Η δεύτερη στα 200 (επίσης Κινέζα), που τερματίζει μισό σώμα μακριά, αυτή πάντως είναι σίγουρα με μπριζόλες...
Δεν ξέρω αν ντοπάρεται, αλλά μην στοιχηματίσεις για το τι τρώει:
Από εδώ:
For swimming this is the most important nutrient because it is the easiest way to get the energy you need to
move and swim faster. Carbohydrates come in two forms – simple and complex. Complex carbohydrates are
the better source as they provide the best source of energy for exercise because the energy they give is
released slowly throughout the day. The simple carbohydrates give you a quick energy burst. Carbohydrates
should make up just over half of the food on your dinner plate.[...]
Protein is not as important as carbohydrates for swimmers but you still need some protein foods in your diet
everyday. Make sure the protein sources you eat are lean and low in fat. Cooking methods are also important –
try and opt for grilled or baked foods and avoid fried foods whenever possible.[...]
Αρκετοί αθλητές, είναι βέγκαν ή χορτοφάγοι ακόμα και σε πολύ απαιτητικά αθλήματα όπως το τρίαθλο. Ο πιο γνωστός από αυτούς, είναι μάλλον ο Καρλ Λιούις.