Ο swagga mc Zazula ξετρύπωσε
ετούτο εδώ σε άλλο σχετικό νήμα, ρίχνοντας φως στις ως τώρα σκοτεινές ορολογικές λεπτομέρειες.
Ghost-cell finite difference approach
Especially at higher Reynolds numbers, solving the fluid equations inside the solid body is not only unphysical, but also CPU-time consuming.To avoid this, ghost cells are defined just inside the immersed boundary, such that every ghost cell has at least one neighbor in the fluid (see figure 5.2). If the (artificial) value for the flow parameters were known in these cells, the computation in the fluid domain could stop right there without having to solve inside the solid. However, there is no information available in the ghost points themselves, but very close by there is: the boundary condition on the immersed boundary in the case of a rigid no-slip boundary is given as. The value of the state variables in the ghost cell can then be extrapolated from the boundary and from fluid cells close by. (σελ.28 του pdf)
Cut-cell finite volume approach
The primary reason for adopting a finite volume approach is often that such methods naturally assure the conservation of mass and momentum,something that is missing from all the techniques discussed above. A finite volume method requires that the cells that are cut by the immersed boundary will have to be reshaped such that the immersed boundary will coincide with a cell face. This is done by cutting the ”solid” part of the cell away. If the center of the original cell lies in the fluid, the reshaped cell becomes an independent new control volume, otherwise the cut cell may be merged with a neighbor.This is done to prevent the creation of new cells that are significantly smaller than the surrounding ones, which could lead to errors in the solution. In
figure 5.3 such a newly formed cell is shown. (σελ. 28 του pdf).
Για το ghost cell σκέφτομαι το πολύ απλό νοητό κελί (δείτε και τα σχήματα στις αντίστοιχες σελίδες του pdf, είναι διαφωτιστικότατα όσον αφορά τη μέθοδο). Για το cut-cell, από την άλλη, δεν έχω κάποια καλή ιδέα.