Δαι μουσικές (daeman's tunes)


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Ένας από τους καλύτερους δίσκους του Λου Ριντ, το Berlin του 1973, λάιβ το 2006.

Directed/Designed by Julian Schnabel


Streaming Free Nov 20-29. Πατήστε στην εικόνα.


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Si yo fuera Maradona
Viviría como él
Porque el mundo es una bola
Que se vive a flor de piel

Si yo fuera Maradona
Frente a cualquier porquería
Nunca me equivocaría

Si yo fuera Maradona
Y un partido que ganar
Si yo fuera Maradona
Perdido en cualquier lugar

La vida es una tómbola
De noche y de día
La vida es una tómbola
Y arriba y arriba

Diego Armando Maradona, 30 October 1960 – 25 November 2020


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Άχι και να 'ταν μπορετό πριν πέσω και ποθάνω,
τα όσα βάνει ο μαύρος νους σκιας τα μισά να κάμω

Πέρδικες μπλιο δεν κυνηγώ και βιόλες δε σκαλίζω
τση μοναξιάς μου το δεντρί αργά ταχιά ποτίζω

Η μοναξιά μου εγίνηκε δεντρί και το ποτίζω
και στον παχύ του ασκιανό ολημερίς καθίζω

Ε, ταξιδιάρη λογισμέ με το κορμί μου ορτάκι
στον κόσμο μην αφήσετε αγύρευτο σοκάκι

Ε, ταξιδιάρη λογισμέ άλογο φτερωτό μου
πάρε με καβαλάρη σου να σμίξω το μωρό μου

Αφού μια μέρα είναι γραφτό σαν το κερί να σβήσω
αφήστε με το δυστυχή ως πεθυμώ να ζήσω

Στο Τριόδι, στη Λάστρο.


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Ξυπνώ που λες πρωί πρωί, έχει χαθεί η μπάλα
τι μέρα να 'ναι άραγε, τι μήνας, ποια βδομάδα;
Έχω λαλήσει, δεν μπορώ, πρέπει να κάνω κάτι
μα δεν υπάρχει μήνυμα για γυρισμένο μάτι

Don't worry και προχώρει



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Κι ο Τζίμι χαμογελάει από ψηλά...

When My Train Pulls In - Gary Clark Jr.


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Well it’s all right, yeah, it’s all right
Meet me, darlin’, come Saturday night
All good souls from near and far
Will meet in the house of a thousand guitars

Here the bitter and the bored
Wake in search of the lost chord
That’ll band us together for as long as there’s stars
Here in the house of a thousand guitars

So wake and shake off your troubles, my friend
We’ll go where the music never ends
From the stadiums to the small town bars
We’ll light up the house of a thousand guitars

Brother and sister, wherever you are
We’ll rise together till we fire the spark
That’ll light up the house of a thousand guitars

Bruce Springsteen
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Να φύγει το χτικιό κι έχει να γίνει σμίξιμο και αναδάκρυσμα της γης και βουνοράισμα και θαλασσοβούρκωμα...


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Όταν θα 'ρθείς
να με ξεθάψεις απ' τις στάχτες
και διώξεις από πάνω μου
όλη τη σκουριά
και ξαναβάλεις
τις ρόδες μου σε ράγες
κι εγώ αρχίσω να κυλάω, να κυλάω, να κυλάω ξανά

Τότε οι λύπες θα με ψάχνουν
κι άνεργες θα θρηνούν
Θα πέφτουν μανιασμένες οι βροχές
και θα ρωτούν
Τι έγινε κείνο το τρένο που έβλεπε
τα άλλα τρένα να περνούν



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Μετά από 50 χρόνια, το Aqualung έχει το βίντεο κλιπ που του ταιριάζει. Ξεκινώντας με τη διάσημη εικόνα του γέρου από το εξώφυλλο του δίσκου, επεκτείνεται σε έναν ζοφερό και συχνά σπαρακτικό στοχασμό για τους άστεγους, από όσους ζουν στους δρόμους των πόλεων μέχρι τους πρόσφυγες εκτοπισμένους σε όλο τον κόσμο.

Από τον Ιρανό σκηνοθέτη, ανιμέιτορ και γραφίστα Σαμ Τσεγκινί.

Sun streaking cold
An old man wandering lonely
Taking time the only way he knows
Leg hurting bad as he bends to pick a dog-end
Goes down to the bog and warms his feet

Feeling alone
The army's up the road
Salvation a la mode and a cup of tea
Aqualung, my friend
Don't you start away uneasy
You poor old sod
You see, it's only me

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Από τον Δημήτριο Καντεμίρη και τους Ρος Ντέιλι + Εφρέν Λόπες + Χρήστο Μπάρμπα:

«This is one of my favorite compositions from the collection (Edvar-I-Musiki) of Prince Dimitrie Cantemir (1673-1723). It is in the somewhat rare Makam (mode) known as Büzürk (Farsi: Bozorg = large, grand) and is in the 30 beat cycle Darbeyn-I-Cedid. In this recording, together with myself, Efrèn Lopez participated playing Küdüm (small kettle drums) and Christos Barbas played the Ney (reed flute).

Dimitris Cantemir was a statesman, soldier, man of letters as well as one of the foremost composers and chroniclers of Ottoman urban music of the late 17th and early 18th centuries. He was born into a noble family or Crimean Tatar extraction in Moldavia. He was also renowned as one of the foremost linguists of his time (he allegedly spoke and wrote in 11 languages). He spent many years in Istanbul as a Moldavian envoy on behalf of his brother Antioh who was the ruler (voidode) of the province. Subsequently he himself was appointed as ruler and he placed Moldavia under Russian protection in the belief that the collapse of the Ottoman Empire was imminent. He then joined Peter the Great in his campaign against the Ottoman Turks, a campaign which failed resulting in the exile of the Cantemirs to Russia. In Russia, where he died in 1723, he was granted the title of Prince by Peter and also by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV. The collected notations of Dimitrie Cantemir were transcribed and published in 1992 by Professor Owen Wright, and it is largely due to this publication that we now have access to the entirety of the collection. To this day, many of Cantemir’s compositions are still regularly performed in Turkey as an important part of the Classical Turkish repertoire.



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Και στα δικά μας οι αμπόλιαστοι!

We took it on the chin
The numbers were so grim
Bossed around by pricks
Stiffen upper lips
Pacing in the yard
You're trying to take the mick
You must think I’m really thick

Looking at the graphs
With a magnifying glass
Cancel all the tours
Football’s fake applause
No more travel brochures
Virtual premieres
I’ve got nothing left to wear

Looking out from these prison walls
You got to rob Peter if you’re paying Paul
But it’s easy, easy, everything's gonna get really freaky
Alright on the night
Soon it’ll be a memory you're trying to remember to forget

That’s a pretty mask
But never take a chance
Tik tok stupid dance
Took a samba class
I landed on my ass
Trying to write a tune
You better hook me up to zoom
See my poncey books
Teach myself to cook
Way too much TV
It’s lobotomising me
Think I’ve put on weight
I’ll have another drink
Then I’ll clean the kitchen sink

We escaped from the prison walls
Open the windows and open the doors
But it’s easy, easy, everything’s gonna get really freaky
Alright on the night
It’s gonna be a garden of earthly delights
Easy sleazy, it’s gonna be smooth and greasy
Yeah, easy, believe me
It’ll only be a memory you're trying to remember to forget

Shooting the vaccine
Bill gates is in my bloodstream
It’s mind control
The earth is flat and cold
It’s never warming up
The Arctics turned to slush
The second coming’s late
There’s aliens in the deep state

We’ll escape from these prison walls
Now were out of these prison walls
You gotta pay Peter if you’re robbing Paul
But it’s easy, easy, everything’s gonna be really freaky
Alright on the night
We’re all headed back to paradise
Yeah, easy, believe me
It’ll be a memory you’re trying to remember to forget
Easy cheesy, everyone sing, please, please me
It’ll be a memory you’re trying to remember to forget

Mick Jagger celebrates end of lockdown in new track 'Eazy Sleazy'

LONDON (Reuters) - Mick Jagger released a surprise new track on Tuesday, “Eazy Sleazy”, which celebrates the end of lockdown in England and takes a tongue-in-cheek look at some of the downsides of life cooped up at home during the pandemic.
Jagger, who wrote the song a few weeks ago, teamed up with Foo Fighters guitarist Dave Grohl virtually, who added his part from Los Angeles.


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Μάικλ Κόλινς: Πέθανε ο αστροναύτης - μέλος του Apollo 11

For Michael Collins, Jeffrey and Me - Jethro Tull

Watery eyes of the last sighing seconds
Blue reflections mute and dim
Beckon tearful child of wonder
To repentance of the sin
And the blind and lusty lovers
Of the great eternal lie
Go on believing nothing
Since something has to die

And the ape's curiosity
Money power wins
And the yellow, soft mountains
Move under him

I'm with you, L.E.M.
Though it's a shame that it had to be you
The mother ship
Is just a blip from your trip made for two
I'm with you, boys
So please employ just a little extra care
It's on my mind
I'm left behind when I should have been there
Walking with you

And the limp face hungry viewers
Fight to fasten with their eyes
Like the man hung from the trapeze
Whose fall will satisfy
And congratulate each other
On their rare and wondrous deed
That their begrudged money bought
To sow the monkey's seed

And the yellow soft mountains
They grow very still
Witness as intrusion
The humanoid thrill

I'm with you, L.E.M.
Though it's a shame that it had to be you
The mother ship
Is just a blip from my trip made for two
I'm with you, boys
So please employ just a little extra care
It's on my mind
I'm left behind when I should have been there
Walking with you
With you
With you
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Ο Ντόνοβαν, κλείνοντας τα 75 σήμερα, κυκλοφορεί νέο τραγούδι, ηχογραφημένο στο στούντιο του Ντέιβιντ Λιντς στο Λ.Α. και με βίντεο σκηνοθετημένο από αυτόν:

I am the Shaman



Staff member
Blood In The Cut - K.Flay

Take my car and paint it black
Take my arm, break it in half
Say something, do it soon
It's too quiet in this room
I need noise
I need the buzz of a sub
Need the crack of a whip
Need some blood in the cut
Για τους ρέκτες να σημειώσω την επιστροφή του Ισίδωρου Παπαδάμου στο τιμ, έστω και στη χορωδία!