Στην τηλεταινία
Into the Storm, που παρακολουθεί τον Τσόρτσιλ (Μπρένταν Γκλίσον) στα χρόνια του πολέμου, ο Τσόρτσιλ αποφασίζει να συνοδεύσει τα στρατεύματα στην απόβαση στη Νορμανδία. Όταν συναντιέται με τον βασιλιά για να του ανακοινώσει τα σχέδια, διεξάγεται η ακόλουθη στιχομυθία:
George VI: I've made an important decision
and I want you to arrange things for me.
Churchill: Of course, sir. What can I do?
G: I think it's only right that I, as King,
should go to France with our invading force...
C: You mean... on D-Day?
G: ...with the first wave of troops.
I shall travel on one of our landing craft with the men.
C: I'm sorry, sir, but that's impossible.
G: Why?
C: You'd almost certainly be killed.
G: And I have a replacement, Winston. You do not.
So let's hear no more about it. Hmm?
Ωραία η στιχομυθία, αλλά για να ξέρουμε και την αλήθεια:
Admiral Sir Bertram Home Ramsay defused a potential conflict between Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and the British Sovereign, King George VI, when Churchill informed the King that he intended to observe the D-Day landings from on board HMS Belfast, a British cruiser assigned to bombardment duty for the operation. The King, himself a seasoned sailor and a veteran of the battle of Jutland in the First World War likewise announced that he would accompany his Prime Minister. The two were at civil loggerheads until meeting with Admiral Ramsay who flatly refused to take the responsibility for the safety of either of these two luminaries. Ramsay cited the danger to both the King and the Prime Minister, the risks of the planned operational duties of HMS Belfast, and the fact that both the King and Churchill would be needed ashore in case the landings went badly and immediate decisions were required. This settled the matter and both Winston Churchill and King George VI remained ashore on D-Day.
Και μια υποσημείωση για υποτιτλιστές:
landing craft = αποβατικό σκάφος / αποβατικά σκάφη (ΟΧΙ αεροσκάφος
