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  1. pontios


    ... I'm "echoing" what daeman said/concluded #3, in other words (I just read his post properly).
  2. pontios


    I'm guessing: "the house echoed" could be be shorthand for .... the whisper seemed to echo through the house? ... and it could only have a figurative sense here (as the physics don't make sense). it could be emphasising what the whisper meant at that moment (emotionally)?
  3. pontios

    comfort foods = φαγητά που (σου) φτιάχνουν τη διάθεση

    re: my deleted post .... Sorry if I offended anyone (it wasn't my intention). It is just some silly theory/law afaic. :(
  4. pontios

    comfort foods = φαγητά που (σου) φτιάχνουν τη διάθεση

    ... φαγητά που σε «παρηγορούν»/ φαγητά που σε κάνουν να νιώθεις καλύτερα :unsure: :-)
  5. pontios

    comfort foods = φαγητά που (σου) φτιάχνουν τη διάθεση

    It can be interpreted that way, I suppose, cougr. :-) A relaxing/soothing drink can cheer you up by making you feel better (even if you already felt good prior to the drinking/imbibing) ... it's always nice to feel relaxed. I think the comforting "makes you feel better," in all cases --...
  6. pontios

    comfort foods = φαγητά που (σου) φτιάχνουν τη διάθεση

    Just adding: ... (both are established terms, although informal). I know they differ from "comfort" or "comforting," but may be worth noting, in any case. pick me up drinks (re-energising or feel-good drinks that can lift your mood or make you feel better). pick me up foods (re-energising or...
  7. pontios

    comfort foods = φαγητά που (σου) φτιάχνουν τη διάθεση

    The thing is with comfort foods (unlike "comfort drinks") you don't need to argue anything - we know what they are (it has been established in English). They are foods that can bring you cheer/joy/cheer you up/lift your mood when it's down, but that is one aspect only, of course. There are many...
  8. pontios

    comfort foods = φαγητά που (σου) φτιάχνουν τη διάθεση

    a comforting drink is a soothing drink that you'd have to relax/wind down ... that's about it (there are no other connotations). Anyway, are there comfort drinks (alongside comfort foods)? ... and I'm not referring to Southern Comfort the fruit-flavoured liqueur ;-) I think the one that nickel...
  9. pontios

    comfort foods = φαγητά που (σου) φτιάχνουν τη διάθεση

    I agree with Lina, above. Comfort food or comforting food (same thing) is food that comforts - that's guaranteed to give you the warm and fuzzy feeling or the sense of security/reassurance or emotional pickup you might need from time to time. There's an emotional side and attachment to this food...
  10. pontios

    comfort foods = φαγητά που (σου) φτιάχνουν τη διάθεση

    ... και αν τα πούμε "παρηγορητικά φαγητά" (= comforting foods?);
  11. pontios

    comfort foods = φαγητά που (σου) φτιάχνουν τη διάθεση

    συναισθηματικό φαγητό; (emotional food?) συναισθηματική λαχτάρα για φαγητό; (emotional food craving?) συναισθηματική βρώση; (emotional eating? = comfort eating, maybe?)
  12. pontios

    comfort foods = φαγητά που (σου) φτιάχνουν τη διάθεση

    or mood-boosting/mood-enhancing foods? or pick-me-up foods (assuming "re-energising" means you're also lifting your mood)?
  13. pontios

    comfort foods = φαγητά που (σου) φτιάχνουν τη διάθεση

    απλά φαγητά που προσφέρουν τη θαλπωρή της σπιτικής κουζίνας; απλά φαγητά που προσφέρουν τη σπιτική θαλπωρή; ... I'm trying to cover all bases.
  14. pontios

    prop censor = σκηνικό αντικείμενο με λογοκριτικό ρόλο | prop censer = θυμιατήρι, καπνιστήρι για σκηνική χρήση

    Ok ... Okay ... I see. Even in this article, maybe it is about censorship ... if the chorus is seen as being objectionable (wasps/pests) and was smoked away. The chorus was being censored, in a way - dismissed and not listened to? You can make a case either way?
  15. pontios

    prop censor = σκηνικό αντικείμενο με λογοκριτικό ρόλο | prop censer = θυμιατήρι, καπνιστήρι για σκηνική χρήση

    Δεν είμαι εντελώς σίγουρος, αλλά ... (95% plus, anyway) Αφού αυτό το άρθρο γράφει παντού για "prop censors" και "prop censorship" and "scenery censors" … δεν συμφωνώ (συγνώμη). Α prop censor is a stage or movie prop that is used to visually censor/conceal (and the torch was seen as an unusual...
  16. pontios

    prop censor = σκηνικό αντικείμενο με λογοκριτικό ρόλο | prop censer = θυμιατήρι, καπνιστήρι για σκηνική χρήση

    If someone could please delete .... #7, #9 and #10 (I think I was off the mark) . I think prop-censor (a hyphen would have helped) refers to a stage-prop that is used to "censor" the scenery (the naughty bits). It is both a prop (a stage prop) and a (strategically placed) censor (the prop is...
  17. pontios

    prop censor = σκηνικό αντικείμενο με λογοκριτικό ρόλο | prop censer = θυμιατήρι, καπνιστήρι για σκηνική χρήση

    Οkay ... :oops: ψαλίδισμα σκηνικών; .... για την ενέργεια; (ίσως χρειαζόμαστε και ένα "αξεσουάρ" κάπου ... )
  18. pontios

    prop censor = σκηνικό αντικείμενο με λογοκριτικό ρόλο | prop censer = θυμιατήρι, καπνιστήρι για σκηνική χρήση

    (prop censor doesn't really make any sense as we're not censoring props, but using props to censor the "naughty bits" out ... ) ... αλλά, το ισοδύναμο του (και εξίσου άστοχο), αν τολμούσα να μαντέψω, ίσως θα ήταν κατι σαν το ... ψαλιδιστής σκηνικών; (probably not?)
  19. pontios

    extract, για αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα

    ... and extract (here) = αντιπροσωπευτικό κομμάτι/τμήμα της σκηνής ή ένα κομμάτι/τμήμα/απόσπασμα της σκηνής; maybe? απόσπασμα σκηνής;
  20. pontios

    extract, για αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα

    (... if it's referring to undamaged sections of the mosaic). τμήμα; ... αρχαιότερα (διασωθέντα) τμήματα του μωσαϊκού;