Search results

  1. C

    Just browsing in a store

    If you are walking through a store and "just browsing" - anotherwords you are not looking for anything particular but just looking to see what's in the store and if the store clerk asks you if they can help you - what would the Greek phrase be for "just browsing?" It's not "χαζεύουμε" is it?
  2. C

    Spiritual Teacher

    What would the phrase be for “spiritual teacher” both specifically if you have a relationship with a Greek Orthodox priest who acts as your guide, or teacher, and more broadly for anyone who acts as a “spiritual teacher” outside the Greek Orthodox faith? I don’t think it would be “πνευματικός...
  3. C


    I was just looking at some of the treads on this site about "Landlord" (some of which I started) and wondering if we can have a deeper discussion about why there would not be a clearer equivalent in Greek? The concept of someone who owns real estate and rents it out is certainly very very...
  4. C

    Volunteer as a verb

    Is there a Greek verb for to volunteer as in "We're looking for anyone who wants to volunteer to clean the beach" meaning, of course, that they wouldn't get paid in any way. If there isn't a verb what would be the best way to phrase it, please? Thank you.
  5. C

    Provocative or disturbing content

    If a work of art has provocative or disturbing content (of a sexual nature) how would one articulate that in Greek, please? Would it be "Προκλητικο"? Thank you
  6. C

    To be overruled

    This is a variation on the "Due to circumstances beyond my control" thread below. How would you say "My group has OVERRULED me and we will not rent the bikes..." when you want to communicate that it was not YOUR idea and therefore OUT OF YOUR CONTROL. Thank you!
  7. C

    due to circumstances beyond my control = λόγω ανωτέρας βίας

    If you want to cancel something like a reservation at a restaurant and you want to say "Due to circumstances beyond my control" you could say "εξαιτίας περιστάσεων πέρα από τον έλεγχό μου" --are there any other ways to say this?
  8. C


    Hello all, When someone is seriously ill would it be wrong to say «Περαστικά»? For example with a life threatening disease? Would «Περαστικά» be more appropriate for a cold, covid, the flue or a broken leg?
  9. C

    Θα με υποχρεώσεις

    Good morning friends. I am looking for a phrase to say how much I would appreciate it if someone went out of their way and stopped what they were doing to do something urgent for me – more specifically “if you can please complete this task I would really appreciate it.” It's for a favor that...
  10. C


    Good morning friends, I am looking for the best Greek word for "Concierge" as in the person in a hotel who gives out information about the area the hotel is located in. I looked it up in a Greek-English dictionary and the only choice it gives is "Θυρωρός" which I think we would all agree is...
  11. C

    unreadable = ακατάληπτο

    If you receive a text message with letters that are missing how would you say that it is unreadable, please? Would it be "δυσανάγνωστο" or is there some other phrase that would work better? Thank you.
  12. C

    Απορροφητικό Υγρασίας

    This is going to be a funny question: «Απορροφητικό Υγρασίας» is a device that removes humidity in a room by drawing it through salt in the device. What would be a good “colloquial” way to referring to it if speaking to a cleaning person particularly in the plural? Thank you!
  13. C

    The paperwork is valid

    Hello, all. I’m trying to find the phrasing for “The paperwork is valid” in reference to a shipping courier’s waybill that I have double checked with the courier and been told that the shipping has been paid for and is valid. Would it be: “Τα χαρτιά βρίσκονται σε ισχύει.” Or would it be...
  14. C

    Άγγελος / Άγγελε

    When you’re talking to Αλέκος/ Γιώργος/ Πάνος you just drop the “s” but when you talk to Άγγελος/ Κωνσταντίνος you change the «ος» to «ε». Can anyone explain to me why that would be?
  15. C

    Το παιδί μου είναι προβληματισμένο

    Dear friends, What exactly are the nuances of this expression? Is it “My child is troubled/ has difficulties” or is it “My child is suspicious/ cautious?” or something else? I am looking for “My child is troubled/ has difficulties.” Thank you.
  16. C

    Someone that has potential

    When talking about someone for a possible job position in Greece, if you think that a certain candidate has potential, what would be a good word or phrase for that please? If you want to say that someone, for example, lacks experience but has "potential" to become good at something...
  17. C

    Can we talk somewhere privately?

    If one wants to talk with someone privately -- in other words -- in "another room" without other people around I'm having trouble finding the word or phrase for "privately." Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you.
  18. C

    A negative and insecure person

    What are some appropriate Greek phrases for a negative and insecure person who tends to assume that everything will fail? I would appreciate any insight in to this.:eek: Thank you.
  19. C

    νοσοκομείο = public hospital? No

    Is it true that the word "Νοσοκομείο" implies a public hospital and that if you want to refer to a private hospital you should say “Κλινική» instead of «Ιδιωτικό Νοσοκομείο»? " Thank you.
  20. C

    Περί τίνος πρόκειται; = What is this about?

    If I receive an email message from the tax department that I’m having trouble understanding can I forward it to my accountant and say “Έλαβα αυτό το μήνυμα από την εφορία. Μπορείς να μου πεις περί τίνος πρόκειται» if I want him to read it and explain it to me? Or would «περί τίνος πρόκειται»...