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to be in someone's good books/to be in someone's bad books

What are the idioms in Greek corresponding to these two English idioms? I have for the negative idiom στα μαύρα κατάστιχα. Is this correct? But, if so, what is its opposite?:( :)


Γράφω/ έχω κάποιόν στα μάυρα κατάστιχα= Ι am in bad terms with someone

The words κατάστιχο and τεφτέρι come to mind, but no idioms, just the verses of Eftychia Papagianopoulou
Σβήσε με κυρά μου
απ’ τα τεφτέρια σου
κι άντε ν’ ανταμώσεις
ξανά τα ταίρια σου

Στα ώπα ώπα σ’ είχα
και σε ζηλεύανε
να βρούνε τέτοιον άντρα
κι άλλες γυρεύανε
Thanks, SBE. I suppose the song clip you have given me should be punctuated σβήσε με, κυρά μου. in other words, κυρά is vocative.:)


Yes, but I only use the comma when there is ambiguity and I thought there wasn't one here.


Active member
For the translation of "in someone's bad books" the following colloquial expression which is different both lexically and structurally from the English one springs to mind:

κάποιος με έχει βάλει/γράψει στη μαύρη λίστα - Be in in someone's bad books (on someone's blacklist)
Σε έχω βάλει στη μαύρη λίστα/Έχεις μπει στη μαύρη λίστα (μου) - You are on my black list.

Regarding the opposite meaning of the expression, έχω κερδίσει την συμπάθεια/εύνοια κάποιου seems to be a good equivalent, though a paraphrase (enjoy someone's favour).


Staff member
I think (although I haven't asked him) that his nickname is Σεβήρος, like the Roman emperor. :)


Well-known member
I 'd say "κάποιος μ' έχει στην μπούκα" (in the... muzzle, as I believe it's called) is also quite close semantically, to the negative one of these twin idioms.