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  1. Theseus


    I accidentally committed the crime of Γκουγκλομετάφραση on Lexilogia under the entry 'hair roll/roll of hair'. The site I had found was unfortunately not a Greek one but an English one translated into Greek à la Google. I have been asked to do a rewrite but am finding it difficult. I would...
  2. Theseus

    hair roll / roll of hair

    :rolleyes:Whoops! I thought it was a Greek site! See the original at the above. I hadn't realised that the original article was in English & this is a direct translation. I was trying to find something in Greek for the updo or the uptwist! This seemed spot on. Is my punishment worth it? I...
  3. Theseus

    Η ρούγα Κέρκυρα

    Thanks so much, 'Man. There are so many variants of this song. It is hard to find out who this Γιαννάκη is& who killed him. As SBE pointed out the original date of provenance is important as to who the murderers were. The introductory comments say this:- Έλκει την καταγωγή του από τα Ακριτικά...
  4. Theseus

    hair roll / roll of hair

    Μήπως 'το απλό twist' ή το Ρομάντζο: "Romance" Για να δημιουργήσετε μια ρομαντική εικόνα του κοριτσιού για ώρες πρόθυμοι να δαπανήσουν κοντά στον καθρέφτη. Συνήθως ήπια μπούκλες μόνο βοηθούν να...
  5. Theseus

    hair roll / roll of hair

    I think in English it's called an updo or uptwist. A useful site perhaps is See if it helps. The queen has such a style, as no doubt you will know! It is somewhat old-fashioned nowadays.
  6. Theseus

    Η ρούγα Κέρκυρα

    I've listened to the words closely but I'm still not hearing the words of the last verse. It begins with Κάτου στην Άη Γιώργη & after that the words elude me. Can you give me the whole stanza? Thanks.
  7. Theseus

    Η ρούγα Κέρκυρα

    Thanks for the trouble and the transcript, Earion. I have various versions of the traditional song and dance Κάτου στην Άη Γιώργη. The version you referred me to is slightly different to the one I have: it adds this verse: Πάνε και τον εβρίσκουν μέσα σε μια λακιά εκεί τον εσκοτώσαν οι Τούρκοι...
  8. Theseus

    Η ρούγα Κέρκυρα

    I don't know how to download a YouTube video but if you look under the heading above, three YouTube videos appear. One lasts 8:02, another 3:06 & the third 2:31 minutes. It is the first one that interests me. It is introduced by a young lady with dark hair in a white skirt & a brown top. Can...
  9. Theseus


    I have come across this word three times today & despite am not sure of its meaning or significance. Here is some context for our specialists:- "Τα σημερινά τεκμήρια αλιεύθηκαν σε τοίχους της Αθήνας το καλοκαίρι του 1979 και 1980. Ως γνωστόν τη μακρινή εκείνη εποχή ο Κωνσταντίνος ο Α' ο...
  10. Theseus


    I'm blushing now 'Man.
  11. Theseus


    Hahaha..The lady in our story smelt their aroma & shut her eyes in delight. More (metaphorical) food for his anger as he choked on his (non-metaphorical) fishbone & suddenly flipped, flinging the gardenias all over the place till the gentleman whose prawn cocktail had been affected exclaimed...
  12. Theseus


    Thanks for the picture of the gardenias, 'Man. I don't think I've ever seen any before your picture. And your translation is very much appreciated, επτάπλε Δρ. I hope you can see where I was confused. I've nearly finished this third book of passages (in between all my other reading!) & the...
  13. Theseus


    Thanks, both! You ask a simple question & you get one exhaustive answer. Always there's so much to learn, but having a certain gluttony for punishment (what is that phrase in Greek?) I thoroughly enjoy it. NB does Να παίζει άραγε και [το metrosexual] mean 'perhaps metrosexual will do'?
  14. Theseus


    I'm stuck on the last paragraph of this story, entitled ΟΙ ΓΑΡΔΕΝΙΕΣ, Ο ΣΥΖΥΓΟΣ ΚΑΙ Ο ΑΓΝΩΣΤΟΣ ΘΑΥΜΑΣΤΗΣ. This is the whole paragraph. The context is still the fish restaurant. A flower seller has passed by the table of this lady & placed a bouquet of gardenias on her plate. She clearly enjoys...
  15. Theseus


    What is the best English for this word? 'Fop, beau & dandy' sound odd nowadays. There is an entry in under the word φλούφλης [=κομψευόμενος], there are some words (italicised in bold) which I don't understand. Ηere is the entry:- φλούφλης Το μαμόθρεφτο, το βουτυρόπαιδο. Άνθρωπος που...
  16. Theseus


    You beat me to it, Themis!
  17. Theseus


    Thanks, sarant. Is 'to him' rather than 'to her'? Λαύρα in the sense you have given me I couldn't find anywhere. What the vocabularies gave was 'μοναστήρι στο οποίο ο κάθε μοναχός ζει στο δικό του κελί διάδρομος, ρύμη, στενωπός'. I have looked under λάβρα to give the meaning which you supplied...
  18. Theseus


    In another version of Κάτου στον Άι Γιώργη occur these verses:- Τούρκοι τον εσκοτώσαν, Ρωμιοί τον κλαίγανε και δυο κοπελουδάκια τον περιπαίζανε [were mocking him?/teasing him] Is the latter a possible translation? Why would two girls be 'mocking' the dead hero? Or are they enemy girls? Their...
  19. Theseus

    το φωτεινό ιπποδρόμιο

    That at last is must be what is referred to, ὦ ἀγαθέ μου Δρ! The vocabulary gives 'lit up' for φωτεινός & only 'racecourse' for ιπποδρόμιο: hence, 'the lit up racecourse'--which precisely answers to context & vocabulary. I actually half remember such magic races. The illustration clinches it...
  20. Theseus

    το φωτεινό ιπποδρόμιο

    The title of the whole piece is ΟΙ ΓΑΡΔΕΝΙΕΣ, Ο ΣΥΖΗΓΟΣ ΚΑΙ Ο ΑΓΝΩΣΤΟΣ ΘΑΥΜΑΣΤΗΣ. I am barely a quarter way through it. The next person is the flower seller, hence the gardenias of the title. I wish this editor had given references to his sources. In his preface, as I've just this very minute...