Search results

  1. C

    He wants to learn construction

    "He wants to learn construction" as in construction of buildings and houses. I'm having trouble phrasing this in Greek. I wonder if someone could kindly help me. Thank you! Cosmas
  2. C

    Once again, how to refer to a doctor

    I know this has been touched on before but language changes and I am wondering what the latest feeling is about how to phrase "We have something urgent and need to speak to the doctor." When the doctor being referred to is a woman would you say: Έχουμε κάτι έκτακτο και χρειαζόμαστε τον [or]...
  3. C

    He's learning woodworking

    Good morning all, If someone wants to learn wood working so they can build windows, doors and furniture would the expression be "μαθαίνει ξυλουργική" and would he be referred to as a "ξυλουργός" or "μαραγκός"? What would the difference be? Thank you.
  4. C

    καλλιέργεια = (med.) culture

    Hello friends, A friend just had a series of blood tests done and one of them was called " Καλλιέργειες". I tried to translate it but the only word that comes up is "Crops" which doesn't seem to be a medical term in English. If someone could translate it I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
  5. C


    This may be a hard one but what would be the word or phrase for the department in a museum that buys art or objects? In English it's "Acquisitions" but I'm wondering what it would be in Greek. Thank you.
  6. C

    Best online English to Greek dictionary for Medical terms

    Dear friends, I wonder if you could recommend the best online English to Greek dictionary for Medical terms - and expressions? I am looking for the Greek translation for Serum Uric Acid but also want to know what the best dictionary would be so that I can look up other expressions.. Thank...
  7. C

    We're on the same team

    Two for one day: "We're on the same team." How to say that in Greek colloquially so it sounds naturally. I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
  8. C

    to live vicariously through someone

    Dear friends, Is there any way to say "To live vicariously through someone" in Greek? I'm sure there is but I'm having trouble coming up with something that sounds colloquial. Thank you.
  9. C

    Film credits

    How does one refer to an actor's or director's film credits in Greek please? Thank you.
  10. C

    μέιλ / e-mail / ταχυδρομείο

    Hello friends, I have seen the word "Μέιλ" used in email messages as in «Στείλτε μου την απάντηση σας με μέιλ» and I'm wondering if they mean "Send me your answer by email" or are they asking me to send them my answer by post office mail - as in a letter that a postal carrier delivers? In...
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    Words for "Cancellation" as in to cancel a reservation at a restaurant, or on a train or flight. Is "ακυρώνω" the only one? Or are there synonyms available that are commonly used? Thank you.
  12. C

    Αρβανιτική vs. Αλβανιτική

    Good morning everyone. Do these two words both mean Albanian and why the difference? Is it regional? Does one tend to be used in some parts of the country while the other are used in others? Thank you.
  13. C

    users forum

    Merry Christmas everyone and thank you for all your supportive posts. Is there a Greek phrase for "Users Forum"? It seems to me that the word used is "φόρουμ" but I am curious to see if there's a Greek word. Thank you.
  14. C


    The word "ΣΥΝΩΜΟΣΙΑ" is translated as "Conspiracy." Is it ever used in a positive sense though maybe as a gathering of people who are "secretly" working today to do something that they think is good?
  15. C

    Coding (as in "computer coding")

    What would be the Greek word or phrase for coding as in computer coding meaning the profession of writing computer programs/ software and websites? Thank you.
  16. C


    With Covid more and more people started working remotely. Instead of going to the office they would do the work from home using the internet. What would be the closest word or phrase for "I've been working remotely" please? Thank you.
  17. C

    Graphic design and website design in Greek

    What are some of the phrases, dear friends, for "graphic design" as in the profession that would create a poster, or a magazine cover and "website design" which I think is self-explanatory? Thank you.
  18. C

    Verbs associated with boats

    Good morning all, I am looking for the following verbs associated with boats and having trouble coming up with them: I am SAILING the speed boat. I am SAILING the sail boat The ferry boat has left the harbor and is SAILING to its next destination. I am PARKING the boat at the dock The boat is...
  19. C

    To work in carpentry

    Hello, What would be the most "poetic" way to say that someone "wants to work in carpentry" -- in other words, with their hands, with wood, building furniture, windows, doors etc? «Ξυλουργός, μαραγκός, να δουλέψει με ξύλο» are the only expressions that come to mind but am wondering if there's...
  20. C

    I don't want to be a good old boy

    Good morning everyone. The expression "A good old boy" is an expression used in the United States to imply someone who looks the other way when shortcuts are taken or the law is broken. It could, for example, be a corrupt police captain who looks the other way when someone does something...