Καφενείο το κάναμε...

Βιωματικό και βιοματικό σε όλο μου το βίο, μάτια μου.

Και επειδή ο καφές φέρνει συχνουρία-στις τουαλέττες του Δήμου Boa Vista ένα χαρτί προειδοποιούσε τους χρήστες "Μην ρίχνετε χαρτιά κ.λ.π. στην λεκάνη". Είπα να χρησιμοποιήσω τον διάδρομο αλλά μετά άλλαξα γνώμη γιατί θα χάλαγα την Vista:lol:


Staff member
Για τον πρώτο καφέ, να 'ρθει γλυκά και ζωηρά του ξυπνημού ο ζόρες:

Keep that coffee hot - Scatman Crothers

Και για τον δεύτερο, πιο ζωηρά και στακάτα:

Keep that coffee hot - Scatman Crothers (Defunk remix)



Staff member
Who, What, Why: What is coffee rust?

The US is stepping up support for coffee farmers in Central America. What is the coffee leaf rust that is killing their crop and threatens to push up the price of beans in the shops?

Coffee's plague starts with yellow spots and what look like burn marks. They form on the leaves of the coffee plant, causing the foliage to wither until the tree resembles a skeleton. It stops bean-producing cherries from growing. This is coffee rust or roya, caused by the hemileia vastatrix fungus
[στδ. Hemileia vastatrix]. For two years it has been ravaging Central America and the Caribbean. Arabica plants - used for espresso and filter coffee - are particularly vulnerable. Arabica accounts for almost all production in the worst affected countries of Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, and Panama.

The current epidemic is the worst seen since the fungus appeared in Central America in 1976, says the International Coffee Organisation. More than half of the region's coffee-producing areas are affected. In 2013 alone, production fell 20%.

The US government worries that farmers could swap coffee for drug-producing crops. It has announced a $5m project for researchers at Texas A&M university to look at ways of eradicating the fungus. But that will not help in the short-term. The only real answer is to replant with fungus-resistant varieties as Colombia has done, says Mauricio Galindo, head of operations at the ICO.

The dry season, which usually kills off the fungus, was extremely wet in 2011/2012, so coffee rust spread, says Will Corby of bean importer Mercanta. The other factor is altitude. Plants over 1,000 metres used to be safe but the fungus has mutated in the past two years and is now aggressive above this level.

The price of coffee from countries like Guatemala will rise. This won't affect instant coffee - made from non-Arabica beans. Even the price of a latte at a coffee shop should not rise noticeably - only about 8% of the cost is down to the beans. But Central American ground or bean coffee sold by shops and supermarkets will go up, says Galindo.



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The Science of Caffeine: The World's Most Popular Drug

Caffeine is a fascinating drug, one that many of us enjoy via coffee, tea, and other products. This video from the American Chemical Society is a quick look on how caffeine actually affects our bodies and how much is a safe dose.

In short, caffeine blocks adenosine receptors in our brains, which
[στδ: i.e. adenosine] makes us groggy and want to sleep. Besides heightening brain activity, increasing heart rate, and helping us concentrate, caffeine can also fuel muscle activity (a cup of coffee before exercise can give you a great motivational boost too).

Although the effects of caffeine vary from person to person—and much about caffeine is still being discovered and discussed—the video also points out that 400mg (about three cups of coffee or seven cups of tea) is the recommended safe dose for healthy adults, according to
this study. Again, these are just general guidelines that might help you figure out how much coffee is enough for you. 75 cups of coffee, however, is much too much.

What Caffeine Actually Does to Your Brain

Hi, my name is Νick, and I am an addict.


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Μα εδώ λέει ότι ο δάσκαλος τον βοήθησε!

Το μαθητή για την εργασία, όχι η καφεΐνη τα ψάρια. Ανοιγόκλειναν τα βράγχια πιο συχνά, ναι, αλλά ποιος μας λέει ότι τους άρεσε αυτό και δε θα πάθουν *βραγχικά; :p Άλλη δουλειά δεν είχα, μόνο να φτιάχνω κάθε πρωί -με το ένα χιλιοστό του ματιού ανοιχτό- καφέ και για τα ψάρια! Τους φτάνει η τροφή για πρωινό, μη βγάλουμε και βόλτα το ενυδρείο για καφέ.

Κατάλαβα τι λες, Ζαζ, βοήθεια κι όχι τιμωρία απ' τον δάσκαλο, αλλά το 'στριψα όπως μου 'ρθε και μου 'κατσε, Μπαρτ γαρ.


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