Την ίδια ώρα, στην Κίνα...

Εμπρός στο δρόμο που χάραξαν οι Κινέζοι (ή, όπως λένε οι Ιταλοί, tutto il mondo e` paese):

Coin of Realm in China Graft: Phony Receipts (NYT)

Signs posted throughout this city advertise all kinds of fake receipts: travel receipts, lease receipts, waste material receipts and value-added tax receipts. Promotions for counterfeit “fapiao” (the Chinese word for an official invoice) are sent by fax and through mobile phone text messages. On China’s popular e-commerce Web site, Taobao.com, sellers even promise special discounts and same-day delivery of forged receipts.

“We charge by percentage if you are looking for invoices written for a large amount of money,” said one seller in an interview, quoting 2 percent of the face value of the receipt as his fee. Another seller boasted, “I once printed invoices totaling $16 million for a construction project!”

O συντάκτης του άρθρου (ο γνωστός David Barboza, που κέρδισε το Pulitzer ξεσκεπάζοντας τα χοντρά λεφτά που έβγαλε όλο το σόι του πρώην πρωθυπουργού Ουέν Τζιαμπάο επωφελούμενο από το αξίωμα του...σογιάρχη) υιοθετεί με την ευκαιρία τη θεωρία ότι τα κεντρικά της GlaxoKlineSmith, και ανάλογων πολυεθνικών φαρμακευτικών γιγάντων, δεν γνώριζαν την κομπίνα με τα πλαστά παραστατικά δαπανών που είχαν στήσει, λέει, τα ντόπια στελέχη της εταιρείας στην Κίνα, μολονότι τα λεφτά αυτά πήγαιναν για δωροδοκίες γιατρών και προμηθευτών...
Επιλογή από το Sinocism:

Phonemica. A panorama of Chinese dialects, painted by speakers through their stories / Πολύ ωραία ιδέα· και στα δικά μας!

Xiao Shu freed, releases statement (China Media Project)
Veteran journalist and former CMP fellow Xiao Shu (笑蜀), who was detained by state security police on August 2 for his vocal support of rights activist Xu Zhiyong (许志永), was freed earlier today after being returned to his home in Guangdong province. Xiao, a key proponent of China’s so-called New Citizen’s Movement, a broad movement to promote greater citizen involvement in a range of social and political issues, posted the following statement shortly after his release:

Pollution blamed for Beijing tourism drop (SBS)
The number of tourists visiting China's capital fell by more than 14 per cent in the first half of this year compared to 2012 with air pollution blamed for the decline.

Κίνα και εφοπλιστές / China’s State Council Urges Credit Support for Shipbuilders (Bloomberg)
China may have a third of its more than 1,600 yards shut down in about five years, according to Wang Jinlian, head of the industry association. The sector is among those including iron and steel, cement, electrolytic aluminum and flat glass that must accelerate the phasing out of overcapacity, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. (...) Thirty-eight percent of yards in China didn’t get contracts for new vessels last year, and 10 percent had no deliveries scheduled beyond the end of that year, the London-based ship-broking unit of ICAP Plc said in a report sent by e-mail on Dec. 24. (...) The combined profits of 80 major shipbuilders monitored by the Chinese Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry fell 54 percent in the first half of the year to 3.58 billion yuan ($584 million), the China Daily reported on July 24. About 464 shipyards in China won 18.7 million dead-weight tons of orders worth $14.3 billion last year, the lowest since 2004, according to Clarkson Plc (CKN), the world’s biggest shipbroker. That compares with contracts for 14.6 million tons worth $29.6 billion received by 88 yards in South Korea, the world’s second-biggest shipbuilding nation.

China's Infamous 'One-Child Policy' Is About To Become A 'Two-Child Policy' (Business Insider)
"According to the 21st Business Herald which cited sources close to the National Population and Family Planning Commission, China may significantly relax its one-child policy at end-2013 or early-2014 by allowing families to have two children if at least one parent is from a one-child family," writes BofA Merrill Lynch economist Ting Lu in a note to clients. "A plan for allowing all families to have two children after 2015 is also being reviewed. We believe the news to be reliable and is in line with our view."

Καλούσηδες / Four senior Shanghai judges suspended for hiring prostitutes (SCMP)

China plans cross-strait highways with Taiwan. Beijing drafts plan for symbolic bridge, but lacks approval from Taiwanese authorities (SCMP)
Τα διαθέσιμα στους ερευνητές έγγραφα στα αρχεία του ΥΠΕΞ της ΛΔΚ (1949-1966) έπεσαν από τις 80000 στις...8000, και περιλαμβάνουν πια κυρίως ευχετήρια τηλεγραφήματα κττ. Τα αίτια αποτελούν αντικείμενο εικασιών:
The official reason given to us by archivists for the drastic reduction in access is that a system upgrade is in the works but it has been delayed because of technical problems (the server apparently crashed during the upgrade—make of that what you will). In general, however, this may be part of a larger nation-wide constriction of access. While at the archives, I also heard other more speculative theories but this is not the venue to detail them. (Dissertation Reviews)
Σαντορίνη, η νέα «σταρ» της Κινας
Ο «Ερωτας στο Πεκίνο» είναι η πρώτη κινεζική ταινία που έχει για πρωταγωνίστρια την Ελλάδα και διαφηµίζει ένα από τα οµορφότερα νησιά µας στην πλέον αναπτυσσόμενη τουριστική αγορά του κόσμου.
Ο Ξ(Σ)υ Τζ-γιόνγκ του Νέου Κινήματος Πολιτών κάνει μια δήλωση μέσα από το κέντρο κράτησης όπου βρίσκεται (βίντεο).

"I call on everyone to be a citizen, a forthright citizen who exercises their civil rights guaranteed under the Constitution and fulfills a citizen's civic duty, promotes educational equality so that children of migrants may take college entrance exams at locations other than their hometowns, and calls for disclosure of officials' assets. In this absurd era, these are the actions behind the three charges against me. Someone has to pay a price for social progress—I am willing to bear all the costs for freedom, social justice, love, and faith.

However defeated and absurd this society is, this country needs courageous citizens to stand up, to keep faith, and to take rights, responsibilities, and dreams seriously. I am proud to put the word "citizen" in front of my name. I hope everyone will do the same—to put the word "citizen" in front of your name. As long as we unite and strive together to take the rights of citizens seriously, take citizenship seriously, and jointly promote democracy, rule of law, equality, and justice in our country, we will be able to build a beautiful China of freedom, social justice, and love."

Κόλλημα αδερφάκι μου που έχει φάει με τη λέξη "πολίτης"! Χάθηκε το "υπήκοος";
Συνέντευξη με τον Ουάνγκ Χούι, πανεπιστημιακό της "νέας αριστεράς". (Asia Times)

Η (εν εξελίξει) Οδύσσεια μιας γυναίκας που κλείστηκε σε ψυχιατρείο και έχει κερδίσει αρκετές δίκες εναντίον των υπευθύνων. Καρέ-καρέ, εκεί είναι το ενδιαφέρον. (Human Rights Journal)
The Urban Grid Management and Police State in China: A Brief Overview
A model for a contemporary police state.
By Dr.sc.pol. Wu Qiang

Urban grid system is nothing new. In ancient Rome, the grid was the standard layout of military camps. Urban grid planning, from the very beginning, bore the marks of militarized management. In Beijing, the grid-like streets and alleys (hutongs) have a lot of to do with the layout of military installations in imperial China. To a great extent, today’s urban neighborhoods of Beijing have geographically inherited this traditional grid layout, although structurally the grid has been based on a social system of “work units” that was formed in the 1960s and 1970s and have served the purpose of social control as part of the country’s social system. In brief, this is the background for understanding how and why China has been implementing grid management for, among other things, social control.
(China Change)
Ωραίο! Πάντως η κατάσταση της πινακίδας (στο δεύτερο λινκ) μιλάει και για το εν γένει επίπεδο του ζωολ. κήπου-φυλακή.


Staff member
Σε παράσταση του Cirque du Soleil στο Πεκίνο προβλήθηκε στην οθόνη η γνωστή φωτογραφία του άντρα μπροστά στα τανκς (Πλατεία Τιενανμέν, 5/6/89). Αυτό γέννησε το παρακάτω άρθρο του Edward Wong (+Marc Santora και Mia Li) (ΝΥΤ), που έχει πολλά ενδιαφέροντα ιστορικά σημεία:

(...) the appearance during a Michael Jackson tribute concert of the famous “Tank Man” photograph of June 1989. (...)

In imperial times, China’s rulers tried to exercise strict control over what versions of history were fit for public consumption. “The punishment for bringing sensitive historical matters to light could be death” (...)

The Cirque du Soleil dance show used Mr. Jackson’s music, including “They Don’t Care About Us,” an overtly political song whose lyrics are full of rage. “Tell me what has become of my rights?/Am I invisible because you ignore me?/Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now/I’m tired of bein’ the victim of shame,” the song says. Along with the lyrics, Cirque du Soleil featured a montage of images showing civil rights abuses and protests, including that of the Tank Man. (...)

A tour spokeswoman, Laura Silverman, sent an e-mail this week to The South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper, that said “the image was removed immediately and is no longer shown.” She also said the full show had been submitted to the Chinese Ministry of Culture for approval before the first China concert. (...)

It could be, though, that blanket censorship of all things related to June 4, 1989, has resulted in such widespread amnesia about the episode that even some censors can no longer recognize the taboo material for what it is.
There have been past cases of this. In 2008, Beijing News ran a profile of the veteran photojournalist Liu Heung Shing, who covered China in the late 1970s and 1980s for Time magazine and The Associated Press. The article featured several of his photographs, including one of the injured and dead being taken from the scene of the June 4 killings by rickshaw drivers.
When officials realized what had happened, they ordered the newspaper pulled off the streets. Mr. Liu said he later asked employees at Beijing News what had taken place. It turned out there had been an empty space on the page before it went to press, and an editor with a keen interest in history pulled one of Mr. Liu’s photographs from the Internet to fill the hole. The editor apparently had no idea what the image represented.
“It’s ironic, because even the guy interested in history didn’t seem to know China’s modern history that well,” Mr. Liu said. “Otherwise, it wouldn’t have gotten through.” Officials made inquiries and determined the mistake had been a genuine one, Mr. Liu said.
Such mistakes are more likely to occur with younger Chinese. “You’d be surprised how those born in the late 1980s and 1990s, how ignorant they are,” said Mr. Liu. He was the A.P. chief photographer who pushed editors in 1989 to publish the Tank Man photograph, which was taken by Jeff Widener. (There are at least four versions of the famous scene, each captured by a photographer shooting from the Beijing Hotel.)

There is another explanation for how Tank Man might have gotten past the censors screening Cirque du Soleil: the image might have flashed by too quickly for officials to notice. At least one person in the audience said she had missed it on Friday night. (...)
Ένα άρθρο που συγκρίνει τη στάση της Δύσης απέναντι στο πραξικόπημα του στρατού στην Αίγυπτο και στην επέμβαση του στρατού το 1989 στο Πεκίνο. (China Matters)
How Liberals Tolerate a Massacre in Egypt While Condemning a Massacre in China


Τα μεταφραστικά λάθη είναι τόσο ξεκαρδιστικά που κυριολεκτικά κλαίω.
Βρε Κώστα, εξήγησέ μας πώς γίνεται τέτοιο μπέρδεμα, σε παρακαλώ.

υγ. Αν και η τελευταία εικόνα είναι τόσο ποιητική που μόνο ένας Κινέζος θα μπορούσε να τη σκεφτεί.



[Zazula mode]Μπέρνη, γκουχ, γκουχ, γκουχ :p [/Zazula mode]
Μα ναι, ναι... Απλώς ήθελα να ρωτήσω τον Κώστα πώς στην οργή καταντάνε έτσι τα αγγλικά όταν τα πιάνουν στα χέρια τους... στο στόμα τους... στο αυτόματο μεταφραστήρι τους στο γουατέβα τους τελοσπάντων οι Κινέζοι... :p


Noμίζω ότι το πρόβλημα είναι ότι ανοίγουν το λεξικό και παίρνουν την πρώτη λέξη που βλέπουν στα αγγλικά, οπότε προκύπτουν εκφράσεις όπως το νέο κατσίκι στο μπλοκ ή τα ζωντανά φώτα της μέρας (τίτλος ταινίας του 007, σε αντίθεση με τα ψόφια φώτα της μέρας).