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  1. Theseus

    Η Διμούτσουνη

    Scholarly as ever. I do know what anathema means but in this context it doesn't seem to have any meaning 'has been thrown to the curse'(?!)'. Or does it mean 'has been added to the heap of stones to curse a criminal act committed'. Makes more sense, but... I don't know what this website is...
  2. Theseus

    κι αυτό

    Thanks, 'Man. So it refers to η ελπίδα but can be rendered 'and that thing, δηλ. hope' kept her upright/standing tall'.:up:
  3. Theseus

    κι αυτό

    What exactly does κι αυτό refer to or mean here in this snippet from Μια παλιά ιστορία by Γαρυφαλλιάς Κατσαμπάνη-Τσαγκάρη:-:confused: Τα μαλλιά της έγιναν ασημιά και τα πόδια της βαριά. Τα κόμπια της όλα, η μέση της, το κορμί της πονούσαν μα της ζέστανε η ελπίδα την ψυχή κι αυτό την κράταγε όρθια.:)
  4. Theseus

    Η Διμούτσουνη

    Can someone translate this newspaper heading for me:- Η «Διμούτσουνη» που έμεινε κρεμασμένη στον τοίχο…ως «Αγέλαστος Πέτρα» που δεν ρίχτηκε στο «Ανάθεμα»… it seems to be linked to a poem by Γιώργος Ανεστόπουλος. See:-
  5. Theseus

    Δίνω κάτι στον Πάπα για να το αγιάσει.

    I think it is because it describes a super-monda, whatever a μόντα is. δηλ, it is so big a μόντα, no ordinary priest can bless it. Therefore, it requires a super-priest i.e the Patriarch of the Roman Church. Just a guess. For context all I have is under μόντα.
  6. Theseus

    Ο παπα-άθεος

    Thanks for all these replies. When I joined the Greek Orthodox Church nearly fourteen years ago I informed the then Anglican Dean of Gloucester that, although an Anglican priest, I could no longer see the fullness of the the Church in Anglicanism. He told me that he had no sympathy with me but...
  7. Theseus

    Τι μούτρα είν' αυτά, μωρέ

    I see that elsewhere Sarant or his doppelgänger has written an excellent article on doublets like στάχτη και κουρνιαχτός. It will be of interest, i think, to us all:-
  8. Theseus

    Ο παπα-άθεος

    I wrote a long reply but when I posted it, it said that I had 'timed out' & although it was auto-saved, it seems to have disappeared. I will write again tomorrow. Till then καλά Χριστούγεννα σ' όλους...
  9. Theseus

    Τι μούτρα είν' αυτά, μωρέ

    Thanks, SBE! I wasn't too far off the mark--a small comfort, anyway.
  10. Theseus

    Τι μούτρα είν' αυτά, μωρέ

    Thanks so much, D. No wonder I was struggling with it but I need to know what it means so that I can look at it several times & learn some Greek that extends me. I shall do you the honour of giving it very careful study.
  11. Theseus


    It seems to mean:- And tell me, could you withstand the dilemma; Bleeding knots or empty lungs? See for a full translation with Greek & English bilingual:προσγειώσου-relax.html. I hope this helps.
  12. Theseus

    Τι μούτρα είν' αυτά, μωρέ

    I'm really struggling with the piece above, from the first sentence:-' coming out of the door he was giving a lift to someone identical to his mother: Here, take this for your snuff-a coffee box' is the nonsense I've made just of the first sentence. Help is needed! Where or who is Καπτοθάνου...
  13. Theseus

    Τι μούτρα είν' αυτά, μωρέ

    Please can someone make sense of this bit of colloquial speech. I don't have any context but some of the vocabulary is impossible to translate:- — Τι μούτρα είν' αυτά, μωρέ; Ποιος σ' έκαμ' έτσι; — Μην τα ρωτάς! Γένηκαν τραγικά πράμματα. Δε σούλεγα πως θα βρω μπελλά; Ένας παλιάνθρωπος...
  14. Theseus

    Misery loves company

    Thank you, D. I humbly appreciate your kind words.
  15. Theseus

    Ο παπα-άθεος

    It is hard to tell the plain truth to young children (our grandchildren now), when they are in their innocence. If that truth is brutal, it can frighten them & disturb their security. I shall tell them the true story of St Nicolas, when they have found out the monstrous commercial lie of Santa...
  16. Theseus

    Ο παπα-άθεος

    So quick a reply & so helpful. So you have read the story before but what of it. Thanks as ever, 'Man.
  17. Theseus

    Ο παπα-άθεος

    A seasonal tale with a difference...But what do the bits in bold mean? The rest is clear & I thoroughly enjoyed this story:- Το σούσουρο που είχε γίνει στο χωριό εκείνα τα Χριστούγεννα δεν είχε προηγούμενο. Πήγαν οι άνθρωποι να παρακολουθήσουν τη λειτουργία ανήμερα της γιορτής και παραλίγο να...
  18. Theseus

    Misery loves company

    Thanks, 'Man, for your correction. A point worth learning & your strictures are so gentle that they come across as compliments. I'm trying to think up a proverb, like 'την τιμωρία αγαπάει κι ο Θησέας...
  19. Theseus

    Misery loves company

    An alternative to #2,1 from Nik is η δυστυχία αγαπάει παρέα. From translatum there is this:- Studies show that the truth behind the old saying "Misery loves company" is more accurately "Misery loves miserable company". Σκεφτηκα το εξης: Μελέτες έδειξαν ότι η αλήθεια που κρύβεται πίσω από το...