Η ομοφυλοφιλία βγαίνει από το ημίφως

Όχι απλά δώρο -γιατί είναι δώρο;- αλλά και θείο δώρο. Έλεος κι αυτός ο Τιμ. Το καλό για το μέλλον των δικαιωμάτων των γκέι, πάντως, είναι ότι η Απλ είναι εταιρεία με τεράστια επιρροή.


Staff member
Το καλό για το μέλλον των δικαιωμάτων των γκέι, πάντως, είναι ότι η Απλ είναι εταιρεία με τεράστια επιρροή.
Ναι, αλλά μπορεί να κάνει υποχρεωτικό το ότι το ψωνιστήρι να γίνεται μόνο μέσα από iTunes.

Η αφαίρεση του μνημείου του Steve Jobs για λόγους γκέι προπαγάνδας ήταν τελικά φάρσα: το μνημείο αφαιρέθηκε για επιδιορθώσεις λόγω βλάβης σε αισθητήρες, και θα ξανατοποθετηθεί. Removal of Steve Jobs memorial due to 'gay propaganda' law turns out to be PR hoax


Staff member
Η αφαίρεση του μνημείου του Steve Jobs για λόγους γκέι προπαγάνδας ήταν τελικά φάρσα: το μνημείο αφαιρέθηκε για επιδιορθώσεις λόγω βλάβης σε αισθητήρες, και θα ξανατοποθετηθεί. Removal of Steve Jobs memorial due to 'gay propaganda' law turns out to be PR hoax
The head of ZEFS told Russia Today that he would reinstall the memorial, but only if it can “send a message to the US rejecting the use of Apple devices.” So while a faulty screen may have been the reason the monument was taken down, it doesn't sound like the firm is a big fan of Apple right now, for one reason or another.


New member
Εγώ σιχαθεί ν' ακούω αναφορές στο Θεό από τους Αμερικανούς για το οτιδήποτε, από την όποια σεξουαλική ταυτότητα ως το πόσο πρόκοψαν οι κολοκύθες στο μποστάνι τους...)

Amen to that, Gus! (you OK if I call you Gus?)
Pes ta chrysostome!
I don't know which god this guy's thankful to, but I'm sure it's not the God of the Bible I believe in.
What else is new? People have always made gods after their own image and linking.

Five years ago I moved here from Southern California fleeing the frenzy of materialism in Orange County-where schizophrenia reigns supreme. Need a gay christian church? Sure, any particular denomination? Can't decide? No problem, sir, lemme give you a list of nondenominational gay churches.

1970s gays ask for understanding.
1980s gays ask for acceptance.
1990s gays demand equal rights. Schwarzenegger offers them domestic partnerships. Psychiatry removes homosexuality from its list of abnormal conditions under pressure from gay lobbies and demonstrators.
2000s gays demand "gay marriage" recognition in some states.
2010s gays demand "gay marriage recognition" across all states and jurisdictions.

Gay education now mandatory at schools. Freedom of any belief opposing gays now challenged at courts.
Boy Scouts of America yields to gay lobby pressures to admit openly homosexual scout leaders--or else no financial support from Nike, Intel, and other multinational corporations.

And here's this year's gay slogan:
"Gay marriage is the best thing that happened to heterosexual marriage."
Meantime a new job market is open for business: Gay-divorce law-offices.
Best thing that happened to gay marriage, I guess.

If you got any questions, now is the time to remain silent.


Mod Almighty
Staff member
Εγώ σιχαθεί ν' ακούω αναφορές στο Θεό από τους Αμερικανούς για το οτιδήποτε, από την όποια σεξουαλική ταυτότητα ως το πόσο πρόκοψαν οι κολοκύθες στο μποστάνι τους...)
Υποψιάζομαι ότι αυτό εν γένει γίνεται επειδή αν επικαλείσαι το θεό έχεις περισσότερες πιθανότητες να γίνεις αποδεκτός από το ευρύτερο κοινό (σε πρόσφατες έρευνες που διάβαζα, οι άθεοι σημειώνουν τη χαμηλότερη δημοτικότητα).
Σε πρόσφατες έρευνες που διάβαζα, οι άθεοι σημειώνουν τη χαμηλότερη δημοτικότητα.

Στις ΗΠΑ είναι λιγότερο δημοφιλείς από τους παιδεραστές, απ' όσο θυμάμαι.


Staff member
Ναι, αλλά μπορεί να κάνει υποχρεωτικό το ότι το ψωνιστήρι να γίνεται μόνο μέσα από iTunes.

:woot: :D :lol:

i-Pick, ergo i-Sum. And Apple i-Sums.


Staff member
... Εγώ σιχαθεί ν' ακούω αναφορές στο Θεό από τους Αμερικανούς για το οτιδήποτε, από την όποια σεξουαλική ταυτότητα ως το πόσο πρόκοψαν οι κολοκύθες στο μποστάνι τους...)


Staff member
Χμ, το θέμα δεν είναι η θρησκεία per se, είναι το ότι η έννοια του Θεού, οι αναφορές σε αυτόν και η διατυμπάνιση του ονόματός του σε κάθε (μα κάθε, ΜΑ ΚΑΑΑΑΑΑΘΘΘΘΘΕΕΕΕΕ!!!) ευκαιρία συνιστά ίσως την χαρακτηριστικότερη εκδήλωση αμερικανικού πνεύματος, είναι κάτι σαν σχιββωλέθ πατριωτισμού και γνήσιας αμερικανικής νοοτροπίας.


Staff member
Χμ, το θέμα δεν είναι η θρησκεία per se, είναι το ότι η έννοια του Θεού, οι αναφορές σε αυτόν και η διατυμπάνιση του ονόματός του σε κάθε (μα κάθε, ΜΑ ΚΑΑΑΑΑΑΘΘΘΘΘΕΕΕΕΕ!!!) ευκαιρία συνιστά ίσως την χαρακτηριστικότερη εκδήλωση αμερικανικού πνεύματος, είναι κάτι σαν σχιββωλέθ πατριωτισμού και γνήσιας αμερικανικής νοοτροπίας.
By God, you're right! You're God damn right! :D

Well, it does lend higher authority to those who always need some, doesn't it? :p


Staff member
Ας μην ξεχνάμε ότι το 1956 άλλαξαν οι ΗΠΑ το εμβληματικό ρητό τους και από «E pluribus unum» («Από τα πολλά στο ένα») το έκαναν «In God we trust». Από το ενωτικό μότο, στο διχαστικό...


New member
Oh yeah, in fact, an eminent American philosopher of our time, Arthur Schessinger Jr., wrote an excellent book on the subject titled The Disuniting of America.
dis+unite an ancient word (1600s) raked up and popularized in recent years.

Besides gay rights, other long-standing, hot-button issues still dividing Americans are:
Separation of Church and State

2014 midterm elections:
Marijuana Legalization (measure 91)
Driver's license (EU's ID Card equivalent) to illegal aliens (measure 88)

See results in today's The Oregonian


Μνημείο του Τζομπς στη Ρωσία; ΟΚ, ο καθένας με την τρέλα του.
Θεός; Ναι, όπως είπαν κι οι άλλοι, δεν έχει να κάνει με κάποια συγκεκριμένη θρησκεία. Αρκεί να πιστεύεις σε οποιονδήποτε θεό και να τον επικαλείσαι κάθε πέντε λεπτά.
Αίγυπτος: Δεκάδες συλλήψεις για "διαστροφή" σε τοπικό χαμάμ. Μεγάλη επιχείρηση της αστυνομίας του Καΐρου. (lifo.gr)

Καθώς η ομοφυλοφιλία δεν είναι ποινικό αδίκημα στην Αίγυπτο, στους συλληφθέντες αποδώθηκε η κατηγορία της "διαστροφής".
[Σε παλιότερη φάση,] Σύμφωνα με τον δημόσιο κατήγορο, οι εικόνες που είχαν τραβηχτεί σε ποταμόπλοιο του Νείλου ήταν "εξευτελιστικές, λυπηρές, θα εξόργιζαν τον Θεό και αποτελούν ποινικό αδίκημα".
Chinese court rules ‘gay cure’ treatments illegal
Clinic in Chongqing ordered to pay compensation after it told man it could treat his homosexuality with electric shocks
(The Guardian)
Yang Teng, 30, brought the case against the Xinyu Piaoxiang clinic in the south-western city of Chongqing, which allegedly told him it could “cure” him of his homosexuality through a series of treatments involving hypnosis and electric shocks.

The court ruled that such treatments were illegal, and demanded that the clinic give Yang 3,500 yuan (£359) in compensation and post an apology to its website.

“It’s very good news for us,” Yang told the Guardian. “The court ruling will make a huge difference.”
Yang proactively sought out the treatments in February after his parents pressured him to start a family. He also attempted to sue the search engine Baidu for advertising the clinic, but the judge rejected that case.

Gay-straight conversion clinics are widespread in China, the US and Europe despite warnings by medical experts that the procedures are not backed up by any scientific evidence and are likely do more harm than good.

“We want to convey the court ruling to more Chinese parents so that they can understand that homosexuality is not an illness and does not need to be treated,” Yang said. “We hope to save other homosexual people from a lot of pain.”

Απ' ό,τι κατάλαβα, δεν υπέστη ποτέ κάποια "θεραπεία".
Κύριο άρθρο της ΝΥΤ, σχετικό με το #135 και τη δίκη που αρχίζει

Egypt’s Appalling Crackdown on Gays
Even if they were acquitted on the ludicrous charge of “debauchery,” the 26 Egyptian men on trial in the government’s latest crackdown on gays are likely to suffer a lifetime of public scorn.

Over the past two years, there has been no shortage of travesties and injustices in Egypt’s courtrooms. The country’s ousted dictator, Hosni Mubarak, was sentenced to life in prison in 2012, laying on a stretcher placed within a cage, only to be acquitted two years later in a subsequent proceeding once his allies were in power again. Mr. Mubarak’s Islamist successor, Mohamed Morsi, who was removed from power in a military coup, was locked up in a soundproof cage at his trial last year. Three journalists employed by the Doha-based Al Jazeera English network were outrageously sentenced to lengthy prison terms in June on allegations that they had aided the Muslim Brotherhood, following a ridiculous trial that turned them into scapegoats of a fight between Egypt and Qatar.

The trial underway now seems particularly cruel. On Dec. 7, Mona Iraqi, a television journalist who works for a pro-government channel, barged into a traditional hammam, or bathhouse, in Cairo, to document what she billed as “the biggest den of group perversion” in the Egyptian capital. The police, operating in concert with her, promptly raided the establishment. Ms. Iraqi posted photos of naked men being corralled by authorities and promised viewers, in a since-deleted Facebook post, that her exposé would feature the “whole story of the dens for spreading AIDS in Egypt.”

The Egyptian government has persecuted gay men with varying degrees of intensity over the past two decades. The latest crackdown has driven the gay community underground like never before. It is not entirely clear why Egypt’s military leaders have ordered, or condoned, the prosecutions of men accused of being gay. In a deeply conservative Muslim country, demonizing sexual minorities has served in the past as an effective way of deflecting attention from actual problems the state has failed to fix.

As part of the investigation, most of the men taken into custody were subjected to forensic anal exams, a depraved practice denounced by human rights groups and discredited by international medical professionals. The tests, performed in an effort to determine whether the men had had anal sex, are used as evidence in judicial proceedings.

As the trial, which began on Dec. 21, resumed on Sunday, some of the defendants, standing inside a courtroom cage, used hoodies to cover their faces. Some wept, according to reporters allowed inside the courtroom. The judge said on Monday that he would issue a verdict on Jan. 12. Gay sex is not explicitly illegal under Egyptian law, so authorities have traditionally charged them with “debauchery,” a broad term typically used to prosecute sex workers.

Egypt’s treatment of gays is part of a dismal human rights record that has only gotten worse in recent months. The Obama administration and American lawmakers have not done enough to denounce the abuses of an increasingly authoritarian Egyptian government, which is one of the largest recipients of American military aid. As Congress convenes this week, influential lawmakers should take a fresh look at the plight of vulnerable Egyptians and speak out on their behalf. Among them are Representative Kay Granger, a Texas Republican who has fought efforts to pare back Egypt’s military package, and Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, the incoming chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee.

The 26 men on trial now may never be able to shed the stigma this prosecution has inflicted on them, their careers and their families. But strong international condemnation may keep authorities in Egypt from victimizing more men.
Greenaway Eisenstein biopic could lose Russian funds over gay theme
(Transitions Online)

The Russian state film foundation, Gosfilmofond, says it will stop cooperating on Peter Greenaway’s newest film on the Soviet director Sergei Eisenstein unless a plot element about his supposed homosexuality is cut, The Moscow Times reports.

Gosfilmofond head Nikolai Borodachyov said the foundation wouldn’t participate unless details about Eisenstein’s “nontraditional sexual orientation” were edited out of the screenplay.

British director Greenaway is shooting his second movie on episodes in the life of the director of film classics Battleship Potemkin and Alexander Nevsky, called The Eisenstein Handshakes, and had initially sought to use materials from Gosfilmofond’s archives.

The first film, Eisenstein in Guanajuato, set during Eisenstein’s stay in Mexico in the early 1930s, will premiere at the Berlin Film Festival next month.

“I don't want to talk about it [homosexuality], but this theme in the script doesn't suit us,” Borodachyov told Izvestia, The Moscow Times writes. He added that the script should “first and foremost suit our viewers.”

Eisenstein’s sexuality is an unresolved question. In Renny Bartlett’s film Eisenstein, he was portrayed as “homosexually inclined (although married),” according to a 2002 review in The New York Times.

Since the passage of the 2013 law prohibiting the propagation of “nontraditional sexual relations” to minors, Russian authorities have several times interfered in cultural projects with homosexual references, including banning or censoring award-winning films, according to a December Moscow Times story.

More broadly, Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky said, the state should not subsidize “movies based on the ‘Russia is sh-t’ principle.”

In November Medinsky said the ArtDocFest documentary festival would lose its state support because of the “anti-state” stance of festival chief, Ukrainian-born Vitaly Mansky.
"The government says it is tightening medical controls for drivers because Russia has too many road accidents."

Φαντάζομαι ότι είναι αρκετά μεθυσμένοι για να τους περάσει απ' το μυαλό ότι ίσως, λέμε ίσως, το ότι είναι ο πιο αλκοολικός λαός της υφηλίου έχει κάποια τοσοδούλα σχέση με τα αυτοκινητιστικά ατυχήματα.