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  1. altan

    με φαντασία και αγέρα

    Good morning to all, Does "αγέρα" any other mean here, except "air or wind"?
  2. altan

    τα λάσα στήθια

    I thank you daeman.
  3. altan

    τα λάσα στήθια

    Does "τα λάσα στήθια" mean "hairy chests" as P. Bien translated?
  4. altan

    κρίνο ανέγγιχτο

    euharistw para poli, daeman.
  5. altan

    κρίνο ανέγγιχτο

    Good evening, What Kazantzakis mean here?
  6. altan


    thanks drsiebenmal
  7. altan


    Good evening to all, What does κατασκόνιστα mean at here?
  8. altan

    Again about P. Bien's translation of "Report to Greco"

    I thank you very much, daeman.
  9. altan

    Again about P. Bien's translation of "Report to Greco"

    "Κι αν ήταν ο πατέρας της κοπέλας μαζί σας, στοίχημα βάζω πως σε ..." At here, is not "the author" WHO wagering one, although Bien translated "the priest"?
  10. altan


    thanks daeman, I agree with you.
  11. altan


    Good afternoon to all, What do you think about Bien's translation for ταυροκοίταζα?
  12. altan

    κρατάει τα κεραμίδια ξεκρέμαστα

    Hi friends, What does "κρατάει τα κεραμίδια ξεκρέμαστα"? And "κάβουρα" is "crab", but any other meaning?
  13. altan

    παρατώ το κρέας για τον ίσκιο

    efharistw para poli, nickel.
  14. altan

    παρατώ το κρέας για τον ίσκιο

    Good morning to everybody,Is this an idiom or I should understand it as is?
  15. altan


    thanks sarant
  16. altan


    Hi friends, what's κληροκούτι?
  17. altan

    Γυαλί έκαμαν;

    thanks daeman