This is a passage I came across & it seemed a good idea to offer it for translation into Greek by our resident experts. Daeman might just be taking his coffee break! I liked the content & the sort of literary appeal it may present to fellow lexilogists.
"Outside the underground station sat two ruffians with grimy faces & grubby hands. Their hair was dishevelled & their clothes blackened with dirt; one could neither tell their nor their quality. Each of them was biting an apple greedily--who knows in what rubbish they found them?--and were indifferent of the passers-by, who walked up & down in a hurry, looking at them disgustingly.
Suddenly they both jumped up & dived to grab a cigarette-end which a well-dressed slim lady, threw away. Their movement was such that it made the Alsatian of another passer-by jump on them fiercely, thinking they were trying to take a bone or a piece of meat away from him.
The two rogues did not know what to do. They began to cry and scream aloud. But, in the meantime, the owner of the dog made desperate efforts to pull him back and free them. When finally he succeeded, the two ruffians took to their heels without even a protest."

"Outside the underground station sat two ruffians with grimy faces & grubby hands. Their hair was dishevelled & their clothes blackened with dirt; one could neither tell their nor their quality. Each of them was biting an apple greedily--who knows in what rubbish they found them?--and were indifferent of the passers-by, who walked up & down in a hurry, looking at them disgustingly.
Suddenly they both jumped up & dived to grab a cigarette-end which a well-dressed slim lady, threw away. Their movement was such that it made the Alsatian of another passer-by jump on them fiercely, thinking they were trying to take a bone or a piece of meat away from him.
The two rogues did not know what to do. They began to cry and scream aloud. But, in the meantime, the owner of the dog made desperate efforts to pull him back and free them. When finally he succeeded, the two ruffians took to their heels without even a protest."