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  1. Theseus

    Ο χορός της νύφης

    I think, Earion, that the soup referred to is as you have said. In the chalice of our Orthodox Church the bread, the wine & warm water are mingled in a commixture. This could be described very loosely as 'the soup'. There is also the desire to find an easy word rhyming with 'the cup'. In English...
  2. Theseus

    Chaniot mantinada--Αγάπη – αηδόνι κι αετός

    At the end of ο χορός της νύφης I mentioned a Chaniot mantinada, which goes as follows:- • “Αϊτέ μου χρυσοπράσινε, με τις ασημένιες πλάτες, Όταν περνάς στη γειτονιά μοσχοβολούν οι στράτες”. This is used of a type of eagle, is it not? I've heard it sung by Βασίλης Σερμπέζης. But there is a story...
  3. Theseus

    Ο χορός της νύφης

    Thanks, good Doctor for your help. I also need it here. There is a Chaniot (?) mantinada, which reads & seems similar in language to the above:- • “Αϊτέ μου χρυσοπράσινε, με τις ασημένιες πλάτες, Όταν περνάς στη γειτονιά μοσχοβολούν οι στράτες”. This is used of a type of eagle, as in the above...
  4. Theseus

    Ο χορός της νύφης

    Ετούτη η νύφη σήμερα έχει ασημένιες πλάτες κι όπου περάσει και διαβεί, μοσχοβολάν οι στράτες (x2) Στην εκκλησιά που θε να πας και θε να φας τη σούπα θα κατεβεί ένας άγγελος να σου κρατάει τη κούπα (x2) Σαν τη μαρμαροκολόνα μπαίνεις μες στην εκκλησιά και μαραίνεις και τρελαίνεις γέρους, νέους...
  5. Theseus

    Ο χορός της νύφης

    As to Daeman, so to you, Earion, I give my profound thanks. The words of the song in ο χορός της νύφης are quite clear now. I've been looking for this version of the words of the song for ages. The folk singing in Greece is so different to what we are used to here, for, no matter how good are...
  6. Theseus

    Ο χορός της νύφης

    Thanks so much, 'Man. If you catch that much, it's fine for me. There doesn't seem to be a Corfiot specialist In Lexilogia who would know the words by heart. But I love the tune. It seemed to me it would be nice to have the words too. You have helped me very much.:blink:
  7. Theseus

    Ο χορός της νύφης

    I realise I have entered two threads with the same name. My mistake. The second & more recent is under 'Discussing anything under the Sun'. I need help there in that different site.
  8. Theseus

    δεν θα τα πάρεις μαζί σου

    As someone also said, Earion:- 'Repetition is not the mother of learning; it is the mother of 'conditioning'. (Dog trainers call it 'drilling'.)' I repeat faithfully so many things from lexilogia that often the sheer volume overwhelms & I become 'to dumb forgetfulness a prey'. Thanks to all!
  9. Theseus

    το μαντήλι

    Thanks for the fascinating details which answer what I was looking for. I have been trying to read an article on the subject atσημασία-και-χρησιμοποίηση-του-μαντηλιού-στον-χορό-σε-ελλάδα-και-ρουμλούκι. It seems exhaustive in its detail but does, I...
  10. Theseus

    το μαντήλι

    What is the significance of το μαντήλι in traditional dances, often used, it seems by women in συρτά? :confused::mellow:
  11. Theseus

    Ο χορός της νύφης

    O χορός της νύφης In the entry of Η ρούγα Κέρκυρας in this forum, there occur three dances, two with lyrics. The dances are η Περαντζάδα, η Ρούγα, κάτω στον Αι-Γιώργη και ο Χορός της Νύφης. I have the Greek lyrics to Κάτω στον Άη Γιώργη & several versions of ο χορός της νύφης but none of them...
  12. Theseus


    These forums, as I see it, should be places for feather ruffling if feathers need ruffling, but there is gentle or rough ruffling--I like the sound of 'rough ruffling': the onomatopoeia matches the fact. I think now that the current word in fashion for this type of person is ponce. As the Urban...
  13. Theseus

    δεν θα τα πάρεις μαζί σου

    Thanks, sarant. Does it mean: 'as if those who have goods will take them with them'?
  14. Theseus

    δεν θα τα πάρεις μαζί σου

    Thanks, 'Man. 'Shrouds have no pockets'--19th cent. proverb. Or, as you wrote: Τα σάβανα δεν έχουν τσέπες.
  15. Theseus

    δεν θα τα πάρεις μαζί σου

    In eva27's dialogue snippet in her entry Exclamation Εισαγωγικά και τελεία σε διάλογο This dialogue occurs:- «Γεια σου, Τζορτζ!»: Αυτή τη φορά είναι ο Κόμης του Ρόζμπερυ. « Η Κόμησσα δεν παύει να σε επαινεί! Αυτός ο μάγειρας που μας σύστησες είναι ο καλύτερος που είχαμε ποτέ.» «Γεια, Τζορτζ!»...
  16. Theseus

    Ο χορός της νύφης

    For rhymes with banana, mango & papaya peruse & browse:-
  17. Theseus


    No, I wasn't. I am now. Thanks for the link.
  18. Theseus

    Ο χορός της νύφης

    Thanks so much, SBE. I loved the song as soon as I first heard it, but, as expected, i have found many variations.
  19. Theseus

    Ο χορός της νύφης

    Can I ask what some words in this song mean?:- Ένα τραγούδι θα σας πω απάνω στο ρεβίθι [on top of the chickpea] Χαρά στα μάτια του γαμπρού που διάλεξαν την νύφη Γαμπρέ πως τα κατάφερες και μπήκες στο μπαξέ μας [who has managed to come into our garden] και διάλεξες και έκοψες τον ωραίο μενεξέ...
  20. Theseus


    Thanks, Earion. I'm hardly the woman taken in adultery, but being caught in Γκουγκλομετάφραση is bad enough in Lexilogia!