Την ίδια ώρα, στην Κίνα...

Επί τρία χρόνια το 'παιζε υφυπουργός σε μια επαρχία, ώσπου έκανε το λάθος να αναγγείλει κάτι που έγινε πρωτοσέλιδο, και ξεσκεπάστηκε --τι το ήθελε; Ας έμενε στους δεκάρικους λόγους, κανείς δεν θα τον ξεχώριζε από κανονικό αξιωματούχο... [1][2] Σ' εμάς, λόγω της μικρότητας της χώρας, κάτι τέτοιο μπορεί να γίνει από επίπεδο τμηματάρχη και κάτω, να υποθέσω;
Αντιχλιδική εκστρατεία από τον νέο πρόεδρο (ΝΥΤ):
Warning that graft and gluttony threaten to bring down the ruling Communists, Mr. Xi has ordered an end to boozy, taxpayer-financed banquets and the bribery that often takes the form of a gift-wrapped Louis Vuitton bag. (...) The crackdown appears to be real, as far as it goes, which may not be very far. (...) Mr. Xi’s campaign even has a new catchphrase, based on his vision of gastronomic self-restraint: “Four dishes and a soup.” (...) Yellow Pavilion cigarettes, the $300-a-carton brand (...) Moutai, the $600-a-bottle gut-searing grain alcohol that is an omnipresent intoxicant at official banquets, has also seen its growth slow recently. (...) sales of shark fins had dropped more than 70 percent, and sales of edible swallow nests, the main ingredient of a $100-a-bowl delicacy, were down 40 percent. (...) One entrepreneur, who dines almost nightly with government officials and business associates and did not want to be identified as a result, said such invitations had dropped by half. “The nightly drinking takes a serious toll,” the entrepreneur said, expressing no regret at forgoing the mandated Maotai toasts. (Moutai / Maotai το ίδιο συνδικάτο, 53%-35% σπίρτο· έως και θάνατοι έχουν συμβεί.)
Έστειλε τη μάνα του στο απόσπασμα: "I warned her: 'If you go against our dear Chairman Mao I will smash your dog head'" (...) "I felt this wasn't my mother. This wasn't a person. She suddenly became a monster … She had become a class enemy and opened her bloody mouth." (...) Red Guards smashed heirlooms and burned books: "I thought it was great – an unprecedented moment in history" (...) "I wrote a big character poster about him [=my father]; I just wanted to follow Chairman Mao," said Zhang. "For a child to criticise their parents wasn't just our household. The whole country was doing it." (The Guardian)
Κυκλοφόρησε φωτογραφία με την Πρώτη Κυρία, που ως γνωστόν είναι αντιστράτηγος-τραγουδίστρια του Λαϊκού Απελευθερωτικού Στρατού, όπου τραγουδά στους στρατιώτες που επέβαλαν το στρατιωτικό νόμο τον Ιούνιο του 1989 στο Πεκίνο. Δεν είναι βέβαια τίποτα το περίεργο, ούτε και φαίνεται να απασχολεί τους Κινέζους, στους οποίους η ΠΚ είναι πολύ δημοφιλής, απ' ό,τι λέγεται. Και άλλωστε τη δουλειά της έκανε...

As hard as it is to believe, these are the lengths to which the Chinese government will go to persecute family members of dissidents, without any justification. They will go to your spouse, your children, your aging mother and father, your employer, your friends, your landlord, your girlfriend or boyfriend; they will go to everyone who is in any way related to you. And the world has to learn that, in the CCP’s book, this is nothing new. After all, the party owns China. (Για την αρχή της συλλογικής τιμωρίας στην αρχαία Κίνα, όπου για το έγκλημα της προδοσίας μπορούσε να θεωρηθεί υπεύθυνη όλη η οικογένεια του ανθρώπου που είχε καταδικαστεί ως προδότης, βλ. [1]). (Seeing Red in China)
Οι χώρες BRICS ("Χρυσό Τούβλο" στα κινέζικα) συστήνουν ταμείο αντιμετώπισης κρίσεων 100 δις δολαρίων. (The Financial Express)

Η Κίνα έστειλε κυανόκρανους στην Κύπρο. (Reuters)
"When I was at the military academy, we were told we would never do U.N. peacekeeping," he told Reuters in his office at a largely abandoned former British aerodrome in the buffer zone. "But the changes of the 1970s and 1980s opened up new opportunities. Being involved in peacekeeping allows us to learn from the outside world and also to show the outside world who the PLA are."

Λαϊκή Κίνα: η μεγαλύτερη εξαγωγέας Βίβλων. (The Economist)

Ο μικρός αδελφός της Λίου Ξ(Σ)ιά κατηγορείται από τις αρχές για απάτη κλπ. ‘I’ll soon go mad’ έχει πει η όμηρος του κράτους. (NYT)

Η μαφιοποίηση της ζωής σε όλο της το μεγαλείο, και στο επίπεδο της ανώτατης ελίτ. Μοιάζει με ταινία Κουνγκ Φου (επεισόδιο του 2009 που βγήκε τώρα μόλις στη φόρα για συγκεκριμένους λόγους). (The World Age)

Κάποιος του προσωπικού ενός ιδιωτικού σχολείου έδειρε θανάσιμα δύο μαθητές 10-12 χρονών. (BBC)

Λίστα (διευρυμένη) απαγορευόμενων δραστηριοτήτων κυκλοφόρησε στο Θιβέτ. (Radio Free Asia)
Αν δεν είναι φόλα, πρόκειται για σπανιότατη προς το παρόν περίπτωση Χαν Κινέζου που προσχωρεί ένοπλα στην Αραβική Άνοιξη. (YouTube)

Έδιτ: νά και σχετικό άρθρο της NYT.
Τον περασμένο Σεπτέμβρη είχε δημοσιευτεί η είδηση της κυκλοφορίας του πρώτου τόμου της κινέζικης μετάφρασης του Finnegans Wake, του Τζέιμς Τζόυς. Το πρώτο τιράζ των 8000 αντιτύπων εξαντλήθηκε κι έγινε ανατύπωση με 5000 αντίτυπα! (WSJ)

The book briefly rose to No. 2 on a bestseller list run by a Shanghai book industry group, just behind a biography of the late Deng Xiaoping. (...)
"I have to say it's less pleasant than I expected," said Nico Wu, a 23-year-old public-relations professional in Shanghai, who says he slogged through the first 30 of its 775 pages before giving up. "I thought at least I could get a sense of the plot," he said. "But now, I feel it is too hard to even do that." (...)
"I am so desperate to know how it feels to read the most complicated book in the world," said He Kuang, a 50-year-old civil servant in the coastal city Xiamen, who bought the translation. "It's like an IQ test." (...)
"The traditional writing style of Chinese literature needs to be changed after all these years," [Ms. Dai, the translator] said. "Someone needs to stand out and lead by his unique writing, like what James [Joyce] did in Western literature." (...)
To re-create some of the sounds of the novel, Ms. Dai had to create new Chinese characters [Πώς το έκανε, δηλαδή; Με γλωσσάρι για το πώς προφέρονται;] —a notable hoop to jump through considering Chinese already has tens of thousands of characters. (...)
Her publisher paid her 75 yuan ($12) per thousand English words translated (...)
(...) publisher Shanghai People's Publishing House gave the book market appeal with a slick billboard campaign in the downtown areas of major Chinese cities. A deluxe, 168 yuan version comes in a box with a slim Joyce biography and bookmark, and it shows a young Joyce standing head-cocked and confident with his hands in his pants pockets. The book was also advertised in in-flight magazines, online reading sites and stores. It got an additional boost from China's state-run media, (...)

Πάντως η παλιά είδηση έλεγε πως άφησε μόλις τις μισές λέξεις.
A mainland court has jailed an elderly man for a murder committed during the tumultuous 1966-76 Cultural Revolution, officials said yesterday, after a trial that sparked anger over seemingly selective justice. Qiu Riren, who is in his eighties, was on Friday condemned to three-and-a-half years in jail for the 1967 killing (...) Qiu had belonged to an "armed group" and strangled his victim - a doctor thought to be a spy - before cutting off his legs and burying him, the state-run China News Service reported. Mainland social media users decried the trial when state media announced it in February, pointing out that senior officials who stirred up the social and political upheaval had never been held accountable. (...) The authorities have never publicly estimated how many died during the Cultural Revolution, but British historian Roderick MacFarquhar has estimated half a million deaths in 1967. (SCMP)

Those visiting tombs of relatives during today's Ching Ming grave-sweeping festival may be surprised to see others at nearby graves huddled around a mobile phone (...) With the space on most headstones limited, QR (quick-response) codes allow access to a vast databank of memories and information about loved ones, or even complete strangers, via a simple scan. (...) The matchbox-sized codes direct mobile phones to websites dedicated to the deceased. The sites are usually maintained by the cemetery for about 300 yuan (HK$370) a year. They can contain poetry, music, photos and videos, and may be accessed by the public or with a password. (SCMP)
Are iOS apps the next victims in China’s war on Apple? (Quartz)
(επειδή δίνουν πρόσβαση σε βιβλία απαγορευμένα στην Κίνα που θίγουν θέματα Θιβέτ, Ξ(Σ)ιντζιάνγκ, κλπ.)
Ο "Τζάνγκο" του Ταραντίνο, μετά από ένα saturation advertising εβδομάδων, τελικά αποσύρθηκε από τις κινεζικές αίθουσες την πρώτη μέρα της προβολής του. Στην Κίνα δεν υπάρχουν κατηγορίες κατάλληλο-ακατάλληλο, κι έτσι πρέπει όλες οι ταινίες να κριθούν κατάλληλες για παιδιά. (ΝΥΤ)
Ένα παλιό βιβλίο του Μο Γιαν που πραγματεύεται τη νοθεία των τροφίμων, συγκεκριμένα του κρέατος, θέμα πολύ επίκαιρο λόγω της πρόσφατης ιστορίας με τα 15000 ψόφια γουρούνια. (Week in China)
We live in an age that scholars characterise as that of the primitive accumulation of capital. Just what does that mean? Simply that people will make money by any means necessary, and that everyone’s money is tainted by the blood of others. Once this phase has passed, moral behaviour will again be in fashion. But during times of immoral behaviour, if we persist in being moral, we might as well starve to death.”
Το χρονικό του Λιάο Γι-Ού από τα χρόνια του στη φυλακή κυκλοφόρησε και στα αγγλικά. (ΝΥΤ)