Search results

  1. pontios

    milestone birthdays/anniversaries

    milestone n 1 a stone pillar that shows the distance in miles to or from a place 2 a significant event in life, history, etc. 30th, 40th, 50th etc., birthdays/anniversaries are considered milestones. Υπάρχει ενα ιδιαίτερο ισοδύναμο στα Ελληνικά;
  2. pontios

    How good is your grammar?

    Merry Xmas to all! I just saw this posted on my son's girlfriend's facebook. Nicole got 15/15 and so did I. Now it's your turn. :) There are some tricky choices; I must admit I probably fluked a couple.
  3. pontios


    Προσπαθώ να μαντέψω την έννοια αυτής της σπάνιας λέξης. Την έχω δει να χρησιμοποιείται εδώ κι εκεί στο φόρουμ, αλλά δεν υπάρχει καμία αναφορά στα λεξικά (και μόνο μια χούφτα στο Google). My guess: misstatement - something that is stated (said or written) incorrectly? Can it be used as a verb...
  4. pontios

    Σημαία Γαλανόλευκη

    Δεν ξέρω αν μπορεί κάποιος να με βοηθήσει. Πρώτα λίγο ιστορικό: Πήγα ένα μήνα σε νηπιαγωγείο στη Σκύδρα (της Εδέσσης) πριν φύγουμε για την Αυστραλία και τη ξενιτειά (με το θρυλικό καράβι, το "Πατρίς"). Δεν πήγε χαμένος αυτός ο μήνας, απ' ό,τι φαίνεται - κατάφερα να διατηρήσω μια αμυδρή...
  5. pontios

    isolate the cause of/contribution of

    Καλημέρα. Ψάχνω για τις αντίστοιχες ελληνικές φράσεις. Isolate as in to single out a specific cause or contributing factor by factoring out/eliminating other likely causes or contributing factors.(Αυτή είναι η δική μου ερμηνεία του isolate, που μπορεί να διαφέρει από τα λεξικά). :s Some...
  6. pontios

    βασίζονται ή βασισμένες;

    Συνάντησα αυτή την πρόταση, και ήθελα την γνώμη σας. Για κάποιο λόγο θα προτιμούσα το "βασισμένες" αντί του "βασίζονται". Τι νομίζετε; Οι τιμές για αυτές τις συμφωνίες είναι κυρίως σταθερές, υποκείμενες σε προσαρμογή σύμφωνα με τον πληθωρισμό και, στην περίπτωση αναλήψεων υποχρεώσεων για...
  7. pontios

    The omissible "that"

    Καλό Σαββατοκύριακο. Just me again. I have provided 20 sentences below (I thought I could make a single post query this way). There are a few sentences where I feel "that" could or should be omitted (as they definitely read better), but in some cases it's not clear which way to go, and so I...
  8. pontios

    Explanations and extra information in parentheses

    Good morning. I'm not sure how to frame my query, so I'm just going to use the following examples instead, if that's OK (sorry): Brackets: tiger (large carnivorous animal) .. this one is straightforward. I'm more interested in the following two, where we have place names and...
  9. pontios

    reconcile himself with or reconcile himself to?

    Hi again. I'm in two minds with this one: He had carried an unbearable weight of guilt over the last two weeks and began to realise that he could never reconcile himself to/with the fact he was a murderer. Also, I'm considering ... could never reconcile himself to being a murderer. (So I'm...
  10. pontios

    .. and for her not to worry

    Καλημέρα και καλή εβδομάδα. I was working on this sentence, which at first glance seemed right and didn't bother me, but then I stopped to think about it and realised that the tagged-on phrase at the end didn't really fit in logically (it's not logically satisfying). He told her his ship...
  11. pontios

    whose military arm was or whose military arm were?

    Δεν ξέρω γιατί με προβληματίζει αυτό: λογικά το 1 ("was") θα πρέπει να ισχύει, αφού αναφερόμαστε σε ένα "arm", αλλά το "guerrillas" μπερδεύει λίγο τα πράγματα (θεωρείται το guerrillas μία οντότητα εδώ ή όχι; ). Έχει να κάνει με τον εμφύλιο πόλεμο (1943-1949). 1. The communist forces whose...
  12. pontios

    proved or proven?

    Which one gets the nod? He has proved himself a man of his word. or He has proven himself a man of his word. He has proved himself to be a man of his word. or He has proven himself to be a man of his word. Of course you can say .. He proved himself a man of his word. ... proven doesn't get...
  13. pontios

    Spelling: unclimbable, unfulfillable, surveil (or surveille) (verb)

    My spell checker doesn't like any of these words. The fence was unclimbable. Her dreams were unfulfillable. He surveilled the yard. Surveillance is fine (as a noun). I freely use them; but would serious readers turn their noses up if they read the above in a book?
  14. pontios

    Exclamation mark

    Should the exclamation mark be used to emphasise dialogue only? Can you use it in non-dialogue text (say in the instances below)? Their chances of escape were greatly increased by this tiny but invaluable tool! He had goosebumps when he saw what she had brought back with her!
  15. pontios

    Sentence Workshop

    I hope I'm not becoming a nuisance (I will limit it to 10 sentences and others are welcome to submit any sentences they are working on). (Maybe the hyphen workshop should be deleted: it's relatively easy to google search compound words to determine if they need to be hyphenated or not...
  16. pontios

    Hyphen Workshop

    Nickel made the suggestion, and I took it seriously (as nickel is a person who says what he means, and means what he says).:) To be honest, I haven't paid any attention to hyphen rules or conventions (presuming they exist) regarding compound words, so I often don't know which need to be...
  17. pontios

    πλησιάζει η ώρα του άλαλου πιστολιού του

    Καλημέρα. Έχω την εξής πρόταση να μεταφράσω και χρειάζομαι λίγη βοήθεια - υπάρχουν κάποια μεταφορικά στοιχεία που περιπλέκουν τα πράγματα. Πλησιάζει η ώρα του άλαλου πιστολιού του να ακουστεί για πρώτη φορά και μετά να σιωπήσει για πάντα. Θα επιστρέψω αύριο. Ευχαριστώ, Χρήστος.
  18. pontios

    Comma workshop

    Good morning from cold, sunny Melbourne. I hope I'm doing the right thing here; I just thought it would be best to keep all my queries, on commas, in the one thread (I don't want to rework the sentences I'll be querying - I just want to use them as working examples, even if they're flawed)...
  19. pontios

    enhance or improve?

    Καλημέρα. Ποιο προτιμάτε; Their chances of escape were greatly improved by this tiny but invaluable tool. or.. Their chances of escape were greatly enhanced by this tiny but invaluable tool. The tool here refers to a pair of side-cutters (which was/were smuggled in) .. which would help the...
  20. pontios


    Help! - I'm still confused with the commas. Have I placed the commas in the right position? I was tempted to put commas around "however", but I think it reads better, this way, with just one. No comma before "which", right? Stefania got up and offered Marianthi a glass of water, when she saw...