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the train thundered down the line

How would this sentence be best rendered into Greek. The best I could come up with is το τρένο έτρεξε στη γραμμή με εκκωφαντικό θόρυβο. I realise that this reads like translationese/an automatic translation.:curse:


Staff member
Με βρόντο / βροντερά / βροντώντας.

Thundering like this Mystery Train —and Paul Butterfield, sssmoking— in Τhe Last Waltz:

Train arrives 16 coaches long
Well, that long black train took my baby and gone

Mystery train rolling round the bend
Well, it took my baby away from me again

Mystery train smoking down the track
I don't want no ride, just bring my baby back

Although "the line" in English nicely complements that directional "down", I would omit it in Greek unless there's some specific reason to include it; derailed trains don't just thunder, they crash. :-)
Some other possibilities: To τρένο γοργοκύλησε στις ράγες μουγκρίζοντας / Το τρένο ξεχύθηκε (από τον σταθμό) με βρυχηθμό / Το τρένο βρυχήθηκε και άρχισε να καταπίνει τις ράγες ["καταπίνω" is used metaphorically for a vehicle that moves fast, as in the colloquial expression about cars that καταπίνουν τα χιλιόμετρα].


Staff member
Dear Themis, if you think you can steal my thunder with your "γοργοκύλησε, μουγκρίζοντας, ξεχύθηκε, καταπίνει, βρυχηθμό" and such that I wish I had thought myself, you got another train coming. :-)

All aboard, the Night Train:

Or three:

Night Train - Earl Bostic

James Brown

James Brown (@78+ rpm at the TAMI Show)

Ευχαριστώ όλους εσάς, και ειδικότερα φυσικά τον ανπαίκταμπλ Δάεμαν.:rolleyes: