'The town, he told me, derives its name from certain large grottoes wherein the inhabitants used to take refuge during Saracen raids.' The passage I'm trying to translate to give me practice in modern Greek descriptive translation is to be found at:-, from 'Among other local curiosities, he pointed out the portal of the parish church.........I wandered about this sunless and cobwebby labyrinth, the old woman pensioners flitting round me like bats in the twilight.' I am attempting to render this bit by bit into acceptable Greek prose. However, my problem here is that the town referred to is Grottaglie, whose name (controversially) is derived from the Italian 'grotto'. We have this word in English, so the translation works. But in Greek the word for grotto is σπηλιά which doesn't work. How do I get round this translation difficulty?
Το όνομα της πόλης, μου είπε, προέρχεται από τις μεγάλες σπηλιές στις οποίες κατέφευγαν οι κάτοικοι κάθε φορά που προσέβαλλαν οι Σαρακκηνοί. :down:
Το όνομα της πόλης, μου είπε, προέρχεται από τις μεγάλες σπηλιές στις οποίες κατέφευγαν οι κάτοικοι κάθε φορά που προσέβαλλαν οι Σαρακκηνοί. :down: