Lookshurry: Τα παραφθαρμένα (η παραφθορά της πολυτέλειας και η πολυτέλεια της παραφθοράς)


Staff member
Από το πιο πρόσφατο ηλεδελτίο του Μάικλ Κουίνιον:

• Before I went on holiday, Richard Winter asked me about a word he had encountered in a football report by Simon Barnes in The Times on 26 August about a match that had to be abandoned because the pitch was waterlogged: “Wimps. Waterlogged pitch indeed. Lookshurry!” I found other examples of this slightly weird exclamation, mostly in sports contexts, which seem to suggest that something is excessive or over the top. I have been quite unable to trace its origin or find out anything more about it.

ένας διακόπτης έκανε κλικ, ένας μοντιπαϊθονικός γλόμπος άναψε ξαφνικά πάνω απ' το κεφάλι μου, μπήκα στα λεξιμεράκια κι άρχισα να το ψάχνω.

Τα ευρήματα του γκούγκλη λιγοστά (24 όλα κι όλα, μαζί με το παραπάνω του Κουίνιον), αλλά με το καθένα που διάβαζα, επιβεβαιωνόταν όλο και περισσότερο η αρχική υποψία:

Dyah foor thousand nane hoondred an atie ate in the big youngen Ookshott hoose . Bernie is bi…… the kitchen, Tawny is in the lookshurry bedroom, lucia is preening worself by the stowed length meera and diven you gnaw geordie is noowhere te be foond, probably having a sneaky tab beheend the roobish skip.

G'day M
African Rosewood for a deck, that would ave been
lookshurry to oos!

The plane did turn out too heavy (for normal winds) however, so I'm doing another version the conventional goop/tape/Profilm way so I will end up with a "ballasted" and an "unballasted" version of the same plane. "Lookshurry"


Drewfus wrote: packing my woolly socks, mullet head beanie, and drizabone......drawing closer.....ever so close...
Yee haa.....

Why? I've got windows and a working heater! Lookshurry!


Day off in BMT and flight south to Saigon - and "lookshurry"
What a contrast! From the hot, dry, friendly, cheap - and let's face it - rather agricultural Central Highlands to an international airport and then rush hour in a bustling, modern, international city with more cars than we have seen since leaving the UK - and even hotter.
And then we arrived at our hotel and the children jumped up and down with delight! Jackie had booked us in to the Grand Suite of the swankiest hotel in Vietnam - The Grand.


While I've got too close to the club to maintain the detachment (if not relish) with which most have been viewing its fall, I am still in touch enough with footballing reality to maintain some perspective. After all, over the longer term, the stadium and its location pretty much guarantee the club will remain in a position that would be regarded as "lookshurry" by 99% of clubs in existence. So while some frustration is understandable, there's no excuse for Arsenal fans feeling too sorry for them(/our)selves.

7:30 ? Lookshurry !
I get up at 06:00, leave the house at 06:30 and am rarely back before 19:00.
Meh clogs do chafe a bit at t'end of day, mind.


Wow U really must have pulled an all nighter, but was not Mt Barker Nth of Adelaide. in WA - TWO hotels - 'tha's lookshurry'

Lookshurry :whistle:

Got up somewhere after 8 this morning.
That means *nine and a half hours* of sleep, people. Count 'em. Nine and a half of them.

Lookshurry, I tell you.

Έτσι, σιγά σιγά φτάσαμε στην πηγή:

In my day we were lucky to have rock for a pillow, just small stones were would have to pile up ourselves.

In my day we took nothing but flexy necks, but did learn to chip out a hole for the hip to nestle nicely in.


You were lucky. When I were a lad, we never 'ad Yorkshire. All we 'ad were a big patch of grass on't traffic island in't middle ot road.
Regards by gum

You 'ad a ROAD ? ....

Williams is an extraordinary man, and it is his triumph to have lifted his girls from the nasty bits of LA to global stardom. Williams is good on ghettoes — a bit like the millionaire Yorkshirernan in Monty Python: 'Lookshurry! We dreamed of crack-dealers with fully automatic weapons by our tennis courts. Ours had atom bombs. . '

— Luxury.
We used to dream of living in a house with the temperature over 35. We lived in a cardboard box in the middle of road and got woken every morning by a street sweeper.
— Classic Python. Still makes me laugh.


Δηλαδή στο σκετσάκι Four Yorkshiremen που έκαναν γνωστό οι Μόντι Πάιθον (το lookshurry από τον Γκρέιαμ Τσάπμαν στο 2:10):

And you try to tell the young people of today that, and they won't believe you... :laugh:

Που όμως έχει προγενέστερη πηγή (το lookshurry στο 2:18):

The "Four Yorkshiremen" sketch is a parody of nostalgic conversations about humble beginnings or difficult childhoods. Four Yorkshiremen reminisce about their upbringing, and as the conversation progresses, they try to outdo one another, their accounts of deprived childhoods becoming increasingly absurd.
The sketch was originally written and performed for the 1967 British television comedy series At Last the 1948 Show by the show's four writer-performers: Tim Brooke-Taylor, John Cleese, Graham Chapman and Marty Feldman.

Luxury, Μάικλ, luxury. Πολυτέλεια που λέμε εδώ. Και η παραφθαρμένη προφορά συμφωνεί και τα παραδείγματα χρήσης.

Άνοιξα λοιπόν αυτό το νήμα για να καταθέτουμε παραφθαρμένες γραφές αγγλικών λέξεων που τυχαίνει να συναντάμε συχνά στα κείμενα που διαβάζουμε ή διαδεδομένες παραφθαρμένες προφορές σε ό,τι ακούμε, ώστε να βοηθηθεί όποιος άλλος άτυχος τις συναντήσει και τραβάει τα μαλλιά του προσπαθώντας να τις αποκρυπτογραφήσει.

Ας γίνει η παραφθορά της πολυτέλειας μια αφορμή για να έχουμε κι εδώ την πολυτέλεια της παραφθοράς.
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Staff member
Cor blimey!

Meaning: An exclamation of surprise.

Origin: A euphemism (specifically a minced oath) derived from 'God blind me'.

Blimy is first recorded in print in Barrère and Leland's A dictionary of slang, jargon and cant, 1889. The extended version was used by Arthur Morrison in A Child of the Jago, 1896:
"Gawblimy, not what?"

The link between 'gor blimey' or 'cor blimey' and 'god blind me' was made evident by James Joyce in Ulysses, 1922:
God blimey if she aint a clinker

Being as it is, a contraction of 'God blind me', the term was originally spelled 'gorblimey' and is still frequently used that way.

Πάνε αρκετές μέρες που το είδα στην ΕΤ1, αλλά τώρα το θυμήθηκα. Έδειχνε Όλιβερ Τουίστ:

Blimey! ‘es eating his bowl. Someone’s got to ask for more! = Μπλάιμεϊ, κάποιος θέλει κι άλλο!

Ο κύριος Μπλάιμεϊ μπορεί να προστεθεί στη στρατιά των ανύπαρκτων, νομίζω.

Μα την τύφλα μου! :woot:
Και μένα το δικό σου μου θύμισε το 'sblood, από το God's blood, που πρωτοσυνάντησα στον Σαικσπήρο.

Πάντως το lookshurry αμέσως το έπιασα ως luxury, υποθέτω επειδή υπάρχει στον τίτλο του νήματος η λέξη "παραφθορά" και με έκανε να αρχίσω να σκέφτομαι. Αν το συναντούσα απροετοίμαστη δεν ξέρω τι θα σκεφτόμουν.


Staff member
Το καμπανάκι του luxury φαίνεται πως χτύπησε για πολλούς μοντιπαϊθονιστές, πριν αλέκτορα φωνήσαι.
Από το σημερινό ηλεδελτίο του Κουίνιον:

Last week I quoted a comment in The Times about a match that had to be abandoned because the pitch was waterlogged: “Wimps. Waterlogged pitch indeed. Lookshurry!” My mailbox was filled by messages from dozens of readers hastening to point out that it’s intended to convey the word luxury uttered in an exaggerated Yorkshire accent, a disgusted retort by hardened northerners on pampered individuals who are put off by minor deprivations. (My error was reading it as looks + hurry, when it’s said more like looksh + urry.) The connection is to a famous British television sketch by four successful Yorkshiremen who sought to outdo each other in increasingly bizarre descriptions of their deprived childhoods. Many readers suggested that it’s a Monty Python sketch; it has been performed by the Python cast on stage but it’s earlier. It appeared in 1967 in At Last the 1948 Show (whose title disparaged the commissioners of television shows for their dilatoriness) and was performed by John Cleese, Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graham Chapman and Marty Feldman. You can watch it here (but don’t believe the accents). I hope that this detailed exegesis makes up for my ignorance of the term’s provenance. Rod Nicholas noted, “The sketch is so well known, even here in Canberra, Australia, nearly 50 years after it was first aired, that any cry of poverty will be met with an enthusiastic cry of Lookshurry!”

Με την ευκαιρία, άλλα δυο τριβίδια για το σκετς των Yorkshiremen:

The "Four Yorkshiremen" sketch has been performed by Monty Python during their live shows, Live at Drury Lane (1974, no video recording available) and Live at the Hollywood Bowl (1982), each performance varying slightly in its content. The performers in each case were Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, Terry Jones and Michael Palin (Palin was the only member of the group actually from Yorkshire).

A near derivative of the sketch appears in the BBC Radio show "I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again" Series 7, Episode 5 on 9th Feb 1969, in which the cast, John Cleese, Graeme Garden, Tim Brooke-Taylor, Bill Oddie, David Hatch, in the guise of old buffers at a gentlemen's club, employ the same trope of out-doing each other for hardship, this time in the context of how far and how slowly they had to walk to get to various places in former days. It even ends with the same payoff line "...and if you tell that to the young people today, they won't believe you..."

And now for something completely similar, here is some more old news.
I'm sorry, I'll read that again: Here are some more old news
:whistle: :

From the 1963 Cambridge Circus, it's BBC B.C., breaking news from Palestine, 3,000 years ago:

Zounds, you 'ad a radio back then, guvnor? Lookshurry! :p

Τέλος πολυτελείας, αρκεί να μη μας φορτώσουν και τέτοιο επειδή σηκώνουμε το κεφάλι και γελάμε και λιγάκι, συνεχίζουμε με τα ωραία σας. :up: