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  1. C

    "PDF" or a "Digital Document" in Greek

    Hello friends, Wondering what the custom is in Greece for referring to a digital document like a "PDF" and if it is used much? For example, you want someone to send you a "PDF" of an agreement... how would one refer to it? Thank you. Cosmas
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    (Internet) link = σύνδεσμος, κν. λινκ

    Hello friends, A simple question. What is the colloquial for saying "I sent you a link" or "In the middle of this website you'll see a link. Click on it and you'll be taken to the site..." Is the word "κουμπι" appropriate? Σου έστειλα ενα λινκ/ (κουμπί) Στη μέση της σελίδας θα δεις ένα...
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    Χαιρετίσματα = Greetings?

    Hello, I am wondering if the word "Χαιρετίσματα " can be used at the beginning of a letter where you say "Dear so and so, Χαιρετίσματα." -- as if you're saying "Greetings!" or if it is used to mean "Good bye" instead. Thank you. Cosmas
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    bad credit / good credit

    Good morning friends, Is there an expression in Greek for someone who has bad or good credit? Having trouble finding it. What would be the closest equivalent - in both colloquialism and more formal business-like Greek? Thank you. Cosmas
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    Directing a user to the upper or lower part of an appliance

    Good morning friends, I am writing some instructions for how to use a household appliance and having trouble coming up with the phrases that define the upper or lower part of the face of the machine. (ανωτερο/κατωτερο doesn't seem quite right). Or when talking about a washing machine, if you...
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    Synonyms for "συλλυπητήρια"

    Good morning friends, Can anyone please suggest a few other ways to express condolences to a friend apart from "συλλυπητηρια"? Is that the only word used in this situation? Thank you, in advance. I really appreciate it.
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    To keep up with the bills, to not fall behind

    Good morning friends, Trying to find some Greek expressions for "to keep up with the bills, to not fall behind" as something you would say to your accountant when you're discussing ways to streamline the accounting process so that... we don't fall behind:D Thank you.
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    deadline = ημερομηνία λήξης της προθεσμίας > λήξη της προθεσμίας > προθεσμία, διορία

    Goodmorning friends, To say “The deadline for submitting your application is January 15th.” or “The deadline has expired.” or “There is no deadline.” … the word “προθεσμια” doesn’t quite fit. “The deadline is strict.” “Don’t miss the deadline.” Etc. How would one say that in Greek, please...
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    (promotional) flyer = φέιγ-βολάν (και η προέλευση του φέιγ-βολάν)

    Good morning friends and happy holidays, I wonder what the closest Greek equivalent would be to the English "flyer" - meaning a piece of paper, usually page size, (anotherwords, not a poster) that has some kind of advertisement or announcement on it? The only thing that comes to mind is...
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    privacy = ιδιωτικότητα, ιδιωτική ζωή

    Good morning friends, I am wondering if I could get your opinion on the concept of privacy -- which is such a big deal in the United States -- but am not sure has a literal translation in Greek. Am I right? Thank you. Cosmas
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    Greek terms for women professionals

    Good morning friends, Two in one day:) I am wondering if I can get a reaction from both the men and women on the site about the subject of how to refer to women who practice certain professions in Greek -considering that their title doesn't "bend" easily in to the feminine. I am referring to...
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    Honor system

    Good morning friends, Trying to express the concept of "honor system" to my lawyer this morning and wondering what the closest equivalent would be? The context is that we are selling a piece of real estate and leaving the furniture in for a few days after closing. I want to ask my lawyer if we...
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    certificates of deposit

    Hello friends, Can someone please help me find the right phrasing for “I have the impression that certificates of deposit don’t generate any interest these days.” What comes to mind is “Έχω την εντύπωση ότι οι πιστοποιητικές κατάθεσης δεν έχουν επιτόκιο.” Is that correct? Thank you:) Cosmas
  14. C

    to extend a lease

    Hello friends, I am wondering what is the right phrasing for extending a lease, as in what happens when a tenant's lease is expiring and they want to extend their stay. Does the word "παράταση" come in to play or is there another more appropriate phrase? Would one say something like "Συζητάμε...
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    to withdraw funds from an ATM

    Good morning friends, I am wondering if there is any other way of saying “I am going to withdraw 100 euros from the ATM machine” apart from «να σηκώσο»? Colloquialisms please. Thank you.
  16. C

    field hockey coach at the college level = προπονήτρια χόκεϊ κολεγιακών ομάδων

    Good morning friends, I am looking for ways (preferably colloquial) to say that someone is "a field hockey coach at the college level." So far I have been able to find "Eίναι προπονήτρια χόκεϊ σε ακαδημαϊκό επίπεδο. [or] Είναι προπονήτρια χόκεϊ ομάδα γυναικών σε ακαδημαϊκό επίπεδο. But does...
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    How to say "I am renting an apartment..."

    Good morning amazing Lexilogia community, I am the landlord of an apartment in a building, and want to tell someone that I am renting that apartment (meaning that it is rented to someone else) but want to make sure that they don't think that I am the tenant, so I'm wondering how to say it in a...
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    architectural salvage

    Good morning friends, Does any one have a term for an architectural salvage place? -- As a kind of antique store that sells old doors, windows, bathtubs, sinks, etc? Thank you.
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    I am a union member

    Good morning friends, I am wondering what the right translation is for “I am a union member” and “My work is unionized.” Somehow “Είμαι μέλος συνδικαλισμού» and «Η δουλειά μου είναι οργανωμένη” don’t seem right. Thank you. Cosmasad
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    Ways of expressing appreciation

    Good morning friends, I have a team of assistants helping me in Athens and I often want to express appreciation to them, but the only word I seem to come up with is ευγνωμοσυνη. I am wondering if you can recommend some other words, expressions etc that I could use? There must be more!! Thank...