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dire wolf = δεινόλυκος (;), αινοκύων (;)

Και η δική της αρχική σκέψη ήταν αγριόλυκος. Βρήκε επίσης ταιριαστούς τον φριχτόλυκο και τον αρχαιόλυκο, δηλ. ότι "έχουν το σωστό feeling" (δικά της τα λόγια).



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Ενημέρωση για τον dire wolf / δεινόλυκο, μεταξύ άλλων και από τον Zazula, αλλά όχι τον δικό μας:

Dire Wolves Were Not Really Wolves, New Genetic Clues Reveal

The extinct giant canids were a remarkable example of convergent evolution

It had long been assumed that dire wolves made themselves at home in North America before gray wolves followed them across the Bering Land Bridge from Eurasia. Now some well-preserved DNA seems to be fundamentally changing the story.
The new study, published on Wednesday in Nature, began as an effort to understand dire wolves’ biological basics.
After sequencing five genomes from dire wolf fossils between 50,000 and 13,000 years old, the researchers found that the animals belonged to a much older lineage of dogs. Dire wolves, it now appeared, had evolved in the Americas and had no close kinship with the gray wolves from Eurasia; the last time gray wolves and dire wolves shared a common ancestor was about 5.7 million years ago. The strong resemblance between the two, the researchers say, is a case of convergent evolution, whereby different species develop similar adaptations—or even appearances—thanks to a similar way of life. Sometimes such convergence is only rough, such as both birds and bats evolving wings despite their differing anatomy. In the case of dire and gray wolves, lives of chasing large herbivores to catch some meat on the hoof resulted in two different canid lineages independently producing wolflike forms.

“These results totally shake up the idea that dire wolves were just bigger cousins of gray wolves,” says Yukon paleontologist Grant Zazula, who was not involved in the new study. In fact, the similarity between the two has led gray wolves to be taken as proxies for dire wolf biology and behavior, from pack dynamics to the sound of the animal’s howls. The dire wolf’s new identity means that many previous assumptions—down to what it looked like in life—require reinvestigation. “The study of ancient DNA and proteins from fossil bones is rapidly rewriting the ice age and more recent history of North America’s mammals,” Zazula says.

In technical terms, the new findings mean dire wolves may need a new genus name to indicate they are no longer be part of the genus Canis, to which gray wolves belong. Perri, Mitchell and their colleagues suggest Aenocyon, meaning “terrible wolf.” But the researchers don’t expect their findings to completely overturn tradition, and Aenocyon dirus would likely continue to be called the dire wolf. “They will just join the club of things like maned wolves that are called wolves but aren’t really,” Perri says.
By 13,000 years ago, dire wolves were facing extinction. Evolving in the harsh, variable environments of Eurasia may have given gray wolves an edge, Zazula notes, “while the big, bad dire wolves got caught off guard relaxing in southern California at the end of the ice age.” But what might sound like the end of the dire wolf’s story is really only the beginning. Preserved genes have shown that dire wolves and their ancestors were top dogs in the Americas for more than five million years—and the early chapters of their story are waiting to be rewritten.

Scientific American, January 13, 2021

αινοκύων: αινός + κύων

αἰνός , ή, όν, poet.,
A.= δεινός, dread, horrible, freq. in Hom., of feelings, ἄχος, χόλος, τρόμος, κάματος, ὀϊζύς, Il.4.169, 22.94, 7.215, 10.312, Od.15.342; of states and actions, as δηϊοτής, πόλεμος, μόρος, Il. 5.409, Od.8.519 (Sup.), Il.18.465; of persons, dread, terrible, esp. of Zeus, “αἰνότατε ΚρονίδηIl.4.25, etc.; σύ γ᾽ αἰνοτάτη, of Pallas, 8.423; of monsters or animals, “πέλωραOd.10.219; “ὄφιςHes.Fr.14; “λῖςTheoc.25.252.
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Υπέροχο! Ώστε αινοκύων το επίσημο από εδώ και πέρα και δεινόλυκος ή ανταρόλυκος το καθημερινό του.

Πάντως ξαφνιάστηκα πολύ, για να μην πω σοκαρίστηκα, από το γεγονός ότι το "ανταρόλυκος" υπάρχει στο wordreference ως μετάφραση του dire wolf. Δεν θεωρώ ότι είναι τόσο καθιερωμένο πια που να μπει και σε λεξικό.


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Του (άλλου) Zazula να τα πεις. Αν (μεγάλο αν) καταφέρει να περάσει το Aenocyon σαν επίσημο όνομα του λύκου, τότε Αινόκυνα θα τον πούμε κι εμείς. Αλλά στο επίσημο μόνο. Στις καθημερινές μας συζητήσεις θα μείνουμε πιστοί στον δεινόλυκο. :-)


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Στην αγγλική Wikipedia περιγράφονται πιο αναλυτικά τα ταξινομικά/ονοματολογικά, όπου βλέπουμε ότι η ονομασία αινοκύων έχει προταθεί ήδη από το 1918, αλλά πέρασε σαράντα κύματα επί έναν αιώνα+ μέχρι να αποδειχτεί ότι χρειάζεται η διάκριση και να αναβιώσει το όνομα:

In 1918, after studying these fossils, Merriam proposed consolidating their names under the separate genus Aenocyon (from Aenos, terrible and cyon, wolf) to become Aenocyon dirus,[2] but at that time not everyone agreed with this extinct wolf being placed in a new genus separate from the genus Canis.[13] Canis ayersi (Sellards 1916) and Aenocyon dirus (Merriam 1918) were recognized as synonyms of C. dirus by the paleontologist Ernest Lundelius in 1972.[14] All of the above taxa were declared synonyms of C. dirus in 1979, according to the paleontologist Ronald M. Nowak.[15] In 2021, a genetic study found the dire wolf to be highly distinct from any member of the Canini and likely the last surviving member of a clade of canids that were originally indigenous to the Americas, contrasting with all previous studies. Merriam's previous name Aenocyon was revived to be used as the genus name.[16]

Κατά τα άλλα, όπως τα λέει ο Νίκελ αποπάνω.


Mod Almighty
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Εγώ πάλι, ξαναδιαβάζοντας αυτό το νήμα και αφού έχω από τότε διαβάσει τα βιβλία του Μάρτιν και αφού έχει προβληθεί η σειρά, απορώ πώς μας ήρθε και λέγαμε ότι οι δεινόλυκοι δεν παίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο και δεν είναι κάτι ξεχωριστό στα βιβλία, ενώ συμβαίνει ακριβώς το αντίθετο, ιδίως στην περίπτωση του Γκοστ.