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  1. Theseus

    τους το επισήμανα = I pointed it out to them

    Thanks, SBE. I took επισήμανα to be an adjective & read it as επισήμαντα (σικ), an adjective agreeing with γραπτά. I knew that ανεπισήμαντος ['not distinguished by any peculiar mark; πot famous'] existed as an epithet & thought the above was the positive adjective. Confusion worse confounded.
  2. Theseus

    τους το επισήμανα = I pointed it out to them

    Under this thread Earion wrote: Μου θυμίζετε μια επιστολή που πήρα από γνωστή δεξαμενή σκέψης στην Ελλάδα, στην οποία ο διευθυντής απευθυνόταν γενικά στους παραλήπτες με το χαιρετισμό: Αγαπητοί όλοι (=Dear all). Δεν άντεξα και τους το επισήμανα γραπτά. Από τότε δεν την ξαναείδα την έκφραση. ı...
  3. Theseus

    achieved status / ascribed status = κατακτημένη θέση / δοτή θέση

    Precise & to the point, Nickel. Could the 'somewheres' & the 'anywheres' be conceivably οι κάπου κι οι οπουδήποτε by analogy with το παρά?!
  4. Theseus

    τα "παρά" του επαγγέλματος

    In Cythere's Δικαίωμα στην καύση, Αmbrose writes:- Άντε με το καλό να ξεπήξουν τα νεκροταφεία της χώρας. Το πρόβλημα είναι ότι αν εφαρμοστεί και γίνει δημοφιλές πολύς κόσμος που ζει πλουσιοπάροχα από τα "παρά" του επαγγέλματος, θα μείνει στους δρόμους. What does τα 'παρά' του επαγγέλματος...
  5. Theseus

    achieved status / ascribed status = κατακτημένη θέση / δοτή θέση

    These are concepts developed by the anthropologist Ralph Linton denoting a social position that a person can acquire on the basis of merit; it is a position that is earned or chosen. It is the opposite of ascribed status. It reflects personal skills, abilities, and efforts. 'Ascribed status...
  6. Theseus

    Two proverbs & the same obscure word

    A further comment. Palavra has suggested that I put any crass comments under one entry. The trouble is that being frustrated & ill again, I tended to enter things piecemeal & at random as I read them or came across them. Excellent advice from a treasured colleague!
  7. Theseus

    Δε σε 'χω τίποτα

    I think the speaker is from Yannena.
  8. Theseus


    Brilliant! Thanks, Nickel!
  9. Theseus


    A great pity, Nickel.
  10. Theseus

    Two proverbs & the same obscure word

    Sorry again, SBE. I was trying to find the meaning of μπουκονάτο (σικ) & I was taken all over the place because I couldn't find the word at all. Similarly with μπαταλιάρω. They all seemed to be used in doubtful contexts, many of them slang or vulgar. This led me on to other references & so on. I...
  11. Theseus


    Your blog is one which I constantly turn to for the history of words. I find it an indispensable aid for me to acquire a wider knowledge of Greek. It is similar to but more detailed than an English one called World Wide Words. Thanks for your help.
  12. Theseus


    Thanks, Heellegenes. Are the 'racist alarm' terms as offensive as the English 'n-word', which I will not print because it is too offensive?
  13. Theseus


    Definitions are as follows:- Cheesy= Hackneyed and obviously sentimental. -‘an album of cheesy pop hits’ (of a smile) exaggerated and likely to be insincere. --‘a cheesy grin’. Corny (informal) Trite, banal, or mawkishly sentimental. --‘it sounds corny, but as soon as I saw her I knew she was...
  14. Theseus

    χαλάλι & χαράμι

    Ευχαριστώ, Ντόμινοθ.
  15. Theseus


    Thanks, Sarant. Are you the author of 'Words have their History'? :)
  16. Theseus

    Familiar terms for tradespeople

    Thanks, 'Man!
  17. Theseus

    Χρόνια η χώρα μες στο ΝΑΤΟ θέλησε να παντρευτεί ένα γάτο

    Oops! I was unconsciously thinking of the Latin word barbatus, which means 'bearded'?!
  18. Theseus

    Δε σε 'χω τίποτα

    My attempted translation seemed to fit the context but it is heartening to hear from 'Man that this expression can mean what I surmised. Thanks to all for their invaluable help. :)