What or who exactly is this? The article in slang.gr was more confusing than illuminating, since many of the words in the examples were making confusion more confounding!q:curse:a
... A friend of mine was adept in drawing the αγελαδοσπουργιτόσαυρος (a beast with cow head, sparrow feathers and dinosaur body&tail) -the walls of the old Polytechnic building in downtown Athens may still conserve drawings of the creature.
A Colibrigator ...
a Rooster-rhino ...
When I was in the university, it was a common jocular pastime to invent long names of fictitious creatures, usually *-saurs (this was before the Jurassic Park movie and the associated dinosaur frenzy). A friend of mine was adept in drawing the αγελαδοσπουργιτόσαυρος (a beast with cow head, sparrow feathers and dinosaur body&tail) -the walls of the old Polytechnic building in downtown Athens may still conserve drawings of the creature.
There was also a joke about a sand-eating ....σαυρος, living in the centre of the Earth, that I have forgotten.
The καβουρο-σλανγκό-σαυρος is coined in the same vein. It is a private coinage, used within the hard core of the slang.gr community. Just like crabs eat the debris in the sea bottom, the crab-slangosaurs are feasting on slang expressions and definitions, tidying up the loose ends.
[BTW, what is the Greek for the common English introduction to a joke: 'have you heard the one about the [nun on the motorbikeor whatever the topic]?
Και, φυσικά, το απόλυτο μετα-ανέκδοτο:
- Το άλλο με τον Τοτό το ξέρεις;
Το άλλο με τον Τοτό το ξέρεις; Για ρώτα και κάναν παντρεμένο να σου πει...
:lol: Δεν προλαβαίνω να το κουβεντιάσω τώρα, αλλά το άλλο με τον Τοτό το ξέρεις;
Γελώ για να μην κλαίω.
The other one is Τοτός.
Το άλλο με τον Τοτό το ξέρεις; = do you know the other joke with Totos? is an expression said after someone says something that we think is a joke, for example:
Α: ο πρωθυπουργός υποσχέθηκε φοροαπαλλαγές.
Β: ο άλλο με τον Τοτό το ξέρεις;
I think Totos is the clever one and Bobos is the naive one. And whenever there is a little girl in the jokes, she is Αννούλα.
Our Totos, quite predictably, appears to be of French origin.
Was the Polytechnic building the famous one that featured in the famous uprising against the Colonels on the 17th November 1973?
Exactly (although, well, I had to google to find out what "bonk" means...).And to Marinos, a question: Is the καμπουρογαμόσαυρος a hunchbackbonkosaurus? An interesting creature if ever there was one!! Perhaps I'm reading too much into it....:):scared::woot: