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  1. pontios

    αφαιρετισμός στη μαγειρική

    To restrained ταιριάζει εδώ; restrained cooking or restrained cooking style? Δεν ξέρω αν αντιστοιχεί με το minimalist cooking style ή minimalism in cooking;
  2. pontios


    I agree with foolishly proud and foolishly conceited or unduly proud/conceited. ...and being falsely proud is the same as being unduly/unjustifiably conceited! So we have this covered. I'm trying to retain "false/ψευτο". from False pride: the trait of being unduly vain and...
  3. pontios


    That could describe someone with false pride, who is falsely proud, i.e.,someone who has an inflated opinion of himself... I'm trying to bring "ψευτο/pseudo/false/fraud/phoney" into play.
  4. pontios

    Η ήρεμη θάλασσα μακρυά κάτω στο βάθος έδινε μια γυαλάδα σαν να της έδειχνες φακό

    So I got the first part right .... Έδινε = gave off. I agree with the rest. Welcome back!;)
  5. pontios

    Η ήρεμη θάλασσα μακρυά κάτω στο βάθος έδινε μια γυαλάδα σαν να της έδειχνες φακό

    Maybe έδινε = giving off? The calm sea is giving off a glow, like a torch (you've made the calm sea look like a torch - σαν να της έδειχνες φακό - the way you've captured it ...see my Avatar)?
  6. pontios


    full of airs and graces? "false ways of behaving that are intended to make other people feel that you are important and belong to a high social class": Cambridge English Dictionary. Maybe even, "pretentious" (=phony/phoney and conceited), perhaps in combination with fraud/bastard/low life...
  7. pontios

    Μα πού εκείνο!

    Δεν είμαι σίγουρος αν αυτό αντιστοιχεί κάπως με το ιδιωματικό "to throw someone a bone"? He threw her a bone. But we're talking about a small concession/gesture/favour here (not magnanimous from his point of view - because he might be doing well - and so the implication might be that she should...
  8. pontios

    ο σοφός λαός

    I just wanted to add ... "wise nation of X" still does not sound natural in English - and the way Theseus stated it, using "people" (the people of X made a wise choice/chose wisely), does.
  9. pontios

    ο σοφός λαός

    Good point, Theseus, thanks. I like the way you've restated it .. it does sound more natural. "The wise people of X", as you correctly point out (and as nickel pointed out earlier in this thread), is obviously not referring to "the foolish - or the unwise - of X" , so it implies the existence...
  10. pontios

    Two baffling uses of κάνω

    I thought what you had highlighted in bold, in your OP, was the whole quote. Now that you've clarified it, I agree with everyone else, of course. You could retitle this thread by adding.... "plus a baffling absence of quotation marks (or clear thinking by pontios)".Thanks, Palavra, BTW .. κάνω...
  11. pontios

    Two baffling uses of κάνω

    Ok, my bad, then, Theseus. I thought the exclamation marks were wrapped around the whole caboodle... "Ε, όσο γι' αυτό! έκανε ο Νίκος".
  12. pontios

    Two baffling uses of κάνω

    I could be wrong here, but I understand it to mean .... as far as that (type of work, job requirement) goes, Nikos was suitable. Let's wait for those ITK; I'm just guessing.
  13. pontios

    Μοναχός σου χόρευε και όσο θέλεις πήδα

    Dance to the beat of your own drum (and be free/independent/unconstrained/the lord of your manor/don't let anyone slow you down -- let your boundless spirit soar/cut loose/knock yourself out). ;)
  14. pontios

    Μοναχός σου χόρευε και όσο θέλεις πήδα

    Το πιο κοντινό που μπορώ να σκεφτώ, που είναι κάπως ιδιωματικό, είναι κάτι σαν to "dance to your own beat/tune/to the rhythm of your own drum/heartbeat".. μια παραλλαγή του "march to your own beat/to the rhythm of your own drum", etc.. (all variations are easily understood). In other words...
  15. pontios

    to season a pan

    Exactly, but in either case (στεγανοποίησης ή φώκιας) you'd want a performing seal. ;) Seasoning a pan = priming a pan = the preliminary sealing and conditioning of a pan.
  16. pontios

    to season a pan

    Στα Αγγλικά υπάρχει (αν δεν κάνω λάθος) και το συνώνυμο "(to) seal the skillet/frying pan". Δεν ξέρω αν βγάζει νόημα κάτι σαν το "σφραγιστική επίστρωση";
  17. pontios


    Thanks, dr 7. Θα το διαβάσω αύριο - κουραστικά να κοιτάω την οθόνη σήμερα. Sounds very interesting.
  18. pontios


    Ελλειπτικό η όχι, υπάρχει μια λογική αλληλουχία και σύνδεση της ρίζας μεταξύ ρημάτων - και αυτό είναι φοβερό πράγμα, ιδίως δεδομένου ότι έχει διατηρηθεί σχεδόν "άρρηκτα" εδώ και αιώνες (διαρρηγνύω τα ιμάτια μου μόνο που το σκεφτούμε).
  19. pontios


    Καλή υποσημείωση, Θέμη. Ευχαριστώ. Δηλαδή δεν είμαι ο μόνος που δυσκολεύεται - ευτυχώς, όπως επισήμανες, υπάρχουν συνώνυμα, σχετικά εύκολα (πιο ομαλά) ρήματα - έχουμε και την πολυλογία.
  20. pontios

    το τζιφάκι

    Here's a double whammy, daeman.... genesis gym, which was in the news recently. Actually, it's more like a triple whammy for the members left high and dry after ponying up for their yearly memberships.