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  1. pontios

    .. and for her not to worry

    ... στην δεύτερη γραμμή, μπορούσε = μπορούσα!
  2. pontios

    .. and for her not to worry

    Σας ευχαριστώ και τους δύο για τις απαντήσεις. Έψαξα στο διαδίκτυο και δεν μπορούσε να βρω καμία εξήγηση ως προς την προέλευση της φράσης. Νομίζω είναι μία από αυτές τις περίεργες φράσεις που συνήθως περνούν απαρατήρητες και χρησιμοποιούνται ανενδοίαστα, οι οποίες ίσως θα έπρεπε να απορριφθούν...
  3. pontios

    .. and for her not to worry

    Thanks, cougr. I have a habit of overthinking things and second-guessing myself.
  4. pontios

    .. and for her not to worry

    Καλημέρα και καλή εβδομάδα. I was working on this sentence, which at first glance seemed right and didn't bother me, but then I stopped to think about it and realised that the tagged-on phrase at the end didn't really fit in logically (it's not logically satisfying). He told her his ship...
  5. pontios

    Sentence Workshop

    Here's another quick query. "My advice to you, given the dismal state you're in, is to cooperate with us; otherwise, your suffering will continue.” Are the commas and semicolon correctly used? Is the comma after "otherwise" optional (given that it's a short clause that immediately follows a...
  6. pontios

    Sentence Workshop

    Thank you, nickel. I'll adhere to the single subject-multiple verb rule then. Take your time with the rest (this last "quickie" was more important to me).
  7. pontios

    Sentence Workshop

    A couple of quick ones. 1.They had managed to crawl about ten metres, and were lying inside a waterlogged ditch. 2. They were both shivering from the cold, and had started to cough uncontrollably. One subject (they) in both cases - so the comma is not required (in both instances). Yet the...
  8. pontios

    Comma workshop

    Yes, it reads well. Here's another version that is probably okay too, which I might settle for? In the ensuing skirmish and after some fierce fighting, the Greek guerrillas were forced to surrender and were captured.
  9. pontios

    Sentence Workshop

    Στη πρόταση παρακάτω, θα ταίριαζε καλύτερα εν κόμμα στη θέση του υπογραμμισμένου "and" (δηλαδή εάν το αντικαθιστούσε); Yiannos was gazing out of the cell window and slowly sipping and enjoying his early morning tea, when he suddenly noticed a woman quickly approaching who appeared to be holding...
  10. pontios

    whose military arm was or whose military arm were?

    Correction- I should have written Greek Civil War, of course... not Greek civil war. Thanks, SBE (I just saw your post above). I was leaning towards 2 as well.
  11. pontios

    whose military arm was or whose military arm were?

    Δεν ξέρω γιατί με προβληματίζει αυτό: λογικά το 1 ("was") θα πρέπει να ισχύει, αφού αναφερόμαστε σε ένα "arm", αλλά το "guerrillas" μπερδεύει λίγο τα πράγματα (θεωρείται το guerrillas μία οντότητα εδώ ή όχι; ). Έχει να κάνει με τον εμφύλιο πόλεμο (1943-1949). 1. The communist forces whose...
  12. pontios

    Comma workshop

    Συγγνώμη για την αναβιώσει αυτού του νήματος, αλλά έχω δυο απορίες (σχετικά με τα δυο παραδείγματα παρακάτω), και έτσι αναγκάστηκα να αθετήσω τον λόγο μου. Χρειάζεται να μπουν κόμματα πριν από τα υπογραμμισμένα "and"; Ιn the ensuing skirmish, and after some fierce fighting, the Greek...
  13. pontios

    Sentence Workshop

    Actually, no, I may have made a mistake. Scrap everything I said above. I'm referring to the seated customers who were patiently waiting for this signal! One thing's for sure: "most" confuses and blurs things. :sleep: Why don't I just drop "most"? The seated customers who were patiently...
  14. pontios

    Dilemma: ongoing or on-going?

    I hope it's not an ongoing dilemma, Zaz. (I vote for ongoing). I came across a similar situation with laneway (which is currently showing red). .. is it lane way, lane-way or do we just settle for lane (which is not quite the same thing)? A google search of "laneway" comes up with a lot of...
  15. pontios

    Sentence Workshop

    Thank you, and you make a good point, above, nickel. For some reason I was thrown by the fact that we were talking about "most" (of the seated customers) and not "all" (and I was trying to get my head around that detail). So it wasn't immediately clear to me whether the extra information (i.e...
  16. pontios

    τι εστί βερίκοκο = what is what

    Let's restate it. Γνωρίζεις τι εστί βερίκοκο; - do you know/understand what it's like to be in his/her/their shoes? - have you put yourself in their/someone else's shoes? where "someone else" may be a person you're (too quickly) passing judgement on?
  17. pontios

    Sentence Workshop

    Good morning from the most liveable city in the world to the most loveable forum in the world - I'm not flattering, just duly gushing. ;) In the first 2 sentences below, I've underlined “he” as it may or may not be superfluous (I'm not sure which): does its inclusion improve things or does it...
  18. pontios

    τι εστί βερίκοκο = what is what

    What it's like to walk a mile in my/his/their/someone else's shoes (or some variation thereof)?
  19. pontios

    Sentence Workshop

    OK! I see what you're saying. If the "ands" were separated by a comma (which of course isn't required here), it probably wouldn't have bothered me. Anyway, you alerted me to another mistake - Corinthian (I was thinking like a Pontian).
  20. pontios

    Sentence Workshop

    Thank you, nickel. Corinth Canal! .. there's one I missed. So if a = The ship finally weighed anchor and some hours later that evening passed through the Corinth Canal and entered the open waters, heading towards its first port of call: Naples, Italy. and b= The ship finally weighed anchor...