... What is the exact meaning here of εγώ στο ίδιο κλίμα με τον Νίκελ κινήθηκα; I know what it means literally but 'I moved in the same ambience as Nikel' seems so peculiar that I clearly have missed its idiomatic meaning!
... από πάντα, λέμε/ μιλάμε
Εγώ νομίζω ότι ένας έφηβος δεν θα έλεγε «τι να πω» και «σαν να λέμε», αλλά «από πάντα, λέμε» χωρίς να κόψει τη φράση, όπως λέει η SBE παραπάνω. Βέβαια με επιφύλαξη και θα ρωτήσω και την ανιψιά πώς τα λένε αυτά οι νέοι σήμερα :)
Did your son agree about λέμε or the other fillers, σαν να λέμε, τι να πω κτλ.;
... από πάντα, λέμε/ μιλάμε
... Often teenagers I teach draw simultaneously in the air two quotation marks - English, not Greek-style ones- when quoting the exact words they used to, say, for example, a boyfriend:- 'So l, like, said to him, like: " I'm done with you; I'm fed up with your flirting". This sort of context would call for μιλάμε rather than λέμε/ λένε. So I understand Daeman.
Can I just stop you right there for a second? When people do "this", I don't really know what that means.
Sorry, Daeman. I didn't mean to sound patronising. I was thinking that air quotes might differ from culture to culture, without any assumption that Greek people wouldn't understand the English-speaking conventional punctuation.
I've had a crush on him for - like ever.