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  1. cougr

    Τα καλύτερα μουσικά γιουτιουμπάκια

    Μια εξαιρετική παραδοσιακή εκτέλεση και διασκευή. Νεραντζούλα- Γιούλη Τσεντούρου Απολαύστε και χαλαρώστε.
  2. cougr

    Inspective gesture

    I know for a fact that workplace inspectors typically undergo significant training in body language, conflict resolution, and presentation skills etc. so it did cross my mind momentarily.
  3. cougr

    Your slip is showing: Γλωσσικές και μεταφραστικές γκάφες (και μικρολαθάκια)

    No conservatives, just radicals - free radicals with every cup - and a few antioxidants 😊
  4. cougr

    Όποιος έχει τα γένια έχει και τα χτένια

    A couple of contemporary sayings that are somewhat related to the saying under discussion: "Those closest to the problem are often the best equipped to solve it" and "those closest to the problem are closest to the solution" And in a different context: "He who pays the piper calls the tune"
  5. cougr

    Inspective gesture

    It's a conundrum that I don't think we can adequately solve. I just hope that Severus can communicate with the writers, otherwise we're all just speculating.
  6. cougr

    Inspective gesture

    The thought that it could be referring to body language had also crossed my mind but I quickly dismissed the idea when I saw in the reference supplied, that "inspective gesture" was listed as a subject together with " inspection activity guidelines". Furthermore, most of the other subjects in...
  7. cougr

    Please R.S.V.P.

    They (as well as the other entries here) definitely give new meaning to the term "duplicate data".😊
  8. cougr

    Please R.S.V.P.

    Έρημος Γκόμπι. Το γκόμπι στα μογγολικά σημαίνει "άνυδρος τόπος" (ή κάτι τέτοιο τέλος πάντων).
  9. cougr

    update = ενημερώνω, επικαιροποιώ

    Προσαρμογή ή αναβάθμιση, θα έλεγα.
  10. cougr

    Inspective gesture

    Κττμγ αυτά παραπέμπουν αλλού και περιπλέκουν περισσότερο την υπόθεση.
  11. cougr

    Inspective gesture

    Given that "inspective gesture" isn't a standard expression (hence my reference to "κάπως καλύτερο") I'm hazarding a guess that it refers to the basic safety hand signals taught to and utilised by on-site occupational inspectors. Edit: Cross-posted with pontios Lol, I just saw your post now...
  12. cougr

    Inspective gesture

    Μάλλον αναφέρεται όπως γράφει και ο Severus, στην χρήση σημάτων ασφάλειας μέσω χειρονομιών από τους επιθεωρητές, κατά τη διάρκεια επιθεώρησης και ελέχγου όπου τίθεται θέμα κινδύνου. Π.χ. στην επιθεώρηση διάφορων μηχανημάτων, ειδικών οχημάτων κτλ. ΥΓ: θα μπορούσε να αποδοθεί και ως...
  13. cougr

    Retraction hazard

    @pontios....again😊 Here's a list of what I was talking about above (see p 10). Admittedly though it doesn't shed much light on the issue. Training of Inspectors...
  14. cougr

    Retraction hazard

    Για το "intrekgevaar", ίσως "κίνδυνος τραβήγματος (προς τα μέσα)" @pontios 👍 On such lists you'll often see "retraction" included as a separate entity to the above hazards and it usually refers directly to the risks posed by retractable parts.
  15. cougr

    Retraction hazard

    Για το "trapping hazards" μάλλον "κίνδυνοι παγίδευσης" @pontios They're not necessarily retraction hazards though. I was thinking more along the lines of the dangers and faults directly associated with equipment and their retracting parts such as outriggers, stabilizers, retractable axles...
  16. cougr

    This funny thing landed in my email

    And one thing that I hate: Having to explain the above joke to people that don't get it.:geek: PS: For that matter, the same applies to the previous joke about the briki in the wall :D
  17. cougr

    Your slip is showing: Γλωσσικές και μεταφραστικές γκάφες (και μικρολαθάκια)

    Daniel Hannan (NI ). – Mr President, and so the European Union carries on acquiring one by one the attributes and trappings of nationality: a legal system, common external borders and now a common policy on who is allowed to cross those borders and settle within its territory. One by one, it has...
  18. cougr

    hawker food market

    Υπαίθριες αγορές φαγητού
  19. cougr

    Retraction hazard

    Χωρίς περαιτέρω συγκείμενο δεν μπορώ να είμαι σίγουρος, πάντως το "retraction hazard" συνήθως αναφέρεται στην πιθανότητα τυχαίας ή ακούσιας απόσυρσης από κάποιο εξάρτημα του εξοπλισμού.
  20. cougr

    Ο συντάκτης, της συντάκτριας

    Paris: France’s education ministry has banned the use of gender-inclusive words in classrooms, saying they harm learning and risk cementing the status of English as the world’s dominant language.... ‘Harmful’: French education ministry bans gender-inclusive language (The Age)