Το νέο ζητούμενο:
drone privacy. Πώς θα το αποδώσουμε ελληνικά;
Actually, folks, the way the zitoumenon was originally put is "drone privacy."
As is means as a single unit
within quotes, and as such it limits the search to an exact phrase.
But if you meant to say drone
plus privacy, now that's 2 separate terms.
Combining the zitoumena within the same search will yield different results.
Sadly, for all its benefits, email is still the poorest form of communication.
More often than not, it can point research in the wrong direction.
Bottom line:
Like most of you, I'm no mind reader. All I can see here is text. So help me.
Specifying upfront your exact
zitoumenon is highly likely to result in a win-win for all:
It saves everyone lots of time, and makes answering inquiries a real breeze.
Thx much