Αυτό που παρατήρησα εγώ πολύ έντονα μετά τη διακοπή του καπνίσματος είναι ότι ο καφές με πιάνει πολύ πιο εύκολα πλέον. Πριν έπινα κάπου τέσσερις μεγάλες κούπες σκέτο γαλλικό καφέ (όλη τη μέρα) και τώρα με τη μία είμαι στο τσακ ν’ αρχίσω να τρέμω. Λίγο ακόμα να συνεχιστεί αυτή η κατάσταση και θα κόψω και τον καφέ. Θα το γυρίσω στο τσάι του βουνού.
Κατ' αρχήν, θερμά συγχαρητήρια, όχι μόνο για το κατόρθωμα άλλα και για το θετικό πνεύμα που δείχνεις! Εγώ όταν ήμουν στη θέση σου δάγκωνα άνθρωπο...
Για τον καφέ, θα σε παραπέμψω και πάλι στον Joel Spitzer του site Whyquit:
Anyone who feels jittery after a few days of a quit should examine his or her caffeine consumption levels. Many find that they cannot tolerate caffeine consumption at prequit levels. If you are experiencing a jittery feeling you may want to experiment with reducing quantity or strength of caffeinated drinks or products. If you are not having these difficulties it probably is not important to alter anything now.
There is an interaction between nicotine and caffeine, just as there is an interaction with nicotine and alcohol. We discuss it here often how when people drink alcohol it causes them to lose nicotine at an accelerated pace thus resulting in heavier smoking while drinking. As I said, there is a similar situation with nicotine and caffeine--similar with one huge difference. Alcohol makes you lose nicotine, thus is responsible for smoking more when drinking.
Nicotine on the other hand interferes with the body's ability to absorb and utilize caffeine, often resulting in a person who is used to or needs to be maintaining a certain caffeine level requiring more of the products to maintain their minimum needed level. When they quit smoking and consume the same amount, that old quantity will now basically overdose them. In the case where they even increase quantity, they can experience a real overdose effect with the corresponding anxiety and sleep altering effects.
So be careful with caffeine if symptoms are going longer than a few days. It is not saying you need to get rid of it all together, just keep it in doses that don't cause unwanted effects. Your general state will likely be calmer and a feeling of overall well being that you should be able to maintain for the rest of your life as long as you always remember to keep yourself from over stimulating substances and always remember to never take another puff!
Εγώ έκανα ό,τι και συ, είπα να το πάω μαλακά και δεν έκοψα τον καφέ. Απλώς άρχισα να τον αραιώνω σταδιακά, ώστε να πίνω τα ίδια φλυτζάνια που είχα συνηθίσει αλλά να παίρνω λιγότερη καφεΐνη. Με αυτό το κόλπο έκοψα εντελώς και τη ζάχαρη στον (γαλλικό) καφέ. ;)