Στο μεταξύ, αποσπώ μια παράγραφο από το άρθρο των FT που αναφέρθηκε παραπάνω (στο #1697),
Yet my sense from many conversations with dispassionate European officials and politicians is that Greece would delude itself were it to imagine that the new rhetoric of growth will allow it to put aside its commitments to fiscal rectitude and structural reform. The rest of the EU has run out of patience. Its dealings with policy makers in Athens are marked by a complete absence of trust and a deep pessimism about the capacity of the Greek state to reform itself.
Ολόκληρο το αγγλικό εδώ.
Yet my sense from many conversations with dispassionate European officials and politicians is that Greece would delude itself were it to imagine that the new rhetoric of growth will allow it to put aside its commitments to fiscal rectitude and structural reform. The rest of the EU has run out of patience. Its dealings with policy makers in Athens are marked by a complete absence of trust and a deep pessimism about the capacity of the Greek state to reform itself.
Ολόκληρο το αγγλικό εδώ.