "two Turkish women"? After the massacre, they wash and water turns red. Just as the picture at below, a drunken "Τουρκάλα" with yathagan.
  9. altan

    κάθομαι σ' αναμμένα κάρβουνα, κάθομαι απάνω σε κάρβουνα αναμμένα

    Does it mean "έχω μεγάλη ανησυχία και αγωνία"?
  10. altan


    Thanks Palavra, "Dikizlemek" or "dikiz etmek" is slang form. So, "gözetlemek" should be right. Please be informed.
  11. altan


    Thanks a lot of.
  12. altan


    Good morning to all!
  13. altan


    :clap:Thanks friends.
  14. altan


    πλαντώ; Hi! At P. Bien's translation, I see that verb as "stifle and suffocate", but in many greek and / or greek - englih, turkish dictionaries I don't find similar meanings. I need your opinions.
  15. altan

    ξεκομμένα καρύδια

    Thanks drsiebenmal.
  16. altan

    ξεκομμένα καρύδια

    Have a nice evening, ξεκομμένα καρύδια; By the way, would you like to recommend a website or book which explains the Greek idioms and phrases.
  17. altan

    άντρα κλαράδες

    Çam yarması gibi adamlar. :woot::cheek: Çam yarması: İri yarı, koca gövdeli (kimse), çam bölmesi.
  18. altan

    άντρα κλαράδες

    Thanks a lot of.