Σε λεξαριθμικό ιστότοπο, διαβάζουμε το βιογραφικό του διαχειριστή μεταφρασμένο (τρόπος του λέγειν) στα αγγλικά. Θεϊκό απόσπασμα: ...
Μα γιατί μας αφήνεις μόνο αυτό το ιππόσπασμα και μας στερείς τόσο γέλιο; Ιππαραθέτω και το ιππόλοιπο:
"He is a senior (monody) of Conservatories (National of Athens) and of municipal of Larisa * He taught in the Schools of Greek Comumities of Egypt as a school principal (Port Side) * He had migradet in Canada and United States of America (1971 - 1973) * From the year 1973 he studies the structure of the Hellenic (Greek) language and the Technology of the Greeks (Ancient) * Since the year 1976 until the year 2005 there was professor of the Technological Educational Institution (T.E.I) of Larisa (Thessaly), where he coordinated and realized two research programms " Mathematical Study of the Structure of the Hellenic Language" and " Triangulation of the Hellenic World (both of five years term): In the second my daughter ..., mechanical city planner and mechanical regional was participated * He is the founder of the Lexarithmic Theory (Axiomatic theory of study and production of Knowledge on everything - by the Hellenic language (TEI of Larisa, 1976, first announcement) * He is the precursor of foundation of all Annexes of the Hellenic Mathematical Etaireia (Companies) (EME, in Athens), where he was the president of the first Annex of Thessaly for many years * He is the founder (with his wife... and his daughter ...) of the Company "Hellenic Logos" for the study and the defense of the Hellenism * He was the editor and publisher of the periodical publications " ΠΑ.Μ.Μ.Ε.ΓΑΣ" (ΠΑγκόσμιος Μαθηματική Μελέτη Ελληνικῆς ΓλώσσΑΣ) - (PAMMEGAS) (PAngosmios Mathematical Melete (Study) of HEllenic GlossAS (of Languge) and "ΕΥΡΩΕΛΛΑΣ" (Εὐρεῖα Ελλάς) - UROHELLAS, Wide Greece) for the awake of the Neo-Hellenes (Greeks) and the reconnection with the their very old roots * From the year 1976, also, through lectures, workshops and conferences of every range, radio and televizion broadcasts, and interviews, declars and demostrates the universality (pangosmiotes) of the Hellenic Language, the maternity and the hellenic origin of all people and languages.
The COSMOGLOSSA 2007 through the Lexarithmic Theory (established the year 1976 in TEI of Larisa and published in the first issue of the journal PAMMEGAS, but apprehended the year 1973, makes known the mathematical structure of the Hellenic Language and the hellenogeneia (of greek origin) of People and languages."
"Urohellas" indeed, pissing about, taking the piss and deserving it. Μust be the mathematical structure, you know.
And all that horseshit is fresh, too, still steaming: "Τελευταία Ενημέρωση Thursday, 26 January 2017 15:19"
Αριθμοσοφία και πράσινα άλογα.
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